University of Chicago, Yerkes Observatory, Wisconsin.—Summarises some recent work on the convection zone in stellar atmospheres.
(Trinity College, Cambridge.)—Comments on Chandrasekhar’s summary of work on convection (A5/4), and relates an amusing incident connected with the recent visit of the Duchess of Kent.
File labelled ‘Notes on homogeneous turbulence’. Includes documents entitled ‘Decaying homogeneous turbulence’, ‘Solution of Heisenberg’s equation (after Bass)’, 'Olukoff's expression for transfer', ‘The objection to Olukov’s expression’ and ‘Extract of a letter to Nature by M R Sen’ together with correspondence with Ian [ ] and Subramanian Chandrasekhar
G.59: 1946–48. On functional equations; also includes some personal news.
G.60: 1964