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SHAF/A/1/D/7 · Item · 27 Sept. 1978
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Met, Metropolitan Opera Association, Lincoln Center, New York, New York 10023 - Thanks him for the card, hadn't been sure if he had offended him because he hadn't seen him, hears from Raymond [Leppard] that PS hasn't been too happy; 'Budd' is going well, hopes he could come see the show; good luck to Paul [Giovanni?] 'if he will accept good luck from such a depraved quarter'.

SHAF/A/1/L/53 · Item · 10 Aug. 1973
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

An auspicious day, the mail brought PS's letter and Robbie [Robert Lantz?] sent the reviews [of 'Equus'], and his mother left the country for three weeks: 'All I need now is to see an eagle tearing a lamb in the sky'; is delighted the Shaffer-Dexter combination has scored again, give his congratulations to John Dexter, [Harold] Hobson's review gave him pleasure; has been watching the Watergate hearings and the total effect is not all negative, repelled by corruption but impressed by the quality of the senators on the Ervin Committee and the 'good guys' among the witnesses; drive out and enjoy the view with Tom on weekends, are building a house, which includes a room for Peter and Paul [Giovanni], a bucolic setting, 'cows outnumber queens a hundred to one', a welcome change from the Ile de Feu; has had the Dubuffet photographed but would like to go slowly with its sale as summer is a slow time. Give his love to Paul and Carolyn and Tony.

Letter from Ed George
SHAF/A/1/G/5 · Item · 19 Aug. 1971
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Has been in the mountains, a rebirth as always, describes catching trout on a salmon fly in the inlet of a lake; wishes him the best of luck on his film script and Shrivings; was supposed to start on [Portor's?] film Aug. 1st, but Jim Morrison, who had been cast as the son, died July 3rd, so it has been postponed while they recast and try to hold the money together; greetings to Paul [Giovanni?]; encloses a talon [not present] and feather of a great horned owl.

Letter from Patrick Woodcock
SHAF/A/1/W/44 · Item · 16 Oct. 1966
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Is pleased he is so happy and fulfilled and life with Paul is good; is glad he has created a partner for "Black Comedy", Sheila Hancock will be good as the fortune teller ["White Liars"]; discusses plays he's seen: "Joey, Joey" ("proving clowns are depraved and disagreeable"), "The Odd Couple" (Victor [Spinetti] was good, but doesn't like Neil Simon, who doesn't like women), "Lady Windermere" ("good entertainment), "Winter's Tale" ("almost impossible to sit through", Laurence Harvey and Diana Churchill are particularly bad; describes a dinner party at which John [Gielgud?] was "pouring out indiscretions like ectoplasm & very sweet".

SHAF/A/1/C/43 · Item · [1974?]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Air mail letter missing the top third, written from Cornwall. Found John Osborne's 'Entertainer' with Max Wall upsetting, played even nearer the truth than Sir Larry [Olivier]'s version; Raymond [Leppard] has settled with Peter [?] and is in good spirits; is depressed by the news and fears the country will soon be broke; sends her best to Paul [Giovanni].

Letter from Paul [Giovanni]
SHAF/A/1/G/36 · Item · [11 Nov. 1983]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The Barclay Inn, 145 South Hunter Blvd., Birmingham, Michigan 48011 - Is waiting to be photographed and interviewed and apologises for his behavior over the years and vows to make the end of their relationship better than the rest of it.

Letter from [Paul Giovanni]
SHAF/A/1/G/33 · Item · 8 July [1976]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Amsterdam Marriott - Is escaping the heat, marvels over Operation Entebbe, thinks Tony [Shaffer] should script it; went back to see the play ["Confusions"?] - "bad and slow". Wants to clarify his relationship with Peter, now that Peter is in a relationship with Robert Leonard. Has seen Carolyn and the children and thinks Tony is a bit mad, reduced to talking like one of his characters

Letter from [Paul Giovanni]
SHAF/A/1/G/32 · Item · [21 July 1973]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Quotes some anti-Nixon, Watergate cover-up bumper stickers and badges he's seen, and recounts the story of Martha Mitchell stepping out of her apartment to the street to speak to reporters the night before.

Note from [Paul Giovanni]
SHAF/A/1/G/30 · Item · [c 1970]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Typescript song lyrics for 'No Surprise', 'Joanna', and 'dwarffish', the last accompanied by a drawing labelled 'Dwarffish' and signed by GK [Gregg Kreutz]; accompanied by a note describing the music for the songs, but asking PS's opinion of the words by themselves. Accompanied by two notes in Paul Giovanni's hand that may or may not belong to the lyrics, one asking him to take 'this' in lieu of a note, 'more expensive, more creative, more expressive'; and another note indicating that he wrote [the enclosed] letter but it was returned due to lack of a stamp.

SHAF/A/1/G/29 · Item · [31 Aug. 1970]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Loved his letter, will talk about Phil [?]'s plays, which are exciting, wants to go to Camberwell Green next summer to see the mermaid, described in Colburn's Calendar of Amusements. With an enclosure, a letter dated 9 Oct. 1970, from D. E. Ryland of Baker, Rooke & Co. to Mrs. Camille Ricketts, Reath Enterprises, Nassau, Bahamas, copied to PS about the accounts of the partnership Peter Shaffer, Reath Enterprises.

