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Add. MS c/103/102 · Item · 20 Jul 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that the letters [from various correspondents to Henry Sidgwick] have all arrived, and that the Myers file are the best he has read. Declares that the latter 'evoked more and had more to give than any other correspondent' he has yet read, and were more valuable autobiographically 'than even the highly valuable Dakyns letters'. Includes a list of letters, with information such as the addressees and dates. Also includes a note 'To be added...' in Nora's hand.

Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar
Add. MS c/100/107 · Item · 31 Dec. 1885
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Announces that they are all going to London 'on the 6th', and he proposed to attend regularly from that time forward. Adds that he will come 'on the 4th', if Myers really wants him. States that five of them (including Lady Rayleigh and Nora) propose to attend 'from 6th to 17th, at Holland's invitation'. Reports that because he had not heard from him he 'concluded to put off Dakyns.' Reports that he has just heard 'the terrible news'. Asks Myers to write to him.

Add. MS c/95/12 · Item · 7 Sept. 1869
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Explains that he had intended to write to Sidgwick many times since [J.B.] Payne's death, but the latter event affected him so much that he did not have the heart to do so. Tells how he was looking forward to Payne's visit, when the latter's brother contacted him to tell him that he had died. Recounts that their last meeting was when he [Kegan Paul] was on his way to preach the Free Christian Union sermon, and that after the 'misrepresentation of it in the Pall Mall [Gazette], Payne tried to persuade the Editor 'to set the report right'. Expresses the wish that Sidgwick will come to visit in the autumn.

Reports that the Cornishes have been to visit, as well as several other friends, but that some pupils who had been coming to him were no longer being sent by their parents, because of the sermon he preached at the Free Christian Union. Refers to a paper he has just sent to Beard or Renan, and fears that Sidgwick will think that he is 'hedging on the orthodox side' in it. Reports that Cornish is reviewing [W.E.H. ?]Lecky in the same Theological Review. Remarks that Dakyns was very good to him, and sent him 'all sorts of information' about Brighton College. Announces that he is sending Louis back to Brighton, and that he gave Dakyns' information 'to a [ ] who is going to send his boys there.' Asks Sidgwick to give him 'a bed somewhere in Oct[obe]r' if he doesn't come to visit,

Add. MS b/71/12 · Item · 28 Jun 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Explains that he has been occupied with various affairs since her letter arrived, including 'presenting D.Litt. candidate for Degree, and organising lunch party in Corpus for [his] indefatigable brother in law Archdeacon [Edward] Wilson....' Announces that he goes the following day to Haslemere to work with 'HGD' [Henry Graham Dakyns] 'at the remaining letters of his series which [they] had not time to finish' when he was in Oxford. Asks Nora for any other letters that she is able to send him, since he now has time to spend more time working on them. Informs her, confidentially, that his retirement [as Tutor at Corpus Christi, Oxford) is now fixed for Easter 1902. States that he shall keep his Readership, and also his 'A.E.W. work' [Association for the Education of Women in Oxford]. In relation to Frank [Sidgwick], declares that he is 'no scholar', and that he [Arthur] has 'never had any illusions about his Tripos.' Announces that he is writing to Mrs [Eveleen?] Myers. States that he kept the books because since he returned his proofs to the editor of the Dictionary of National Biography he has heard nothing, and thought it possible that 'he might require a revise, which might mean reference to the books again.'

Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar
Add. MS c/100/12 · Item · [end Mar 1862?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to their lack of correspondence, to Edward, and to 'the latest news from Wellington College'. Announces that he is going to see their mother the following day, and plans to go to Paris at some point. States that if he goes, it will probably be with Graham Dakyns, 'who is desirous of learning French in order to qualify himself for a Government Clerkship.' Claims that the only real method of combining amusement with instruction 'is by learning a foreign language on it's [sic] proper soil.' States that he remembers firmly resolving to write to her on the twentieth of the previous month 'to condole with [her] on coming of age. Relates a humorous incident that occurred to him that day involving his addressing himself to the wrong man in Macmillans [bookshop?] Tells her to write to her in Leamington, and mentions the kinds of things he likes to read about in letters. Reports that he has not been doing anything literary that term, and has been 'lazily absorbing philosophy, history and politics.' Claims that he is 'engaged on a Great Work', but explains that he has invented this explanation as a reply to those who ask him what he is doing. [Incomplete].

