[Postcard with image of Callow as Pozzo in 'Waiting for Godot'] - Is glad to hear he is reading 'My Life in Pieces' again and that he will be there soon.
[Postcard with image of Sooty stamp] - Enjoyed the other night; thinks he is on to something with [Tchaikovsky].
Assembly Hall, Edinburgh - Thanks him for his kind words about 'My Life in Pieces'; misses PS, and hopes that when he is in New York PS will be there; wishes the government were more lenient about non-domiciled status.
[Sticker at top: Norman A. Punt, F.R.C.S.ed., D.L.O., 1 Conway House, 6 Ormonds Gate SW3 4EU] - A Christmas card, thanking him for his letter; perhaps his [Punt's] hours have made him less perceptive; remembers asking an over-tired Larry [Olivier] to cut [O'Neill's] 'Long Day's Journey' and being challenged by him as to how, which was of course impossible; thinks the first Act [of 'Amadeus'] does drag; Paul [Scofield] is superb, and Simon Callow is a protege of his; is sorry about [Tony's] '[The Case of the Oily] Levantine', notes it is a bit of 'tit for tat'.
Encloses a photocopied article on AIDS from 'Here's Health' magazine dated March 1986, with a covering postcard [with an image of Charles Laughton in 'The Private Life of Henry VIII'].
Thanks him for his hospitality in New York; compares London to New York; is moving, wonders if there is anything in Earl's Terrace; will be playing 'Wolty Polty' [Mozart] again on the 27th, is constantly asked for tickets, says there are none.
Concerning Simon Callow's article about him and correcting a statement about the adaptation of 'Amadeus'.
Photographs of Paul Scofield, Simon Callow, Felicity Kendal, Andrew Cruickshank, Basil Henson, and Nicholas Selby.