The Shiffolds, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking. - Julian has now had the whooping-cough for a while, though 'not very severely' so far; he is 'fairly cheerful, and is very busy making architectural plans, and also town-planning, and writing a Baedeker of his imaginary town [Hurtenham - perhaps a reference to TREJ/59/4]'. Robert is reading Romeo and Juliet with him, which he 'enjoys very much'. Bessie is well, though sometimes Julian's coughing keeps her awake.
Robert is going to Edinburgh next Thursday for a few days to 'see Professor [Donald] Tovey, and hear his performance of part of our opera [The Bride of Dionysus] at an orchestral concert'. Is reading Melville's Moby Dick, 'a queer, rather half-baked book, but full of vivid things''. Bessie says she will write to Robert's mother tomorrow. The weather has been fine for three days; there has been an East wind, 'but the birds have been singing, and lots of primroses are out'. Is sorry 'Robin [Price?] and Comfort's visit to Welcombe could not come off'.