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SHAF/A/1/L/11 · Item · 24 Mar. 2008
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Her handwriting has suffered from the six or seven hundred letters she has written following Robby [Lantz]'s death; thought of him when she heard the news of Paul Scofield's death; remembers Paul and speaking to PS about him; Robby saved him from a disastrous seven year contract with a Hollywood film company; she first saw Paul via a sculpture in Rolf Gerard's studio; remembers Robby's tender love and deep admiration for Peter.

SHAF/B/10/1/170 · Item · 20 Jan. 1977
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The Lantz Office, 114 East 55th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022 - Responds to her telegram to Yves Saint Laurent on behalf of Peter Shaffer; emphatically states that the rumor she reported in her telegram [that the Paris production of 'Equus' is blinding live horses] is false; the production is again the work of John Dexter and is exactly as produced on the New York stage and elsewhere. Enclosed is a copy of the telegram send to Yves St. Laurent 21 Nov. 1976. Letter copied to Peter Shaffer and Yves St. Laurent.

SHAF/B/11/1/183 · Item · 21 [20] Oct. 1998
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Faxed to Shaffer at the Old Vic Theatre from The Lantz Office, 888 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10106-0084 - Addressed to Shaffer at the Old Vic Theatre - Sends his love, assures him he has created a masterpiece ['Amadeus']. Dennis [Aspland] also sends his best wishes and love.

SHAF/B/11/5/19 · Item · 1984-1985
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Photocopies with a letter from Barbara Perlmutter at S. Fischer Verlag forwarding a group of reviews and a letter from Robert Lantz to Peter Shaffer and Milos Forman dated 14 Nov. 1984 forwarding a letter from Dr Krista Jussenhoven at S. Fischer Verlag with copies of cuttings of reviews of the movie. Includes an issue of Der Spiegel with "Mozart Superstar" on front cover dated 16 Sept. 1985.

SHAF/B/11/1/196 · Item · 14 Dec. 1999
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The Lantz Office, 200 West 57th Street, Suite 503, New York, NY 10019 - Sherlee searched to find 'this almost unobtainable bottle' to celebrate the night his play ['Amadeus'] returns to Broadway.

Postcard from Robby [Lantz]
SHAF/A/1/L/2 · Item · 30 May 1994
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

[Image of Villa Gallici, Aix-en-Provence on front] - Describes the 'gorgeous accommodation', tells him to come at once, 'it's the solution to all problems; asks if he has found a new home.

SHAF/B/11/1/209 · Item · 23 Aug. 2001
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

The Lantz Office, 200 West 57th Street, Suite 503, New York, NY 10019 - Is writing late on Wednesday so that it can be sent by International Federal Express as soon as Lawrence [?] types it; was watching the Gala Performance to end the Mostly Mozart Festival on 'Live from Lincoln Center' and it featured a five minute clip from 'Amadeus'; will try and get a videotape so that he and Milos [Forman] can see it; begs him not to be the only enemy his plays have, knows he is distressed about certain critical misstatements, but they come from a minute minority and every masterpiece suffers from them; urges him not to let a few reviews silence him, 'Shrivings' just needs one more look by its creator; no other living playwright has a record like his; Tom Stoppard, whom they both admire, writes self-consciously, 'without the hot pulsing blood that is in the veins of your work'; he will write to Buckingham Palace to have his knighthood removed 'as there is no glory to him and his name that can be bestowed by others'; urges him not to go into a corner but instead start writing again.

Letter from Paul Scofield
SHAF/B/11/1/210 · Item · 30 Jan. 2002
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Thanks him for his letter, of course he wrote his truest feelings to Robbie Lantz, remembers the last performance of 'Amadeus' at the National, PS's visit to his dressing room, and his own determination to express gratitude for a peak experience as an actor.