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TRER/22/3 · Item · 23 Dec 1947
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

12 Chaucer Road, Cambridge. - Asks if they might 'drop titles'. Much enjoyed the poems in the latest "From the Shiffolds". His wife agrees 'fully' with Trevelyan's view of the dandelion, though Roberts himself, who is 'incorrigibly urban (perhaps suburban?)' sees them only as 'the pest of a decent lawn'. Was also very interested in "The Veil": does not think he has 'ever seen the problem of problems so concisely or so charmingly put', though he does not accept the conclusion, as death is 'one fact among many; but sure not the sole guardian of truth'. Asks whether Trevelyan does not think that a chapter such as John 15 [Christ as the True Vine'] must be to some extent 'a "revealing with his own hand"'; does not care about the critics' dating of the gospel, as he thinks 'the personality which inspired that chapter must have been tearing just a corner of the veil'.