SHAF/A/1/G/28 · Item · 10 Jan. [1969]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

A letter of short news items: Derek Goldby has been asked to direct a play; Ronnie Gilbert is thinking of returning to singing; Alan Schwartz is fuming because [Paul] told Mr Ewing he couldn't stay [at Paul's]; Lyn Austin is calling her evening of one-act plays 'Psuedologues and Picaroons'; encloses a copy of 'A Verlaine' by Rimbaud.

SHAF/A/1/S/241 · Item · 19 Oct. 1990
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

A sympathy letter on the death of Robert [Leonard]; remembers Paul Giovanni and Robert and the evenings and weekends spent together, with Bob Livingstone; he was with Bob as he was dying and learned about dignity in death; had recently shown his class "The Old Dark House" and laughed a little too loud at certain lines.

SHAF/A/1/L/24-26 · Item · Feb.-Mar. 1982
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Three letters dated 27 Feb., 1 and 3 March from Sydney. He describes being ill with inflamed glands, visiting the Sydney hospital, and improving after Diane Cilento adjusts his back and head; having dinner with Diane's friend Patrick Hockey and others who talked about their blood lines and their money, and make unwanted sexual advances; describes Diane's plans to direct a movie called 'The Last Tango of Rudolph Valentino' and going to 'Love & Pain & the Whole Damn Thing' with Diane to evaluate Maggie Smith for the film. Describes Sydney's beauty and peacefulness and expense; going to the Opera House, also beautiful, to see Dame Joan Sutherland in 'Lucrezia Borgia', though he thinks the acoustics too bright and [Richard] Bonynge 'played it like Waltzing Matilda'; describes the bodies of the people on Bondi Beach, which 'would drive [Paul] Giovanni out of his mind'; goes to the zoo and sees a platypus; hopes PS is holding up well with Milos [Forman].

Notes from [Paul Giovanni]
SHAF/A/1/G/22-25 · Item · [30 Aug. 1967]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Two notes and five press cuttings found together in one envelope. One note lists his 'choice of possibilities' which require expensive wigs, expensive trips to the oculists, or bodyguards, the other with 'Love' written multiple times; with 5 press cuttings, some altered to combine their names, and three others: a cutting from 'Cash Box' Record Reviews of Forever Children's "Only the Rain" and "Merry-Go-Round", the start of an article 'Shirley Temple to Run for House from California', and an ad for Andy Warhol's 'I, a Man'.

SHAF/A/1/G/21 · Item · 8 Aug. [1967]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

It is the day of the final session of recording [by the group Forever Children?] and he and Kendal [Kendell Kardt] are going to make sure they are louder than Ronnie [Gilbert]; shares the lyrics to 'Saint Vincents Hospital' by Kendal, who misses Joyce [Aaron Funk?] very much.

Typed letter from Peter Hall
SHAF/B/8/1/21 · Item · 1 June 1970
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Glyndebourne was a haven of rest and good work, enjoyed leading the single life; Ray [Leppard] hoped that PS and Paul [Giovanni] would be at the first night but thinks they must still be in N.Y.; Ray's opera ['La Calisto' by Cavalli] a huge success, but he notes the critics didn't note why it worked and was good, 'but at least they have not been bestial'; thinks of 'Shrivings' with sadness and admiration and declares it all ended with angry notes about management with John Perry; nothing is clear with Dmitri [?] about the film version of 'White Liars', will work with him to create a film version of 'Brave New World'.

Letter from [Paul Giovanni]
SHAF/A/1/G/20 · Item · 17 Aug. 1966
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Possibly incomplete letter, lacking a closing and signature. Didn't reverse the charges on a phone call to PS in July and is shocked by how much the calls cost, and how much PS must have spent on them in the last four months, says they must stop; asks for PS to bring two things from England: guitar strings by Savarez and the piano score of Weill's 'Seven Deadly Sins' with text by Brecht, which he'd like to put on for the Open Theatre that season; closes with a poem.

Letter from Robert [Leonard]
SHAF/A/1/L/20 · Item · 7 Oct. 1979
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Has cleaned the apartment as Paul [Giovanni] is having some English people up; misses Peter; 'Evita' opened to bad notices; [John] Hopkins' 'Losing Time' was panned; Algernon and Cecily and the fish are fine; Paul [Giovanni] is having troubles with a gecko waking him up at night; isn't all that happy to be in New York, nothing to do, people are so odd, Alan & Paula [Schwartz?] never call; is going to the new Stoppard play ['Dogg's Hamlet, Cahoot's Macbeth'?] with Enid Harlow; Peter Wood is in town but doesn't call; another friend is so taken with 'the Latin stud' that being with them is tedious; June [Anderson?] is singing 'Fledermouse' [sic]; the NYC Opera is on strike; Paul is going over sooner than RL; wishes PS were there.

Letter from Robert [Leonard]
SHAF/A/1/L/19 · Item · 4 Apr. 1977
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Misses him; hopes his trip is going well and he is not running around too much; the fish and cat are fine; Peter [Firth?], Paul [Giovanni], and RL have been to the 'Equus' party (awful), and then he took Peter to the gym, which Peter hated; asks after Carolyn [Shaffer], the girls and Jas [?].

SHAF/A/1/G/19 · Item · 2 June 1966
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Misses him, says he would spend time with Heather [?] but he often comes up with ideas which drive Paul to call him 'a provincial queen'; may drive to Philadelphia with him [Heather] to see 'The Last Analysis' at the Repertory Theatre; Ronnie [Gilbert?] opens the next night in a 'filthy' play at the Dramatists Theatre called 'Hot Buttered Roll'; [another] Gilbert [?] isn't speaking to him, which he tries to analyse; encloses a clipping from his mother [not present].