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Archivistische beschrijving
FRAZ/15/137 · Stuk · 31 Oct. 1933
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

St. Catharine's College, Cambridge - Is sorry to hear of Frazer's eyesight troubles; sends Sarat Chandra Roy's address; thanks to their visit and Frazer's lectures, they have a welcome increase in students, and the museum is also doing well, amassing gifts and treasures.

FRAZ/2/138 · Stuk · 22 Apr. 1937
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Newtonmore, Invernesshire - Has been reading 'Aftermath', spent 37 years in India, knew Sarat Chandra Roy and is pleased to see him mentioned; sends notes [not present] on the Irish ceremony 'Cutting the Calacht'; includes a few other notes [present], including those on the tradition of the brideag in the Highlands and the Larka Kols and Bhuiyas of Chota Nagpur.

Add. MS c/60/58 · Stuk · 22 Sept. 1916
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Ranchi (India) - Sends him a copy of a published lecture on anthropology ['Principles and Methods of Physical Anthropology'], with apologies for the poor quality of work, invites criticism; encloses a copy for review in a scientific journal; the first number of his new journal 'Man in India' will be published in March.

Add. MS c/60/59 · Stuk · 29 Jan. 1921
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Ranchi (India) - Thanks him for his suggestion that he get his book 'The Orāons' published by an English firm and his suggestion to approach the Folklore Society; through Mr Hodson he is a corresponding member of the Royal Anthropological Institute, wonders if there is such a membership for the Folklore Society.

Add. MS c/60/60 · Stuk · 12 Apr. 1921
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Ranchi (India) - Thanks him for accepting copies of his new journal 'Man in India' and thinks the only way it will survive will be if it is supported in foreign countries, asks if he would write an article; would like his opinion on 'Principles and Methods of Physical Anthropology'.

Add. MS b/37/88 · Stuk · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

10 King's Parade, Cambridge. Dated 5th January 1915 - Is glad to hear they have good news of Norman [Roscoe]; Lilly is better but not strong; he has been reading, mentions Donald Frazer's [recte Fraser's] 'Winning a Primitive People' and Sarah [recte Sarat] Chandra Roy's 'The Orāons of Chōtā Nāgpur'; asks what books he has on the religions of India so that he can advise; walked with A. B. Cooke [Cook]; is not convinced by Rendel Harris's paper on Apollo as an apple-god.

FRAZ/3/91-95 · Stuk · 1932-1937
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

'Man in India', Ranchi (India) - In letter of 27 July 1932 he is ready to publish a volume on the Bhuiyas; is working on a comparative study of the ethnology of the Munda tribes of India and asks for advice on the manner of collecting data and presenting it. Four letters (one of them typed) concern his publications and contain requests for review copies of Frazer's latest books: on 4 April 1935 he tells Frazer he is sending 'The Hill Bhuiyas of Orissa', asks Frazer to bring it to the attention of Western anthropologists; on 27 June 1935 he wonders if he received the book and asks for a copy of 'Totemism and Exogamy'; on 22 April 1937 he tells Frazer he is sending a copy of his latest publication; on 21 Oct. 1937 he wonders if his book on the Kharia tribe reached him and asks for a copy of 'Totemica'.