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SHAF/A/1/K/11 · Item · [14 Dec. 1984]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

A Christmas and New Year's card; wrote her graduation thesis on PS at Waseda University; is looking forward to seeing 'Amadeus' in the theatre; encloses 8 photographs of Peter and herself [?] and [Robert Leonard?], and another woman and man, as well as PS wearing two different kimonos.

SHAF/B/11/1/118 · Item · 25 Oct. 1984
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Dolder Grand Hotel, CH-8032 Zurich - Thanks him for his and Robert [Leonard]'s hospitality in New York; is glad he is writing again, mentions a BBC programme about Dan J[acobson?] that he missed; shares news of the 'Amadeus' premiere, EMI say that 10% of the house will have to go to the Cinematograph Benevolent Society, Nadine [?] has beaten them down to 5% which he thinks still too high; in a postscript, he says Ginnie Airlie [Virginia Ogilvy, Countess of Airlie] says 'there is no housekeeper, maid, chatelaine, or whatever at Balmoral called Brenda........'

Card from John Curry
SHAF/A/1/C/123 · Item · 28 Feb. 1986
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

[Printed at top: John Curry] - Hope he and Robert [Leonard] are well, hopes to see the new play, would like to come to the reading at the YMCA.

SHAF/A/1/L/13 · Item · 13 Nov. 1991
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Two letters sent together in one envelope. A letter from Barbara dated November 13, 1991 thanks him for his letter, is sorry to have delayed a letter to him, thanks him for Bob [Robert Leonard]'s ring and for the description of his burial place; wished they had an opportunity to meet him, knows Bob was happy to be with him; remembers the good times she had with Bob. An undated letter from Dick apologises for letting the year pass without writing or calling, has often discussed Bob and PS, and miss Bob terribly; is not one to write, but hopes to keep in touch, invites him to write or call anytime; will be in Europe and New York in Spring '93.

SHAF/A/1/C/13 · Item · 13 Feb. [1985]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Şerban is going to India to lecture; went to Leo [de Rothschild]'s party at the new year, didn't win, the film was 'Billy Liar'; enjoyed 'Yonadab' very much a second time; wears Robert [Leonard]'s scarf all the time.

SHAF/A/1/L/16 · Item · 16 Nov. 1991
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Thanks him for Robert [Leonard]'s ring; his burial spot sounds nice; they are thankful Robert could come to their 50th anniversary, are sorry they did not know he was sick; thank him for taking care of Robert and know he was as happy as he could be given his illness; would like very much to meet him. Supply their address at the end in Clackamas, Oregon.

Letter from Robert [Leonard]
SHAF/A/1/L/18 · Item · 5 Jan. 1977
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Misses him already; hopes the flight was easy; bought some shrimp for [their pets?]; apologises for being unfair, assures PS he loves him; is polishing his boots and listening to ['La clemenza di Tito'], all very enjoyable.

Letter from Keith McDermott
SHAF/B/10/1/181 · Item · 10 Dec. [1990]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Condolences on Robert [Leonard]'s death; lessons with him were the favorite part of his 'Equus' period: Robert had a wonderful knowledge of the voice, was a great gossip, and introduced him to Maria Callas.

Letter from Robert [Leonard]
SHAF/A/1/L/19 · Item · 4 Apr. 1977
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Misses him; hopes his trip is going well and he is not running around too much; the fish and cat are fine; Peter [Firth?], Paul [Giovanni], and RL have been to the 'Equus' party (awful), and then he took Peter to the gym, which Peter hated; asks after Carolyn [Shaffer], the girls and Jas [?].

Letter from Robert [Leonard]
SHAF/A/1/L/20 · Item · 7 Oct. 1979
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Has cleaned the apartment as Paul [Giovanni] is having some English people up; misses Peter; 'Evita' opened to bad notices; [John] Hopkins' 'Losing Time' was panned; Algernon and Cecily and the fish are fine; Paul [Giovanni] is having troubles with a gecko waking him up at night; isn't all that happy to be in New York, nothing to do, people are so odd, Alan & Paula [Schwartz?] never call; is going to the new Stoppard play ['Dogg's Hamlet, Cahoot's Macbeth'?] with Enid Harlow; Peter Wood is in town but doesn't call; another friend is so taken with 'the Latin stud' that being with them is tedious; June [Anderson?] is singing 'Fledermouse' [sic]; the NYC Opera is on strike; Paul is going over sooner than RL; wishes PS were there.

Letter from Anne Cantacuzino
SHAF/A/1/C/21 · Item · 18 Oct. 1999
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Has been thinking of Robert [Leonard] on the anniversary of his death, remembers them just after the first performance of the first 'Amadeus'; hopes the current production is going well; Sherban went to Romania for an exhibition of his father's paintings in Bucharest.

Letter from Anne Cantacuzino
SHAF/A/1/C/22 · Item · 10 Oct. 2001
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Has been thinking of Robert [Leonard] on the anniversary of his death, Glyndebourne will never be the same without him; Sherban had a lovely time in New York; shares family news.

SHAF/A/1/L/22-23 · Item · 21 Feb. 1982
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Papetee - Tahiti - Describes his arrival on a Quantas flight from Los Angeles, immediately leaving for Moorea Island, describes the cost of a hut there and hotel in Papeete, the people, the impact of the French on Papeete; tells of an American geologist who described buying a camel to cross a desert, which ended disastrously; crashes Club Med on Moorea and gets thrown out ('police called & all that'); Moorea would be a paradise but for the French. A second letter of the same date reports he is still in Papeete; describes riding in what they call 'Le Truck'; describes the Tahitian people and weather; almost fell off a boat but was saved by a 7 ft tall Tahitian man and now his wrist hurts; the Hotel Ping-Pong is right out of a Somerset Maugham short story.

Letter from Anne Cantacuzino
SHAF/A/1/C/23 · Item · 24 Jan. 2002
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Thanks him for the condolence note on the death of her brother Peter; Sherban is busy with lectures; thanks him for mentioning Robert [Leonard], she often thinks of him; hopes he has recovered from his operation.

SHAF/A/1/L/24-26 · Item · Feb.-Mar. 1982
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Three letters dated 27 Feb., 1 and 3 March from Sydney. He describes being ill with inflamed glands, visiting the Sydney hospital, and improving after Diane Cilento adjusts his back and head; having dinner with Diane's friend Patrick Hockey and others who talked about their blood lines and their money, and make unwanted sexual advances; describes Diane's plans to direct a movie called 'The Last Tango of Rudolph Valentino' and going to 'Love & Pain & the Whole Damn Thing' with Diane to evaluate Maggie Smith for the film. Describes Sydney's beauty and peacefulness and expense; going to the Opera House, also beautiful, to see Dame Joan Sutherland in 'Lucrezia Borgia', though he thinks the acoustics too bright and [Richard] Bonynge 'played it like Waltzing Matilda'; describes the bodies of the people on Bondi Beach, which 'would drive [Paul] Giovanni out of his mind'; goes to the zoo and sees a platypus; hopes PS is holding up well with Milos [Forman].