Add. MS c/99/12 · Item · 30 Jun 1862
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that he finished his Marlborough examination on the previous Tuesday, and intends to cross the channel on Monday evening. Intends to stay one month in Paris with Graham Dakyns, and then shall probably spend a fortnight walking in Switzerland 'or somewhere', after which he shall 'probably settle down for a month in Germany', and return about mid-September. Supposes that by that time she will be well settled in Rugby. Regrets not having seen her at Wellington College, where he had a most pleasant visit. Was pleased to find both Mary and Edward so well. Comments on the ugliness of the new baby [Arthur Benson]; needs to do this to keep his 'character as a baby-hater', since he is 'compelled to join in the general Martin-worship'. Claims to have enjoyed his examinations on the whole, and to have been freer from hayfever than usual. Refers to the fact that 'poor Dale had lost two of his boys from Diptheria', and comments that it is supposed to be an unhealthy season at Dresden. Hopes to go there in the summer. Praises Marlborough, and reports that the boys 'are very nice and their relations with the masters more what one w[oul]d desire than at any other school with which [he is] acquainted.' States that he was very much interested in the Isle of Man, and was surprised to learn that his uncle Lace was a benefactor to King William's College there. Sends his love to his aunt.

Add. MS c/95/129 · Item · 8 Jul [1869?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Sends receipt for £5 [not included]. Wishes that Sidgwick 'had come West instead of East', but predicts that he will have a good opportunity of studying the idiosyncrasy of his country-men and women in their holiday mood where is is at present. Refers to the weather and the dangers of hay fever. Recounts that 'Tom Green is reported very uncomfortable at Bolton Abbey'. Asks for more details on the crisis at Rugby. Reports that Johnnie is going to Switzerland with [Norman Moor], while the writer stays at home with her babies. Claims that she does not mind, but that she should like to see the Monte Rosa valleys again. Wonders whether Sidgwick and Johnnie will meet. Reports that Graham [Dakyns?] is also going to Switzerland.

Symonds, Janet Catherine North (1837-1913), author
Add. MS b/71/13 · Item · 3 Jul 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Reports that he was down at Haslemere the previous Saturday to Monday, and that he [and H.G. Dakyns] worked on the rest of Dakyns letters. Refers to the need for discretion, which Nora had mentioned, and states that he regards all the letters as confidential. Relates that Dakyns was 'infinitely good over the letters', and claims that between them they have dated nearly all of them. Believes that they will be helpful 'at every point except what concerns [Henry Sidgwick's] administrative Cambridge work', and states that they show 'himself on many sides', and that his 'infinite unwearied thoughtfulness, and quiet wisdom, and great range of interest, and kindness, are apparent everywhere.'

Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar
TRER/7/13 · Item · 31 Aug 1908 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

S.Y. Zingara, 'floating in the neighbourhood of Skye, where it rains angoras and terriers'. - Hopes that Trevelyan and 'Mrs. Poet' are well, and that [their son] Paul is recovering. Has almost finished a 'declamatory sketch' of the first act [of "The Bride of Dionysus"]. Sets out the plan describing musical themes in some detail. Mentions some alterations he would like made at various points throughout the opera. Thinks the length is 'practical but formidable' but that it would be a 'great mistake' to cut it.

His theories about 'the possibilities of musical form in modern opera are vastly enlarged and changed': believes that much 'Wagnerism', such as 'the abnormal exaggeration of every pause in Wagner's sentences' will one day seem archaic. Wagner's 'business-technique' no longer impresses Tovey and he now feels, 'candidly' that he can do 'far better himself', in part because he has much better material. However, Tovey is 'driven to despair' by much of Wagner's music - he lists numerous examples - which can make him feel that the only point for him to write music is to amuse himself. Yet he thinks 'the musical patchiness of Wagner is an archaism' and 'the [Richard] Straussian development of the unmusical side of Wagner's technique is... the vilest humbug ever foisted on ignorant journalists by a cad'. Refuses to have anything more to do with 'modern tendencies' in musical drama; ready to learn many things from Debussy about timbre but cares nothing for the 'new doctrines & practices' from any other point of view.

