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TRER/22/60 · Item · 26 June 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Conseil Supréme Economique, 26 Rue de Bassano. - Addresses Trevelyan as 'Bob Trev': sorry he has taken so long to reply, but has been very busy with his new job as head of the French press service of the Supreme Economic Council which he started in 'April last'. Pleased that Bob values their acquaintance: he himself took great pleasure in the 'most delightful evenings' they spent together, and looks forward to seeing him again. Will be in England very soon as he is about to join the League of Nations (probably as the head of one of the sub-sections), and hopes to get down to Dorking to see Bob. Very glad of the post: Bob knows he has 'always been interested in peace questions'. Expects Bob found his wife and son well: must have been a 'real joy' to see them again; is keen to meet them. His own wife gave birth to a son, Yves-Bernard-Georges, on 22 May: both are in 'perfect health'. Had lunch with Francis [Birrell] and the Waleys last Tuesday: Mrs Waley is 'also at the Supreme Economic Council'. Peace has come at last: will do his best to 'make it durable'. Yvonne [his wife] sends regards.