Thanks him for his letter, which was 'specific and generous and extremely helpful'; thinks Vanya is better now, might really like it by the time it closes; was good to see him at Tony [Shaffer?]'s.
20 June 1973
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer
2 Jan. 1966
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer
Mike Nichols - Explains why he hasn't apologised before [for withdrawing from directing the film of 'The Public Eye']: that an apology would be expecting forgiveness; feels very badly about the 'whole mess', describes how it happened in stages, how they were going to take the project away from Ross [Hunter] and switch to another producer, how Universal changed position and he had no choice but withdraw, feeling a picture made with both Ross and himself would be a disaster; didn't contact him as he felt PS should be free to hate him, and assures him of his regard.