Is visiting the Speyers around the 6 September and asks if they could meet there, or whether he could visit the Shiffolds after that or they could meet at the Dakyns' house over the Haslemere concert. Wants to run through what he's done on the piano, and would be very glad if Elizabeth Trevelyan could hear it.

Add. MS c/99/13 · Item · [early Jun 1862]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

[Sent from Liverpool]:- Hopes that Arthur 'settled about the bill all right.' Writes to inform her of his travel plans. Goes to the Isle of Man that day to examine there for a week, and in about a fortnight intends to go to Marlborough for another examination. In the meantime intends to call at Wellington College. Asks if they [Edward and Minnie Benson] can take him in, and if not he will go on to Eton after seeing her. When he shall come depends on his hayfever. Anxious to hear about her plans for the summer. Announces that he is going abroad after the Marlborough exam and will come home earlier than he otherwise would if she has a house. Reports that he has not heard from Rugby in a long time. Is not looking forward to a long sea voyage. Wishes now that he hadn't taken the examination. Refers to the Cambridge prizes and to the fact that Arthur won the prize for the composition of a Greek ode. Claims to be very glad that James Rhoades got the English verse, and believes that the disappointment 'will do Myers a great deal of good.' Asks her to tell Minnie that he got the papers all right. Hopes they are all well. Has ordered 'parcels and things' to be sent to Wellington College. Reports that he has been researching the Isle of Man. Asks her when she is going to see the Exhibition, which 'is only like a big shop-window', and claims that the day he spent there with Graham Dakyns he was more bored than he has been for a long time. Asks her to write to him in the Isle of Man.

Add. MS c/99/14 · Item · [3 Aug 1862]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

[Sent from Lucerne]:- Expresses his appreciation at receiving her letter. Is sorry to hear that she has still all her troubles [with moving house?] before her. Announces that he shall not be going home until the end of September due to health reasons. Does not want to shorten his German visit, as he shall be in the company of some old schoolfriends from Rugby. He, Graham Dakyns, Green and Rutson set off the following day on their tour. They intend to spend twelve days in the Bernese Oberland, and then Henry goes off to Dresden. Reports that he and Dakyns enjoyed their stay in Paris, despite the fact that Bury Dakyns, who joined them there to improve his French, 'was the most awful bore.' Reports that he fell ill and had to stay some days at Lucerne, and that Dakyns is pretty well. Remarks on the heat on the continent, which is more dead and stifling than than in England. Relates that they met the [William?] Boyds in Paris. Tells her mother to write to him during the next week. Sends his love to his aunt and cousins.

Add. MS c/101/144 · Item · 12 Mar 1860
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports on her guests - those from Skipton, Miss Attersoll and Mr Boyd. States that Miss Attersoll has been trying to infuse into her 'a clearer idea of the state of public affairs in Church and State.' Announces that Lucy Brown and Henry's Aunt Sidgwick are also to arrive. Asks him when she may expect him and Arthur, and whether it would be possible to go down to Brighton for a few days before coming home. Reports that his aunt [Henrietta?] has been ill, and that 'perhaps a familiar face [would] cheer her.' Hopes that Henry is well, and that he will not take as many pupils the following term. Declares that Lucy Brown 'thinks much of [Hawthorne's] Scarlet Letter.' Reports on a 'remarkable sermon' given by Dr Temple, and that Lee Warner says that he [Temple] is going to publish all he has preached [at Rugby]. Asks Henry to tell Arthur to write to her to tell her how he is, and hopes that he is not overworked. Refers to Graham Dakyns, who 'seems quite downhearted about his place', and asks if there is any cause for it. Reports that Elizabeth [Cooper?] 'was sadly knocked up at Xmas, 'and will suffer from it for long'.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/99/15 · Item · [Aug/Sep 1862]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

