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Add. MS a/647 · Item · [1934?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

An annotated carbon typescript, possibly a dictation from Ludwig Wittgenstein to Moritz Schlick or possibly a typescript by Friedrich Waismann. Seven other typescripts of dictations taken by Mortiz Schlick from Wittgenstein are known. This typescript of MS 140 is an examination of the understanding and use of words, sentences, and language and begins, 'Wie kann man von dem "Verstehen" und "Nichtverstehen" eines Satzes reden?'.

The typescript is annotated in an unidentified hand throughout with marginal lines and circles and corrections to punctuation and grammar. The 57 foliated sheets were originally laid in a brown open-sided folder and are accompanied by a folded sheet headed "Wittg. 626" with two paragraphs found in TS 212 in an unidentified hand on the first page and the single note "Verstehen 2,9" on the third. The two paragraphs begin, 'Wenn in den Diskussionen über die Beweisbarkeit der math. Sätze gesagt wird' and 'Das Wort “Satz”, wenn es hier überhaupt Bedeutung haben soll'.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann (1889-1951), philosopher