Elspeth Cochrane Agency, Blanche Marvin, 19A-21A St. Johns Wood High Street, London, N.W.8. England - Thinks 'The Battle of Shrivings' an important play, capturing the essence of what is happening in English society, with only a very thin veneer of civilization; discusses the voluntary arrangement between Mark and Gideon, rather than a more easily comprehensible exterior force (such as a blizzard) to keep them together.
22 Feb. 1970
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer
13 Mar. 1970
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer
Clarifies her point [in her earlier letter], about the relationship between Mark and Gideon: that she understands the choice by Gideon to show the path of permissive behavior, but by allowing it to be only on Gideon's shoulders then it becomes symbolism; ordinary people react to the man, not the symbol and have a human rather than an intellectual reaction; her idea of having Gideon concede the battle was only a means of trying to solve that the problem of the line between the symbolic and the emotional reaction; points out that actors play people not symbols.