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Crewe MS/21/f. 11 · Part · 22 Apr. 1713
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

A, as one of the representatives of Anne Moseley, daughter of Humphrey Moseley, late citizen and stationer of London, has an interest in the copyrights of ‘Priamus and Thisbe’, ‘Spencers Shepherds Calendar’, and other works, as recorded in the register of the Stationers’ Company and a transcript thereof; and also (formerly) claimed an interest in the copyright of ‘Cowleys Poems, Donns Poems, Davenants Works, Crashaws Poems, Carews Poems Ben Johnsons Works, 3d Vol, Pastor Fido, Sucklings Poems Denhams Poems Wallers Poems & Miltons Poems in Latin & English, with many others’, which all belong to B and C or one of them. For the consideration of £10 A assigns to C his interest in the copyrights of the books in the first group, and releases to B and C his claim to the copyrights of the books in the second group. Witnessed by Robert Knaplock, John Baker, and Marmaduke Horsley. (The witnesses to the receipt are the same.) Signed by ‘Dorman Newman Junior’.

MCKW/A/2/19 · Item · 5 Nov. 1913
Part of Papers of R. B. McKerrow

(Sheffield.)—Adds to his previous remarks on Nashe’s phrase ‘good mindes to Godward’.

(Undated. Postmarked at Sheffield on 5 Nov. 1912.)



Nashe II 225. 29. ‘pincht a number of good mindes to Godward of their prouant.’ {1}

You remember I suggested that ‘good mindes to Godward’ form one phrase. {2} There is something similar, I see, in Cowley’s Cutter of Coleman St Act I. Sc 2. ‘He was a very Rogue ‥ as to the business between man and man, but as to God-ward he was always counted an Upright man, and very devout.’


[Direction:] Dr McKerrow | 4 Phœnix Lodge Mansions | Brook Green | Hammersmith | London W


Postmarked at Sheffield W.D.S.O. at 11 a.m. on 5 November 1912.

{1} The reference is to a phrase in The Unfortunate Traveller.

{2} See MCKW A2/14.

Letter from George Airy
Add. MS a/200/125 · Item · 10 Dec. 1858
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Royal Observatory Greenwich - GA has looked at Cowley's [Abraham Cowley] Ode to the Royal Society: 'I find the allusions and the repetition of allusions to Bacon much stronger than I had supposed. Cowley, though no man of science, was a schemer in science, and seems to have been intimate with the founders of the Royal Society...from whom probably he had derived his impressions about Bacon'.

Add. MS a/355/3/12 · Item · 24 Dec. 1926
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

(Oxford?)—Suggests further examples of books containing illustrations.


Portraits 1660-1700 usw {1}

Cowley 1668
Ormida 1667(?)
Dryden 1700?
Temple 1720(?)
Clarendon 1701

[*To the right of the foregoing list is written:] Many of these are fine engravings by Faithorne {2} etc.




{1} ‘und so weiter’ (German), i.e. ‘etc.’

{2} William Faithorne the elder.