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TRER/21/145 · Item · 19 Dec 1948
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Farney Close, Peaslake, Guildford. - Apologises for not writing before to thank Bob for the poems [this year's "From the Shiffolds"] due to visits from friends and other urgent business. Finds the tribute to [Goldsworthy] Lowes Dickinson very moving 'in an austere way' and 'full of exquisite sensibility'. Is reading "[Travels in] Arabia Deserta" aloud in the evenings, and wonders if Bob knows it; thinks it 'one of the most successful travel books' he has read. [Charles Montagu] Doughty 'contrives to lure the reader into the desert' to share the journey with him 'without apparent [underlined] art'. Has read Freya Stark's and St John Phiby's books, but Doughty's 'seems far above them'.