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SHAF/A/1/D/9 · Item · 24 Mar. 1981
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Met, Metropolitan Opera Association, Lincoln Center, New York, New York 10023 - Thanks him for his exhilarating letter; the rehearsals for 'Parade' were hair-raising on account of lack of time; has had a letter from Beverly [Sills], telling him how much more exciting it is to work in her theatre [the New York City Opera], and asking about [directing?] 'Alceste' in 1982, which he can't do; ends with a request that he 'explain Peter Hall's mind' to him someday.

SHAF/A/1/D/8 · Item · 18 Apr. 1980
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Met, Metropolitan Opera Association, Lincoln Center, New York, New York 10023 - Thanks him for his letter, is glad he enjoyed the 'Budd'; the shingles should be under control in a few weeks time.

SHAF/B/11/1/7 · Item · 18 June 1979
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Copy of a letter written on The Lantz Office letterhead and signed in print by Peter, with two earlier typescript drafts, corrected, of the same letter accompanied by a photocopy of part of the draft. A memo containing his reflections on his dealings with John Dexter and to lesser extent Peter Hall in the matter of directing 'Amadeus'.

SHAF/A/1/D/7 · Item · 27 Sept. 1978
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Met, Metropolitan Opera Association, Lincoln Center, New York, New York 10023 - Thanks him for the card, hadn't been sure if he had offended him because he hadn't seen him, hears from Raymond [Leppard] that PS hasn't been too happy; 'Budd' is going well, hopes he could come see the show; good luck to Paul [Giovanni?] 'if he will accept good luck from such a depraved quarter'.

Typed letter from Adam Low
SHAF/A/1/L/67 · Item · 23 Aug. 2012
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Director, The National Theatre at Fifty. Lone Star Productions Limited, Mount Pleasant Studios, 51-53 Mount Pleasant, London WC1X 0AE - Thanks him for the interview about the National Theatre, it was interesting to hear his memories of Ken Tynan, John Dexter, Paul Scofield, and Olivier; will let him know when the documentary appears on BBC2.

SHAF/A/1/L/53 · Item · 10 Aug. 1973
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

An auspicious day, the mail brought PS's letter and Robbie [Robert Lantz?] sent the reviews [of 'Equus'], and his mother left the country for three weeks: 'All I need now is to see an eagle tearing a lamb in the sky'; is delighted the Shaffer-Dexter combination has scored again, give his congratulations to John Dexter, [Harold] Hobson's review gave him pleasure; has been watching the Watergate hearings and the total effect is not all negative, repelled by corruption but impressed by the quality of the senators on the Ervin Committee and the 'good guys' among the witnesses; drive out and enjoy the view with Tom on weekends, are building a house, which includes a room for Peter and Paul [Giovanni], a bucolic setting, 'cows outnumber queens a hundred to one', a welcome change from the Ile de Feu; has had the Dubuffet photographed but would like to go slowly with its sale as summer is a slow time. Give his love to Paul and Carolyn and Tony.

Note from Michael Powell
SHAF/B/10/1/52 · Item · 22 Oct. [1973?]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Flat 2, 8 Melbury Road, W.14. - Admires 'Equus': the communication between author-actor-audience was complete; compares it to the great Greek plays in theme, dignity, and [catharsis]; Alec MacOwen [McCowen] was excellent and John Dexter surpassed himself.

SHAF/B/11/1/35 · Item · 6 Jan. 1980
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Met, Metropolitan Opera Association, Lincoln Center, New York, New York 10023 - Thanks him for his letter and for news of Ray Leppard, will make inquiries and report back; offers congratulations on the success of 'Amadeus'; Riggs [O'Hara] joins him in best wishes for the new year.

Letter from John [Gielgud]
SHAF/B/5/1/3 · Item · 6 Nov. [1963]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Hotel Esplanade Pty. Ltd., Perth, W.A. - Returns ['The Royal Hunt of the Sun'] and thanks him for letting him read it again, comments on it, especially the difficulties in acting and directing it, thinks if Dexter does it as brilliantly as 'Chips' and he gets two first actors, it will be a big success; is in Australia, finds the stage squeaks and the dance studio next door 'lends jazz combo accompaniments to my silvery efforts'; saw Jim Mossman before he left. A note at the top of the letter signed by John [Perry]: 'V. Rum here will write soon'.

SHAF/A/5/2 · Item · 1959-2012
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Includes obituaries for John Dexter, Bertie Hope-Davies, James Mossman, and John Wood. Includes an issue of The Listener 14 Oct. 1976 with an article by Shaffer, " Peter Shaffer on faith, farce and masks."

SHAF/B/10/1/170 · Item · 20 Jan. 1977
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The Lantz Office, 114 East 55th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022 - Responds to her telegram to Yves Saint Laurent on behalf of Peter Shaffer; emphatically states that the rumor she reported in her telegram [that the Paris production of 'Equus' is blinding live horses] is false; the production is again the work of John Dexter and is exactly as produced on the New York stage and elsewhere. Enclosed is a copy of the telegram send to Yves St. Laurent 21 Nov. 1976. Letter copied to Peter Shaffer and Yves St. Laurent.

Typed letter from Peter Hall
SHAF/B/10/1/157 · Item · 24 Oct. 1975
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The National Theatre, South Bank, London, S.E.1. - Has heard that John Dexter has written to Michael Birkett that PS is angry about 'Equus' not going on next spring and that he is convinced that 'to present a play at the National is to cut down its performance life'; asks him to pick up the phone or to write, as their relationship is important, and hopes that he could see that in future it will be possible to run new plays for long runs.

Telegram from Joe Mankiewicz
SHAF/B/10/1/134 · Item · 21 Apr. 1975
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Western Union Mailgram - Congratulations for the Tony award: is happy that a sufficiency of taste and quality of standard prevailed for his work to be recognised; is also cabling John [Dexter] about his 'triumphant emergence from a list of traffic wardens obviously selected by a computer'.

SHAF/A/1/D/11 · Item · 1 Oct. 1986
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Thanks him for his kind letter; will be in New York in February with ["Dialogues of the Carmelites"]; invites him to be as nasty about Peter Hall as he likes; reminisces about being driven through Sussex by a drunken Peter, wonders if he remembers those days; has a new plan for a company.

Letter from John Dexter
SHAF/A/1/D/10 · Item · [14 Jan. 1984]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

He 'never could abide' [the Japanese?]; suggests they meet sometime for dinner, but early, because of his diabetes. Closes with 'Remember Pearl Harbor!'