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FRAZ/32/79 · Item · 4 Apr. 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

62 rue Lafayette, Paris - Reports on a meeting with Paul Geuthner; would like to form a group, 'Amis de Frazer', so that he could represent her interests more effectively[?], and suggests Painlevé but fears he may be too busy.

FRAZ/15/48 · Item · 2 Nov. 1933
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

5 Cadogan Gardens, S.W.3. - Sends money [for a subscription to Besterman's bibliography] in both his and his wife's name; his wife says she is very brave; is sorry to hear of Sir James' poor eyesight; notices France is honouring Painlevé more at his death than they did in life.

FRAZ/33/447 · Item · 20 Sept. 1940
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

The Master's Lodge, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge - Thanks her for the sympathy on the death of his wife [Catherine]; one of the highlights of his Vice-Chancellorship was when [Paul] Painlevé came to Cambridge for an honorary degree; was impressed by Sir James' humility in asking a favour, when he might have commanded it.

FRAZ/33/403 · Item · 14 Oct. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Trinity Lodge, Cambridge - Asks them to stay when [Paul] Painlevé and his friend are staying at the Lodge; other invitations she is declining, as she is still grieving the death of two brothers in one week.

Add. MS b/36/209 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Palais d'Orsay, Paris. Dated 4 April, 1932 - Thanks him for [Sir Walter] Spencer's 'Correspondence', his 'Faith, Hope and Charity in Primitive Religion' and for offering to dedicate the second volume to him; notes that Spencer's criticism of Frazer's theory of circumcision and subincision is persuasive and should he ever publish a new edition, would warn readers of this fact; thanks him for putting in a good word at St. Andrew's [re: the honorary doctorate?]; has enjoyed meeting their French friends in Paris: [Lucien] Lévy-Bruhl, [Marcel] Mauss, [Paul] Painlevé; [Paul] Rivet is due to return from Indo-China. With a typescript footnote identifying the volume dedicated to Frazer, and quoting the dedication.

FRAZ/4/13 · Item · 12 Nov. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

From the Vice-Chancellor of the University, The Master's Lodge, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge - Thanks him for the invitation to dine with the Ambassador and Painlevé, but asks to be excused as he will be seeing him later that day; there will be a scarlet gown and a choice of bonnets at the Lodge before Weekes conducts Painlevé to the Senate House.

FRAZ/33/12 · Item · 24 Oct. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Ambassade de France, à Londres - He is inviting [Paul] Painlevé and M. Appelle to his house, and asks at the same time how certain it is that he will visit, if there is a doubt, it would be best to put off the visit, as the budget discussions do not appear complete [?].

FRAZ/3/100 · Item · 6 Nov. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Newnham Cottage, Queen's Road, Cambridge - Cannot accept the invitation to dine and meet Painlevé, as he will be at the Royal Society of Medicine that day; is glad Painlevé is getting an honorary degree.