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TRER/24/96 · Item · Dec 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Contains: poem, "Moonlight", by E. D. Idle; "Notes from a War Diary" by S. S. [Sylvia Sprigge]; poem, "Lord Death", by Ethel Ginsberg; poem, "The First Hand (for John Donne)" by Nicholas Moore; poem, "Lines for Music", by G. Rostrevor Hamilton; poem, "Apologia Punica" by "J. H."; "By the Abinger Well", by the Editor [Sylvia Sprigge].

Index for Volume 2 of the "Chronicle"; note from the Editor saying that it will only be possible to publish eight numbers next year, but that the subscription will remain at six shillings, also encouraging people to fill in the following form to renew their subscription.