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SHAF/A/1/D/7 · Item · 27 Sept. 1978
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Met, Metropolitan Opera Association, Lincoln Center, New York, New York 10023 - Thanks him for the card, hadn't been sure if he had offended him because he hadn't seen him, hears from Raymond [Leppard] that PS hasn't been too happy; 'Budd' is going well, hopes he could come see the show; good luck to Paul [Giovanni?] 'if he will accept good luck from such a depraved quarter'.

SHAF/B/10/1/69 · Item · 21 Mar. [1974]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Answers PS's questions about the sentencing of convicts and visiting prisoners in detail, says the Governor of Wandsworth and his deputy are happy to help; reflects on the political climate; John [Betjeman] is going to make a film in Norfolk for 6 weeks ['A Passion for Churches'?]; have seen a lot of Raymond [Leppard] and all seems to be going much better with Peter [?].

SHAF/A/1/C/49 · Item · 16 May [1979]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Trebetherick, Cornwall - Is sorry to hear he is homesick; discusses the outcome of the election, didn't think Mrs Thatcher would win; had a visit from Raymond [Leppard] ; she and John [Betjeman] are enjoying Cornwall.

Letter from Ray Leppard
SHAF/A/1/L/46 · Item · 21 Apr. [2001]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Raymond Leppard, Orchard House, 5040 Buttonwood Crescent, Indianapolis, Indiana 46228-2323 - Has been busy these past weeks in Strasbourg and Belfast, with days at Campden Hill or Exbury, he's been talked about often; invites him to visit in June; until the end of May there's a lot of 'embarrassing farewells'; John Bethell, ex BBC Manchester now runs the Arts on the Isle of Man, reports the boys of King William's College have performed both 'Amadeus' and 'Equus' in the last few years, and asks PS to send an encouraging note; hopes he's enjoying his elevation 'without benefit of Viagra'.

SHAF/A/1/R/45 · Item · 20 Nov. 2000
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

San Cristobal Tower, Santiago - Thanks him for his hospitality, thinks PS shared his enjoyment of the planetarium, the Met, 'Proof', and ViceVersa; describes the Indianapolis leg of the tour: the plane journey, Ray [Leppard]'s mellow mood, comfortable house, and good cooking, the dogs shared with Jack [Bloom], Ray's poor driving and lack of navigation skills on display while searching for a gallery with desolate industrial views, visiting the zoo and pitying the animals; attending two concerts, which he reviews, noting the precision that Ray obtained from his orchestra; describes more air travel [to Santiago?] and then the Atacama Desert; hopes Peter's hip problems are clearing up.

Postcard from [Ray Leppard]
SHAF/A/1/L/44 · Item · 16 July [1978]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

[Image of the Fontaine de la place d'Albertas, Aix-en-Provence] - Love from Provence where 'Alcina' has been well received; he knows a lot more about what to do/what not to do in Handel opera, and is convinced they can be made to work.

SHAF/A/1/C/43 · Item · [1974?]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Air mail letter missing the top third, written from Cornwall. Found John Osborne's 'Entertainer' with Max Wall upsetting, played even nearer the truth than Sir Larry [Olivier]'s version; Raymond [Leppard] has settled with Peter [?] and is in good spirits; is depressed by the news and fears the country will soon be broke; sends her best to Paul [Giovanni].

Letter from Ray Leppard
SHAF/A/1/L/43 · Item · 24 Nov. 1975
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Letterhead: 16, Hamilton Terrace, London NW8 9UG. Written: Manchester - Is applying for permanent residence in the U.S.A., hopes to have his green card by early autumn, finds the values in the U.K. corrode every day; asks for suggestions for a director for a Virgil Thomson/Gertrude Stein opera, 'The Mother of us All', which he discusses in detail, is looking for someone who will direct it with a degree of sophistication - 'smart Cocteau with a strong dash of American non-conformist sentiment'; is in Manchester rehearsing 'Manfred' which they are recording and performing; Leo [de Rothschild] is coming up for it, they are getting on well, but finds his jealousy of his friends surprising, though he is busy working on the new house; is looking forward to Brian Gray's arrival but is sure their current relationship will change; asks if he will stay in Jamaica long; hopes to meet in the Christmas holidays.

