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FRAZ/17/8 · Item · 28 July 1932
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

28 Grange Road, Barnes, S.W.13 - Half sheet of paper of the beginning of a letter about the Frazer lectures volume: material is almost ready for the printer; Moret's lecture took a long time as he verified all the references; shall not abridge Malinowski's essay as it should be done by him and he is away; will add a note that some lectures are longer because they were worked up into book form.

FRAZ/32/76 · Item · 12 Feb. 1926
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Davy Faraday Research Laboratory, The Royal Institution - Thanks Lady Frazer for sending her friend's letter; as to a lecture by Monsieur Morel [Alexandre Moret?], he will consider fitting him in to the programme for next term.

FRAZ/17/6 · Item · 26 July 1932
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

28 Grange Road, Barnes, S.W.13 - Thanks her for sending letters from Mlle. Rivet and Paul Geuthner; has begun to mark copy [of the Frazer Lectures volume] for the printer, is adding footnotes - Moret's lecture will take time; the size of the page is determined by Evans' illustrations; will need to rewrite Westermarck's MS, as it is full of corrections; the lectures are of unequal lengths, with Malinowski's the longest; asks for some information on the origin for the Introduction; Macmillan says they can publish in October only if it is sent at an early date; Macmillan will not pay him for the work.

FRAZ/16/56 · Item · 15 Apr. [1926]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 54 rue Vaneau - Suze Moret congratulates Frazer on the Légion d'honneur, thinks he would have received it earlier if not for the instability of government after the war; will be happy to see them in London in May; her husband will go to Vichy to rest in June; she is equally absorbed by the plight of friends of Argentina; also, the Congrès de Syrie has dragged down many of their friends. On the verso of the letter, Alexandre Moret writes his congratulations.

FRAZ/29/47 · Item · 4 Feb. 1940
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Clos St. Jacques, Avenue de Benéfiat, Cannes - Asks if he remembers him painting his portrait many years ago; has a high regard for him and his books, is particularly interested in the beliefs in travels of the dead; is ill and cannot get to libraries; his friend Alexandre Moret and brother-in-law Henri Delacroix are no longer there to bring him news, still hears news from the Loysons and Louis de Glehn; writes to say he is encouraged by the strong ties that have emerged between England and France during the terrible events of the day.

FRAZ/33/346-349 · Item · [1927?]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

19 Avenue du Progrès, Vanves and Les Glycines, Biache S. Vaast - Three undated letters probably dating from 1927, concerning the French translation of J. G. Frazer's works; in one he is working on a selected passages book, and mentions his fear of including a theory on which Frazer has changed his mind, and mentions that [Sébastien] Charléty is nominated for the poste of Recteur de l'Université de Paris (Item 346); in another he reports he has seen [Georges?] Geuthner and he has no documents relating to the Apollodorus (Item 347); he also thanks Sir James for the list of his suggested selected passages for the book (Item 348); mentions that Geuthner has told him he is sending 50 copies of the Moret booklet to her ['La mise à mort du dieu en Egypte'?] (Item 349).

FRAZ/33/26 · Item · 4 Dec. 1922
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Hotel Lutetia - Confirms in writing the verbal agreement that they see no objection to the Université de Strasbourg publishing 'Le Rameau d'or'; with response on the verso signed by A. Moret acknowledging this agreement.

FRAZ/33/241 · Item · 16 Apr. 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

121 Bould. Saint-Michel (Ve) - Answers the points in her letter in order: has written to Moret, would like to see him before he calls on Geuthner again; will see Geuthner again and tell him to hurry and publish; thanks her for pointing out that he has cheated himself of 50 francs; has done the first 'tranche' for 'Taboo' and is sending it separately.

Add. MS c/59/23 · Item · 19 Apr. 1913
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Ministere de l'Instruction Publique. Musée Guimet, Paris - Thanks him for the copy of 'The Belief in Immortality', will send him a book of essays of his when it is published; asks about the Ship of Isis in relation to expulsion of demons.

FRAZ/14/22 · Item · 10 Jan. [1925]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 54 rue Vaneau - Congratulates the Frazers; her husband [Alexandre Moret] apologises for not writing but is very busy, as he has had to replace a sick colleague at school as well as absent and sick colleagues at the museum; they have no free time as they are preparing for the marriage of their son with her niece, Blanche [Reine?] Husson; will go to le Congès de Géographie in Cairo and hopes to see them in Paris after that.

FRAZ/33/199-201 · Item · 13 June [1925?]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Encloses the subtitles to a film written by Mr and Mrs Henri Saint of Buenos Aires, about the Araucans; her husband [Alexandre Moret] judges it a valuable document, as they recorded what they saw; she has had troubles with the cinema, and the public did not have Part I when it was screened; there is a section with a priest that is not in the manuscript, as her husband found a copy in [Tomás] Guevara's work on Araucano folklore and has already sent it to Sir James; Mr and Mrs Lapie cannot come to lunch, but Mlle de Coubertin, [Joseph] Hackin, de Guimet, l'Abbé Drioton and [Maurice] Brillant will be there. Accompanied by a carbon copy typescript of the subtitles, entitled "Voyage de Mr et Mme Henri Saint, de Buenos-Aires, dans l'Amérique australe, en [added in ink:] 1923?" and three more pages of subtitles [?] entitled "Chez les Araucans du lac Lacar, péninsule de Quila-Quina, territoire argentin".

FRAZ/33/198 · Item · 14 Jan. 1935
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Collège de France, Paris - Is glad they are coming to a conference at the Musée Guimet on 20 Jan.; has already spoken briefly about the Comparative Method as illustrated by Sir James; there is unexpected testimony written in the 14th century which describes a ritual based on the Golden Bough, which pleased Sir James when he heard about it; the lecture at the Musée Guimet will be illustrated; his wife had a bad week, is better now, but they don't know how long it will last.

FRAZ/33/197 · Item · 17 June [1924?]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris - In reply to her query about needing a new contract, he says that a new contract may need to be agreed upon with Geuthner, as the Annals du Musée Guimet are under the direction of [Joseph] Hackin; his role as treasurer of funds is ending as well and he will give her the remaining 2500 francs immediately; believes it would be desirable if 'Atys et Osiris' were published in the Annals as he could look at the translations before printing; for the rest of the work, he thinks Hackin would be disposed to continue printing it in the Annals; the death of their common friends the Sembats [Marcel Sembat and Georgette Agutte] does not change his feelings towards them; arranges to meet.

FRAZ/15/147 · Item · 26 Oct. 1933
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris - It was not possible to subscribe to the bibliography before now; the other day he saw Mme de Fels who said everything was impossible, and he will write to [M. Poirier de la R. de P.?] for the report; he doubts that the Musée Guimet has funds to subscribe to multiple copies.

FRAZ/18/139 · Item · 27 May 1926
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Exeter College, Oxford - The [Frazer] lecture was a success, over 150 people attended, the Professor [Alexandre Moret] was eloquent, clear and easy to follow; will leave it to [Moret] and the Frazers to decide how publication takes place.

FRAZ/2/139 · Item · 19 Feb. 1926
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Lecturers' Common Room, The London School of Economics and Political Science - Thanks them for the nice occasion, has the MS from Moret, is printing the Frazer lecture of Liverpool in booklet form, with the myth of sexual nature cut out, to be added to his "Sex & Repression" which will be published soon.

FRAZ/18/121 · Item · 16 Feb. 1926
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Macmillan & Co., Ltd. - Did not follow her suggestion and will have illustrations in the 'Fasti', but they will select them; has advised J.G.F. to confine the commentary to one volume; will come hear Professor Moret at the French Institute if he is in town on 26 May.