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SHAF/B/8/1/1 · Item · 29 May 1969
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The National Theatre - Ken [?] tells him the typed script might reach him by the end of the week, is 'quite peaky with hunger for it' as it has been talked about for so long; has been asking colleagues about their opinion of a new Shaffer play, at the moment Paul Scofield, who won't answer until he has more information.

Letter from Keith Baxter
SHAF/B/11/1/105 · Item · 18 Oct. 1983
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Went to see 'Amadeus' in Chichester, as Paul [Scofield] had finished at the National before his return to England; admires the production, directing by Paul Giovanni and acting by Keith Michell.

SHAF/A/1/L/11 · Item · 24 Mar. 2008
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Her handwriting has suffered from the six or seven hundred letters she has written following Robby [Lantz]'s death; thought of him when she heard the news of Paul Scofield's death; remembers Paul and speaking to PS about him; Robby saved him from a disastrous seven year contract with a Hollywood film company; she first saw Paul via a sculpture in Rolf Gerard's studio; remembers Robby's tender love and deep admiration for Peter.

Letter from John [Perry]
SHAF/A/1/P/15 · Item · [25 July 1968]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Flat 114, 24 John Islip Street, London, S.W.1. - Remembers his visit to New England with Sir John [Gielgud] soon after 'that little foolishness by the Cancer Hospital', crossing the border from Canada with his heart beating so loudly he thought the border guard would hear it; lunched with Pinkie [Johnstone?] who told him PS had been burgled; shares theatre news: John Osborne's 'Hotel in Amsterdam' has no progression and a great deal of talk but features a stunning performance by Paul [Scofield], didn't like the [Tom] Stoppard play at all ['The Real Inspector Hound'], Binkie [Beaumont] insisted on running 'I Can't Hear You'[?] which closes Saturday; they are still running the Ustinov play and 'The Importance [of being Earnest]'; is about to do a revival of 'Ring Round the Moon', but can't find a new play; are supposed to do Joe Orton's new play 'What the Butler Saw' but parties need to agree on cast and director; on 17 April he hit Franco, ending a humiliating four years; has decided to found SPCSOQ, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Silly Old Queens. In a postscript he notes it is 10 years since '5 Finger Exercise'.

Letter from Neil Simon
SHAF/B/11/1/17 · Item · 11 Nov. [1979]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The Connaught, Carlos Place, London, W1Y 6AL - Congratulates him on 'Amadeus'; knew exactly how Salieri felt about Mozart but rather than wanting to poison Peter would like to insure his health for years to come; [Paul] Scofield is genius; 'it is nothing short of brilliant theater'.

Letter from Paul Scofield
SHAF/B/11/1/208 · Item · 5 Jan. 2001
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The Gables, Balcombe, W. Sussex RH17 6ND- Thanks him for his letter, 'Amadeus' was unique, and he feels lucky to have played Salieri in that first production; thanks him for writing the play, wishes there could be another.

Letter from Paul Scofield
SHAF/B/11/1/210 · Item · 30 Jan. 2002
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Thanks him for his letter, of course he wrote his truest feelings to Robbie Lantz, remembers the last performance of 'Amadeus' at the National, PS's visit to his dressing room, and his own determination to express gratitude for a peak experience as an actor.

Letter from Mal Diamond
SHAF/A/1/D/30 · Item · 6 Sept. [1948]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Has been very busy getting ready to leave the country, has been with Frances [Whyte] continually and hasn't been able to write; describes what he's been doing since PS left, describes a trip to Oxford, where they especially liked Magdalen's Deer Park; spent time with Dave Calhoun who reminded them of his father [Robert Lowry Calhoun], spent time talking of philosophy, thinks Brian [Shaffer] will enjoy his company; went to see 'Othello' at Stratford and describes the play, agrees with him about [John] Quayle's Iago, and discusses John Justin's Cassio, [Paul] Scofield's Roderigo, Diana [Wynyard]'s Desdemona, and [Ena] Burrill's Emilia; describes their visit to Warwick Castle, Canterbury, hitchhiking, visiting Tony, Brian, and Reka at Windyridge; is to sail on one of the converted troop ships leaving [Southampton] the next day; saw 'Naked City' and thought it well done; really liked 'Oliver Twist' which he has seen twice; is reading 'Pride and Prejudice', but thinks Aldous Huxley wrote a good screenplay; his feelings have not stayed the same in this past month, given he has been immersed in another love, 'Nature, society, everything was for this and against us'; his love for Frances in no way dims his feelings for Peter.

Card from Norman A. Punt
SHAF/B/11/1/31 · Item · [1979?]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

[Sticker at top: Norman A. Punt, F.R.C.S.ed., D.L.O., 1 Conway House, 6 Ormonds Gate SW3 4EU] - A Christmas card, thanking him for his letter; perhaps his [Punt's] hours have made him less perceptive; remembers asking an over-tired Larry [Olivier] to cut [O'Neill's] 'Long Day's Journey' and being challenged by him as to how, which was of course impossible; thinks the first Act [of 'Amadeus'] does drag; Paul [Scofield] is superb, and Simon Callow is a protege of his; is sorry about [Tony's] '[The Case of the Oily] Levantine', notes it is a bit of 'tit for tat'.

Letter from Paul Scofield
SHAF/B/11/1/33 · Item · 1 Jan. 1980
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The Gables, Balcombe, Sussex - Cherishes his letter; as Peter [Hall] has probably already told him, he wants to stay with both Salieri and Othello in London, hopes PS agrees with him; the first four performances after Christmas were very exciting; has never been in a play that gets cheering ovations every time; confused a line in one performance, said Teresa was 'in her mother with Verona' but they didn't giggle, and succeeded in actually cutting his throat in another: 'sharp words with the stage-management'; enjoys every word of the play, 'there is always a feel of danger' which makes it exhilarating and alarming.

Telegram from Larry Olivier
SHAF/B/8/1/4 · Item · 19 June [1969]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

RCA Global Telegram - Can't wait to plunge right in, is he Mark or Gideon [in 'The Battle of Shrivings']; cable confidentially order of preference Alec [Guinness] or Paul [Scofield?] for other part; please ring, has an idea which may ease his commercial anxiety.

SHAF/B/11/1/42 · Item · 6 Feb. 1980
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Photocopy of a letter dated 3 Feb. [1980] with a copy of a typescript letter to the Editor of 'The Sunday Times' dated 4 Feb. 1980 from Dame Janet Baker, each page headed "C. C. Peter Shaffer 6th February '80". She disapproves of the wording of the thumbnail sketch in the arts guide, with its negative review of 'Amadeus' [by James Fenton]; has seen [Schnitzler's] 'Undiscovered Country'; she spends much time in the theatre as she learns so much from actors, admires Paul Schofield [Scofield].

Typed letter from Adam Low
SHAF/A/1/L/67 · Item · 23 Aug. 2012
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Director, The National Theatre at Fifty. Lone Star Productions Limited, Mount Pleasant Studios, 51-53 Mount Pleasant, London WC1X 0AE - Thanks him for the interview about the National Theatre, it was interesting to hear his memories of Ken Tynan, John Dexter, Paul Scofield, and Olivier; will let him know when the documentary appears on BBC2.