[Sent from Dresden]:- Comments on the length of time it has been since he had a letter from her. Reports that the Swiss tour made him very ill, but that he has now recovered. Recounts that since he came to Dresden he has made a start in Arabic, read and spoken German, gone to concerts and the theatre, and spent time with his three friends [Dakyns, Green, and Rutson]. Refers also to his visits to the gallery. Had originally intended to leave Dresden on the 25th [September] and be in Rugby about the 29th [September] but has decided that he may stay a week longer and be in Rugby about 5 October. This, he calculates, will give him a fortnight at home. Has decided that he shall not go abroad again for a year or so. Announces that he has got his plan of reading 'tolerably settled', and it will absorb all his vacations. Hopes that his mother has got 'tolerably comfortable by this time', and refers Minnie's report of their mother's account of the house Remarks that Dresden is so colonised by English that 'one hardly feels in a foreign country'. States that the little church is well filled, and that the previous Sunday Dr Hook preached the worst sermon Henry has had the pleasure of hearing for a long time. Announces that he is going to join Edward and Minnie at the gallery.

Add. MS c/101/155 · Item · 28 Jul 1862
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Hopes that the letter reaches him, as she hears from Mrs Dakyns that he is moving his quarters. Reports that she left Brighton ten days previously and went to Rugby, and then on to Bedford. States that her work on her new house was not as advanced as she had expected, but hopes that it will be ready soon. Has offered their old servant Fanny Ladbrook some weeks' work, for which the latter was very grateful as she has had to leave her home, her husband having become a bankrupt.

Elizabeth is to come 'with the dear babies' from Wellington College, and they are to stay with her while Minnie and Edward are abroad with Mr Martin. Imagines that they will be in London the following day 'to see the Exhibition.' Announces that the following morning she is going with a group of ten 'to Town to have [her] first sight of the Exhibition....'

Reports that William met her at Rugby and helped her with the arrangements for the new house. Remarks that everyone she had known well there seemed gone. Describes the house as 'very tiny', but intends to make it comfortable, and hopes that the family 'shall have many happy days all together in it.' Remarks on the hot weather which they are experiencing. Discusses William's plans to see the Exhibition, and a possible trip to Wales or his joining a reading party, including Mr Ellis, at Harwich. Claims that she has heard nothing about the route that Mr Martin intends taking with Minnie and Edward, and suggests that Henry may meet them somewhere.

Confesses to having read no newspapers for a week, on account of the appalling news from America contained therein [the Civil War]. Reports that Henry's Aunt Henrietta is there in Bedford on her way to Yorkshire. Reports that Willy [Carr Crofts] was 'first after the 2 Exhibitions [and] the Examination' and received great praise from Mr Fanshawe for his Latin composition. Adds that the girls have grown much. States that she told Henry's Uncle Lace about him having been spoken of in the Isle of Man.

Reports that she has just heard from Minnie that she and Edward intend to set out on their tour about 7 August, and that they will be about a month away. They think of going through Normandy, and then to Auvergne and 'down South'. Would like to know how Henry is, and how long he intends to remain abroad. Reports that Arthur and his party reached Oban the week before the previous one, and 'are located at a Mr. [William?] Ralston's...' Sends kind remembrances to Graham [Dakyns].

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/99/16 · Item · [29 Sep 1862]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Announces that he shall be home by Thursday of the following week, or Friday at the latest, and will spend two weeks with her. Refers to his study of Arabic. Hopes that he will receive the letter from Lucerne before he goes. Asks her to forward the enclosure [not included] to Cambridge. Hopes to find Arthur at home, and regrets that he is gone to Wellington. Intends not to go up to Cambridge until the last moment. Declares that he has been very happy in Dresden, and that his friends [Dakyns, Green, and Rutson], who have been with him the whole summer, are all going off now. Hopes that Graham Dakyns will like his work. Expresses his satisfaction with the boarding-house in which he is staying, and states that the only 'bitter drop in the cup is an Englishman to whom [he has] an unreasonable but unconquerable antipathy'. Comments on the news from America, and the 'an interesting crisis going on in Prussia'. Declares that it is 'great fun reading the Arabian Nights in the original even though it be only at the rate of 5 lines an hour'.

