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TRER/23/101 · Item · 28 Oct 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

35 St Leonard's Terrace, Chelsea, S.W.3. - Very much liked Bob's poem [in the "New Statesman" about Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson]; was staying with Barry [Alfred Barratt Brown?] when it appeared, who read it out. They are coming [to Surrey?] tomorrow until Sunday night; asks if Bob is coming over; they will suggest going to the Allens' for tea on Sunday.

TRER/23/97 · Item · [25] Dec 1946
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Malt House, South Stoke, Reading. - They are glad to have Bob's 'new translations from unfamiliar fragments' [this year's "From the Shiffolds"] which 'sing the praise of simple contentment with the earth. In which one finds more & more satisfaction in these days'. Adds to Bob's list of 'the pleasures of life' in his broadcast ["Simple Pleasures" on BBC radio], 'the brightness of the grass where the sun has melted hoar frost'. Enjoyed that in the garden this morning before the fog came down; then went to 'clear out masses of old paper & pamphlets... to be sold as wastepaper. Joan [Allen] says Bob saw Eileen's letter in the "Times" about the Barratt Brown's gifts from Norway [Eileen Barratt Brown, "Gratitude to England". The Times (London, England), Tuesday, December 24, 1946, Issue 50642, p.5.]; they have just received another parcel and sent some books in return. Hopes they may meet in 1947; they and Joan have promised each other more often than they have done recently.