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Letter from Mal Diamond
SHAF/A/1/D/44 · Item · 13 July [1950]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Is leaving Vermont for the weekend to go back and be interviewed by three members of the religion department [at Sarah Lawrence College?]; was most amused by Peter's letter; received Bruce [Hunt]'s letter; will drop Donald [Friedman?] a card; discusses Peter's sexual fears, and says Peter is 'living with a fearful curse' and should go ahead with Louis's advice [?], 'I cannot help praying for something else - you do what you must though'; his sickness is frightening, and refers to the things Peter has told him he can see, and doesn't know how much Peter consoles himself 'into believing that the vision is inextricably involved with the illness'; briefly describes Buber, wishes he could give an idea of what he's going to write his dissertation about; had hoped to get going on his research this summer but his German remains basic, is flirting with multiple women he describes but does not name; describes his big year ahead; has enjoyed living in [Middlebury].

Letter from Mal Diamond
SHAF/A/1/D/43 · Item · 4 July [1950]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Writes from the German course at Middlebury College, Vermont. Has left the apartment he shared with his cousin Harold [Rosenberg], will probably be the building superintendent in Frances [Whyte]'s apartment house; thinks they will be married inside a year; describes the course at Middlebury College; has a lead on a teaching job at [Sarah Lawrence College] and at Columbia University; asks for news of Richard [Mayne?], Brian and Tony, and Dave Calhoun.

Letter from Mal Diamond
SHAF/A/1/D/42 · Item · [5 Apr. 1950]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Is going to do his dissertation on Martin Buber; is very busy, with papers and an application for a national religious fellowship; compares his piano teacher at Cambridge and Peter's help, with his teacher in New York; has moved apartments to a place with a kitchen with his cousin Harold [Rosenberg?]; answers PS's statement [in his last letter?] that he had interfered with Mal's happiness, writes at length about his analysis and the first psychoanalyst's view that the scratching was a good thing as it led him to seek help; declares they should stop asking forgiveness of each other; ran into Mr [Balachandra?] Rajan from Trinity, who is working with the United Nations.

Letter from Mal Diamond
SHAF/A/1/D/32 · Item · 17 Oct. [1948]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Is glad to hear from PS, urges him not to overdo things and look after his health; describes working as a waiter to pay his passage to the U.S. on board the 'Marine Tiger'; has taken to scratching himself for hours again, but is better when he is around Frances [Whyte]; saw Uncle [Sid] Lovett, Chaplain at Yale, who advised him to marry Frances, get psychiatric treatment at once, take money from his father, and approved of Frances' idea that he take an MA in Philosophy; shares his admiration for Frances, would marry her now if it weren't for her Catholicism; went up to Union Theological and saw [James] Muilenberg, who went all out to get him accepted by Columbia and Union, is a candidate for the PhD in the Philosophy of Religion supervised by a joint faculty board from both universities, has started the semester 3 weeks late, with exams and term papers for five courses; has not wanted to see people since his return, but saw Harold [Rosenberg?] and is working to reestablish their relationship; the U.S. seems vulgar and terribly wasteful compared to Europe; hopes the letter doesn't worry PS, his was very welcome.