TRER/46/179 · Item · 28 Jun 1911
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - Her 'delightful present' came this morning with her letter: the letters [of Robert Louis Stevenson?] are 'indeed a charming book in every way, both inside and out', and he has 'long wished to have a good edition', since he has only read them 'in a desultory way'. Of course 'this edition with the new letters must be far the best': he and Bessie are looking forward to reading it this summer, and Robert is 'very grateful... for so delightful a present'.

Is glad she has had a good time abroad; supposes the weather has 'changed for the worse now', and it is still 'very unsettled' here. Julian has taken to the new nurse 'without much difficulty'. He can now walk very well, and his cold seems almost to have gone.

Robert has been to two funerals recently: on Saturday he went to Haslemere for the funeral of 'old Mr [Henry Graham] Dakyns', who 'died suddenly', and on Monday to Eastbourne for Jonathan Sturges' funeral. Will 'miss Sturges a good deal' though cannot regret his death, since 'he had a very lonely life, and was usually more or less ill'. His death will be sad for Henry James, 'who was perhaps more intimate with him than with anyone else'. Mr Dakyns will also be 'much missed' by Robert and Bessie, and many of their friends.

Saw Charles briefly in London yesterday, who 'seemed very well, and cheerful'. His mother must go to the Grafton Gallery exhibition ['A Century of Art, 1810-1910'] when she returns: the 'Preraphaelites are especially well represented'.

Tovey now seems to be getting on well with 'Ariadne' [The Bride of Dionysus]; they hope he will be able to come to the Shiffolds near the end of July and stay for August. Röntgen has been setting several of Robert's poems for a chorus of women's voices; he has not sent them yet, but. 'they are sure to be interesting, as everything he does is'. Robert hopes to assemble a book of short poems and translations this autumn; thinks he has enough, especially if he includes the first act of his and Bessie's translation of Vondel's Lucifer.

Is very glad his parents have had 'such a restful time at Mürren'; lucky that the H[enry] Y[ates] T[hompson]s happened to be there as well. Sends love to his father.

TRER/13/182 · Item · 29 June 1911
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Stock's Cottage, Tring. - Thanks Bessie for writing about Mr Dakyns [his death]; was good to hear from her though they had seen the reports in the newspapers. Wishes she had known him better, but after her family left Haslemere she did not see him much so he is 'just a childish memory'; George of course was 'very fond of him'. Asks 'what will become of Frances', for whom she feels very sorry. Hopes that all goes well with the new nanny, and that Bessie might manage to visit for a few days before they go; suggests some dates: Moya Llewelyn Davies is probably coming for the day on Friday, and Bessie might like to meet her; the [Charles?] Mastermans may be coming on Sunday the 9th but there would be room for Bessie too. Will understand if she cannot come, and look forward to seeing her at Wallington, and getting 'to know each others' babies really well'. Humphry is 'such a delight' to her now, and since his 'bush of curls' was clipped has 'turned into such a real big boy'. Notes in a postscript that it is almost certain the Mastermans will not come.

Add. MS c/105/19 · Item · 27 Dec [1875]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Has just been with Nora, who has returned from Paris. The 'Secret [of their future marriage] may be now considered altogether public', as Nora has told all her relatives. Tells her that she may tell who she likes. They are going to Nora's brother-in-law's house in Essex [Terling Place, home of John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh] the following day, and states that he will probably make that place his 'headquarters' until about 10 January. Will be in London on 4 January for a night, and probably another night in the same week. If his mother has to be in London after 10 January, she will find them all - Nora, Henry, Arthur and Charlotte Sidgwick, H.G. Dakyns and J.A. Symonds - there.

TRER/5/194 · Item · 24 June 1911
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trinity College, Cambridge. - Thanks Bessie for the trouble she has taken, but North [Whitehead] is thought to need 'a bracing place' so they will go to the place at Malvern; is sorry they will not be neighbours. Asks if Bob can send [Lascelles] Abercrombie's address and a letter. Letters sent to Trinity will always reach him. Has just learned of [Henry Graham] Dakyns' death, a loss to 'very many'.

