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SHAF/A/1/T/1 · Item · 24 June [1975?]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

He misses Peter, and describes his experience of heat as a tactile experience and as close as he'll get to communion; wonders if most Catholic countries are hot and if the weather explains Scottish Presbyterianism; discusses the effects of budget restrictions, the need to define mental illness and ethical guidelines for behavior modification treatments; discusses 'No Man's Land', admires John Gielgud and Ralph Richardson; Elizabeth [Cavendish?] is back and rested, and he deems regular breaks necessary for her; reacts to Peter's story of a group therapy session.

SHAF/A/1/T/2 · Item · 15 Dec. [1975]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Hopes he has heard from Morris Carstairs, a professor of psychiatry who took no pleasure in recent plays except for a production of 'Shrivings', which he admired; is enjoying his new job, but is worried about job cuts; discusses a dinner with Elizabeth Cavendish and John Betjeman, who is under pressure to write something for the Queen's Jubilee; describes his joy in Christmas rituals.

SHAF/A/1/C/42 · Item · 29 Sept. [1974]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Answers Peter's questions about Magistrate's Courts, and returns part of a letter he sent her with questions about the court answered on the letter itself; in the letter from PS he describes what he is writing as a 20 minute farce: 'an aria, in the witness box, for Irene Handl (hopefully) with angry interruptions from a bandaged husband'; Raymond [Leppard?] is in good spirits, and all seems fine between him and Peter [?]; asks him to let them know how the opening of 'Equus' goes.

SHAF/A/1/C/43 · Item · [1974?]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Air mail letter missing the top third, written from Cornwall. Found John Osborne's 'Entertainer' with Max Wall upsetting, played even nearer the truth than Sir Larry [Olivier]'s version; Raymond [Leppard] has settled with Peter [?] and is in good spirits; is depressed by the news and fears the country will soon be broke; sends her best to Paul [Giovanni].

SHAF/A/1/C/47 · Item · 13 Sept. [1977]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

19 Radnor Walk, SW3 - Hopes to see him soon, was in Derbyshire for a week, has been sitting on the bench five days a week for three months; has heard from Frank [Tait?] in Greece; it has not worked out with John [Betjeman] and Una [?].

SHAF/A/1/C/49 · Item · 16 May [1979]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Trebetherick, Cornwall - Is sorry to hear he is homesick; discusses the outcome of the election, didn't think Mrs Thatcher would win; had a visit from Raymond [Leppard] ; she and John [Betjeman] are enjoying Cornwall.

Typed letter from Frank Tait
SHAF/A/1/T/5 · Item · 10 Jan. [1984]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Could not come over in Nov. because of celebrations of John Piper's 80th birthday; describes his Christmas, cooked a goose; went to the opening of the Old Vic, which he describes; reports on John Betjeman's condition; was pleased to hear about the trip to Japan.

SHAF/A/1/C/51 · Item · 19 Feb. [1980]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Thanks him for writing, Andrew [Cavendish?] is back, and doesn't know what will happen now; went to see 'Otello' and admires Margaret Price's voice; had a 'very whizzy weekend with the Queen Mother', John [Betjeman] read his verse and 'everyone staying was entertaining and agreeable'; poor Frank [?] is upset about Graham Sutherland.

SHAF/A/1/C/52 · Item · 13 July [1980]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Hopes to see him soon, John [Betjeman] was very ill with pneumonia and doctors feared he might have cancer, but he's recovered and has no sign of cancer; had a case of 'Equus' proportions she will tell him about when he visits.

SHAF/A/1/C/53 · Item · 4 Feb. [1985]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Has had a change of plan in her trip to Peru, and will not be able to stop and see him but invites him to Cornwall; his mother would like to wait until Tony [Shaffer] has returned from Australia before Frank [?] and Elizabeth visit, but it is his mother that she really wants to see.

SHAF/B/10/1/69 · Item · 21 Mar. [1974]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Answers PS's questions about the sentencing of convicts and visiting prisoners in detail, says the Governor of Wandsworth and his deputy are happy to help; reflects on the political climate; John [Betjeman] is going to make a film in Norfolk for 6 weeks ['A Passion for Churches'?]; have seen a lot of Raymond [Leppard] and all seems to be going much better with Peter [?].

Typed letter from Frank Tait
SHAF/A/1/T/8 · Item · 16 Feb. [1986]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Envies him the holiday in Martinique; have made plans to go to Switzerland around plans to see 'Yonadab' in London; Molly Keane visited, her 'Time after Time' was on tv, a shame Googie Withers was devoid of charm but Brenda Bruce was amazing; was disappointed by the movie [Kiss of the] Spider Woman and was disappointed; Elizabeth Cavendish is having problems with her legs and is unlikely to rest as much as instructed.