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Crewe MS/8/f. 32r · Part · 27 Jan. 1840
Part of Crewe Manuscripts


My Dear Sir /

I duly received your kind letter and the paper Containing the parragraph for which I return you many thanks and shall prize it greatly it being so much to the purpose—I have made several enquiries of the Postman who says had it been sent from the Norwich Post office I shd have had it he is sertain I am sorry you have had so much trouble and beg you will not think I wish to impose on good nature by making your granting me one favor the foundation of asking others—I shall use every exertion to get it further noticed if possible and endeavor to get aprint† of Major Money to morrow as I hope to be able to go to town—I sent an article on my projected voyage across the Atlantic wich is recited {1} verbatum with the Editors remarks I have purchased a Copy for you and shall send it the first opportunity

With best regards to Mrs Scott likewise Mr Crowshay† & family

I am Dear Sir | Yours truly & much obliged
Chas Green

Jany 27—1840

[Superscription:] P. N. Scott Esqr | St Giles Street | Norwich | Pre Paid


Postmarked as ‘Paid’, 28 January 1840. The spelling is occasionally irregular.

{1} Reading uncertain.

† Sic.