Add. MS c/99/204 · Item · 4 Jul 1859
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks him for his letter from Antwerp, which delighted her with its 'cheerful happy tone'. Refers to the letters that have arrived for him; one from Reginald Hanson, asking Henry if he could read with him the following term; one from Mr Bradley, asking Henry's opinion on Dakyns as a possible [headmaster] for his lower school; one from Miss Attersoll, thanking him for the wedding cards. Reports that she received a letter from Minnie and Edward, who are travelling in Europe. They had a very calm passage to Boulogne, passed through Amiens and Paris, and were moving on to Rheims towards the end of the previous week. Believes that they are now making their way to Lucerne. Lists the other location where they intend to be in the coming weeks, with the dates.

Reports that only herself and Matilda [Sidgwick?] are all that remain of their 'large party'. States that Matilda, who was in bed all Saturday from exhaustion, is to stay with her until the following Thursday or Friday. States that she has heard nothing of letting her house. Claims that she should prefer staying the year [at Rugby] to going anywhere else, if it were not for the expenses. Reports that Fanny Green left her that day, 'after employing herself most diligently in collecting + packing in a beautiful style, all dear Minnie's things - 9 large cases left for Wellington College [that day].' Discusses her feelings in relation to Minnie's departure. Remarks that as each of her children seem to be taking their place in the world, she can 'the more calmly contemplate [her] removal from it.' Relates that the previous day she, Fanny Green and Matilda heard the new curate preach.

Expects only news of Henry's arrival in Dresden 'and that all is [ ] and quiet there', as she knows how busy he will be. Asks him to give her kindest regards to Mr and Mrs [Henry and Fanny] Dale when he sees them, and tells him to let them hear about the wedding. Claims that she treasures up all that he tells her about foreign manners and customs. Expects to see William and Arthur on the following Wednesday or Thursday, and announces that the following day they are going to Keswick for three weeks, and that Elizabeth 'will follow [them] when she has made all comfortable at home', and will pay visits with her in Yorkshire. Reports that they have good weather in Rugby. Remarks that the house seems very quiet since the previous Monday. Tells him not to overwork himself, nor to sit up late, and to take plenty of air, rest and refreshment. Sends Matilda's love.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
TRER/19/23 · Item · 7 May 1912
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Thanks George for the book ["The Bride of Dionysus"], which she has read avidly and thinks the best thing his brother has done; a few of the poems at the end also 'got home to' her,; thought the translation from Alcman 'exquisite' though is not sure about the "Attis" [a translation of Catullus 63] and Lucretius'. Intended to get the book herself, as the Ariadne story reminds her of Mr [Henry Graham] Dakyns, who liked it; quotes in Greek 'Earth's child am I, and starry heaven's' [a line associated with the Orphic tradition' which he also loved, and can 'almost hear' him reading George's brothers 're-creation.' It was an excellent thought to send it to her.

Annotation by G.M.T. above the date saying that he gave Melian Stawell Bob's book, and this is her comment.

TRER/7/26 · Item · [June 1911?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - The death of [Henry Graham] Dakyns is 'a sad loss for [them] all': not sure what 'being happy' means, but Dakyns did seem to exemplify 'what life is worth living for' and probably also ended life in the right way, though Tovey says 'some people really oughtn't to die at all', only be given a holiday now and again and sent back before their friends have time to be unhappy. There are two typed copies of this portion of the letter. Supposes [Dakyns' daughter] Frances will go and live with her brother in London [Henry or Arthur?].

Has 'broken the back' of the symphonic introduction to the Labyrinth [scene in "The Bride of Dionysus"] and has reached its second subject, beginning with the Nereids and drifting into 'Theseid philandering'. Needs to know more about the Theseus-Ariadne duet; is worried whether this is now too long given the tension in the cave. Will meanwhile move on to the parts of Act III which bear on this: Ariadne's awakening, the Satyr's song, and perhaps Ariadne's dream. Feels that there is too much emphasis put on Phaedra's desertion of Aphrodite for Hecate in her first speech in the cave, though he recalls that this is a favourite of Trevelyan's.

