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TRER/23/65A · Item · [Autumn 1944?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Thanks Bob for lending her his 'wholly delightful book' ["Windfalls"]: she has read every essay with 'exquisite pleasure', and re-read many of them. Wishes he could bring out a larger edition so she could give it to all her friends for Christmas; it is a 'calamity' there are so few copies. Much enjoyed reading Desmond MacCarthy's piece on Robert, and heard a 'most appreciative eulogy from Max' [Beerbohm?] whom she saw at the Lynds recently; he 'particularly admired the essay on Poetry and Prose'. Hopes Bob does not mind her lending the book to [Gerd?] Wohlgemuth, who 'also enjoyed every word'; he would have liked to take it on his honeymoon but she would not let him as she was sure Bob would want it back; returns it now. Does indeed like Mrs Wohlgemuth, as she is now, and thinks it is an 'admirable union'; they were both pleased Bob came here to meet them the other day.