105 Blackheath Park, S.E. Dated 13.1.14 - Apologises for 'offending again', knows 'how much [Frazer] needs your protection' and encloses a partial draft of his forthcoming book ['Hausa Folk-tales'?] with a new theory, in case Frazer could insert it as a footnote, 'if not, tear it up'.
105 Blackheath Park, S.E. Dated 27.8.13 - Will ask him to read his book once it has been set up in print; has revised his idea of the meaning of the circles in the Hausa rain making dance and encloses a photo; would like to talk to Frazer before presenting two papers at the British Association meeting.
Hotel de France, Rue Léon Roches, Tunis, N. Africa. Dated 17.4.13 - Thanks him for his letter, explains that he has confirmed the totem information shared by Haj Ali, and shares notes on further questions.
Grand Hotel de France, Rue Leon Roches, Tunis, N. Africa. Dated 20.3.1913 - Is now studying the Hausas, and encloses some notes on totemism [transcribed], and asks for his feedback ; finds the cult of Kuri is very strong here but has been prohibited in Nigeria.