SHAF/A/1/C/42 · Item · 29 Sept. [1974]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Answers Peter's questions about Magistrate's Courts, and returns part of a letter he sent her with questions about the court answered on the letter itself; in the letter from PS he describes what he is writing as a 20 minute farce: 'an aria, in the witness box, for Irene Handl (hopefully) with angry interruptions from a bandaged husband'; Raymond [Leppard?] is in good spirits, and all seems fine between him and Peter [?]; asks him to let them know how the opening of 'Equus' goes.

SHAF/A/1/R/37 · Item · 4 Feb. 1978
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Upper Exbury, Exbury, Nr. Southampton, Hampshire, SO4 1AF - Thanks him for his hospitality in New York, enjoyed dinner, and the record-guessing game, going to 'Dracula'; then seeing him at Ray [Leppard?]'s; the weather has been nasty and he returned to water leaks in the house; hopes he will come spend Easter there.

SHAF/A/1/R/36 · Item · 22 Sept. 1977
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Letterhead of Garbet Hotel, Kinlochbervie, Sutherland, IV27 4RP, with added at home 11 Campden Hill Sq., London W.8. - Is sorry their 'jaunt' is off, will be in the Lake District and seeing his niece in Yorkshire; has just had a week bear-leading the Bach Choir in a week of concerts, two of which featured Handel - he especially enjoyed 'Saul', and three were a capella programmes, with works by Vaughan Williams and Britten, a huge hit; is now in northwest Scotland; his remarks about the U.S. are in contrast to Ray [Leppard]'s, despite horrors there are still compensations here; invites him to Exbury when others will be there; hopes 'Salieri' is coming along well: 'such a splendid & Peter-ish idea'; Naomi [Goldschmidt?] found the enclosed item in the Herald Tribune, and said PS had mentioned a similar idea. Cutting enclosed headed 'Skirt-Slasher Shows Shear Nerve in U.K'.

SHAF/B/11/1/35 · Item · 6 Jan. 1980
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Met, Metropolitan Opera Association, Lincoln Center, New York, New York 10023 - Thanks him for his letter and for news of Ray Leppard, will make inquiries and report back; offers congratulations on the success of 'Amadeus'; Riggs [O'Hara] joins him in best wishes for the new year.

Typed letter from Peter Hall
SHAF/B/8/1/21 · Item · 1 June 1970
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Glyndebourne was a haven of rest and good work, enjoyed leading the single life; Ray [Leppard] hoped that PS and Paul [Giovanni] would be at the first night but thinks they must still be in N.Y.; Ray's opera ['La Calisto' by Cavalli] a huge success, but he notes the critics didn't note why it worked and was good, 'but at least they have not been bestial'; thinks of 'Shrivings' with sadness and admiration and declares it all ended with angry notes about management with John Perry; nothing is clear with Dmitri [?] about the film version of 'White Liars', will work with him to create a film version of 'Brave New World'.

SHAF/B/10/1/154 · Item · 28 Sept. 1975
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Letterhead of Garbet Hotel, Kinlochbervie, Sutherland, IV27 4RP, with added at home 11 Campden Hill Sq., London W.8. - Is pleased to hear of the success of 'Equus', but disagrees that Canada is more English looking than Ireland; hopes he is writing a comedy; hoped to see him but has to go to Colombia and Venezuela; had a letter from Ray [Leppard] from San Francisco, but Leo doesn't think that running away will help matters in England, it's bad enough that talent like Peter's should be driven out; is in northernmost Scotland visiting Brian & Rosemary Howell; at the Edinburgh Festival went to a sublime performance by [Carlo Maria] Giulini and one of the worst performances of the 7th Symphony he 'ever hopes to see', conducted by [Pierre] Boulez; visited his Austria cousins; reviews the new 'Siegfried', which raises his estimation of Colin Davis as a Wagnerian and admires the Mime; contrasts that to the production of 'Belle Hélène' at the Coliseum; moves to Campden Hill Square at the end of October, it will be a wrench to leave after 30 years, but very necessary.