Add. MS b/71/29 · Item · 12 Aug. 1905
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Thanks her for letting him see 'these most interesting proofs' [of Nora and Arthur Sidgwick's memorial of Henry Sidgwick], and states that he quite understands that she will have to shorten the draft. Refers to some 'scraps' written to [Henry Graham] Dakyns, which are 'not worthy of insertion'. In answer to questions she had put to him, claims that he cannot remember the exact date of a letter about 'In Memoriam'; that the reference to Wilfrid Ward is to an article on his [Tennyson's] father; and that the reference to Leslie Stephen is to 'an attack of his on the Idylls of the King'. Suggests 'Tod' might refer to [Alpheus] Todd's Parliamentary Government in the British Colonies. Refers to notes in his father's autobiography - Memoir of Alfred Lord Tennyson - in relation to the interpretation of a letter. Adds that he hopes that Nora's brother - Arthur Balfour - 'will s[ ] Parliament soon - for the feeling of unrest [ ] to Arnold-Forster and Co is becoming rampant.' Sends his wife's kindest remembrances.

The Mill House, Grantchester, Cambridge. - Arrangements for a gathering [at the Swan at Fittleworth, Sussex, see 2/33 and 2/34] over Easter. [Robin] Mayor is named twice in Trevelyan's list; he should also include Henry Dakyns, Alfred Whitehead and North [Whitehead]. Should think by Wednesday there will be room for 'V.W.' [Vaughan Williams], and room for 'Dakyns pere' and Arthur [Dakyns] at any time. The back of the paper seems to show drinks consumed: Norton and Strachey appear as well as names mentioned in the letter.

14 Barton St. - Is anxious to hear whether Trevelyan has secured the Swan at Fittleworth, and whether there will be room for the whole party (see also 2/32 and 2/34). As well as the names mentioned by Trevelyan, Henry Dakyns will come, and Sanger is encouraging Dakyns' father and [brother] Arthur to come; Sanger has also encouraged Davies to invite Whitehead, and North [Whitehead] may come too. Davies has invited Vaughan Williams to join them as well.

14 Barton St. - Trevelyan has done splendidly [to secure the Swan at Fittleworth: see 2/32 and 2/33]. Hopes he has not done wrong in inviting others. Asks if there will be enough room to put up Dakyns (father and son), Whitehead (father and son) and Vaughan Williams. Will be at the Mill House, Grantchester, from Saturday, so Trevelyan should send further correspondence there.

Add. MS c/99/37 · Item · Aug 1864
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

[Sent from Göttingen]: - Reports that his days consist of reading Arabic and speaking German, and that on Sundays he goes for long walks with a Prussian student of Sanskrit; he is 'a most amiable-looking man, and you would take him for an Englishman'. Wishes that he could introduce her to Professor Ewald, as he is sure that she would like him. Believes that Ewald lengthened his lectures half an hour for Henry's sake, and reports that he has promised to give him private lessons during September.

Expects Graham Dakyns to come to spend a few days in the Harz at the end of the week. Announces that he intends to go to a 'Philologer-assembly', like the one he went to three years ago, in Hanover in just over a month's time. States that his health is good, and expects that he shall be quite well at the end of the Long Vacation. Discusses his diet and alcohol consumption: if anyone asks her whether he is turning into a 'beer-drinking German', she can truthfully say he has 'not drunk above three glasses' since arriving here. An English visitor to his host family told them that Henry's brother [William] was a 'distinguished wit... in Oxford'.

Mentions that Arthur had told him of his acceptance of the Rugby mastership, and admits that he has taken 'a prudent, perhaps a wise course'. Is glad that his mother's stay at Rugby will be so much pleasanter and hopes that it will turn out to be 'really not Rheumatic.' Suggests that if it is, she might move for a couple of months at the worst time of the year. Declares that he was much interested by her letter, and that he shall be glad of 'any news that is going.' Asks her to remind Arthur to enquire for him the exact day they go back at Cambridge. Hopes that she will succeed in getting a house. Asks why so many people are leaving, and if it has transpired what the [ ] said to Dr Temple's report. Regrets that she has no better account of his aunt Lace.