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HOUG/EM/17/7 · Item · 26 May 1859
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

c/o Messrs Fetscherie & Co., Berne. - His brother in Calcutta requires him to invest capital in their business in order to maintain partnership; will lose all income as he cannot afford to do so; seeks appointment under British authorities; begs to introduce his brother in law Capt. Longueville Clarke, who is returning wounded from Indian service and desires an interview with Lord Stanley; entreats privacy about own request.

Add. MS b/49 · Item · Aug. 1874
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Album containing over 250 letters, notes, documents, unaccompanied envelopes, printed items, and photographic prints carrying the handwriting and/or autographs of sovereigns, prelates, government ministers, peers, authors, and Trinity College masters and professors, with a few unusual items in addition. The material appears to have been largely culled from the correspondence of George Peacock, his wife Frances Peacock, her father William Selwyn, and her second husband William Hepworth Thompson, with a few unrelated items. Most date from the 19th century but there are a few items from the 18th century.

Among those represented are King George III, Charles Babbage, E.W. Benson, the 15th Earl of Derby, the 7th Duke of Devonshire, W. E. Gladstone, Lord Houghton, Charles Kingsley, H. W. Longfellow, Lord Macaulay, Sir Robert Peel, John Ruskin, Adam Sedgwick, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Anthony Trollope, and William Whewell; there are in addition a miniature handwritten Lord's Prayer in a circle no larger than 15mm across, a carte-de-visite photograph souvenir 'balloon letter' from the Paris siege of 1870 with an image of the newspaper 'La Cloche', and a photographic print of Lane's portrait of George Peacock.

Ellis, Mary Viner (1857-1928) great-niece of George Peacock
HOUG/CB/250/35 · Item · 1837-1864
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Letters from: Edward Vavasour, [9] Aug. 1837; Carl Bauer, 28 Aug. 1842; Count Ladislas Plater (in French), 19 Dec. 1843; Sir Benjamin Hawes, 23 Aug. 1847-8 Jul. 1860; E. H. Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby, 15 May 1859; H. Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle, 16 Aug. 1864, with some financial and Ceylon Government papers

HOUG/EM/17/2 · Item · 17 Apr. 1859
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

55 Glouc[ester] Terrace, Hyde Park, W. - Encloses note from Lord Panmure with General Peel's reply to him; has contacted Lord Stanley but requires further support from Milnes. Enclosures: letter, 17 Apr. 1859, from Fox Maule, 2nd Baron Panmure, to James Ramsay - encloses civil note from Peel indicating that Lord Stanley must be approached; letter, 13 Apr. 1859, from Jonathan Peel to Lord Panmure, War Office. - has forwarded papers to Lord Stanley, would be delighted were Ramsay to be honoured for service in India, but the recommendation must come from the Secretary of State himself.

HOUG/EM/4/13 · Item · 24 Jul. 1867
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

10 Kensington Garden Terrace, Hyde Park, W. [embossed E. C.]. - The Sultan of Turkey has submitted a claim for an honorary distinction on his behalf to Lord Stanley; refers Houghton to Kinglake's work on the Crimea for an account of his service; asks if Houghton could urge his claim with Lord Stanley or Musurus Pacha; encloses details.

Enclosures: printed testimonial from 'Omer' [Omer Pasha] to Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, dated Rouschouk, 19 Aug. 1854; printed memorandum of proposals relating to rank and remuneration of British officers serving with the Turkish army during the Crimean War.