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Add. MS c/60/64 · Item · 31 Oct. 1892
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

14 Gray's Inn Square, W.C. - Answers questions about his recollections of the remains [of Stiris], has consulted [Sidney] Barnsley; reacts to news that [John Henry] Middleton is marrying Bella Stillman.

Add. MS b/37/241-242 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

The Orchard, Huntington Road, Cambridge. Dated June 12, 1896 - Encloses a copy of a letter from Lisa Stillman, from The Residences, S. Kensington. Dated 12 June 1893 which conveys the news that Dr Middleton died on the 10th and gives information on funeral arrangements.

Add. MS b/36/230 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Westholme, Cheltenham. Dated July 20, 1889 - Sends notes on a Cornish harvest custom. Accompanied by the typescript of a draft of a short item about 'An Antrim Harvest Custom' signed by Frazer, and a draft of Middleton's notes, with the header 'Cornish Harvest Custom still surviving in Places'.

Diary of a Tour in Greece
FRAZ/34/2-4 · Item · 1890
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Three volumes containing notes taken in Athens in March and April, 1890, and a journal of a tour in the Peloponnese and Central Greece from 21 April to 24 May, 1890. In the journal, Frazer makes frequent references to Baedeker and to Pausanias.

The first volume contains 52 pp. of notes made on statuary, architecture, and pottery while visiting the Central Museum in Athens, and from J. H. Middleton's notes on the Acropolis in Athens and on 'Temple Management'. This is followed by the start of the tour journal (126 pp.) dating from 21 April to 9 May, in which he travels via steamer from Piraeus to Nauplia, and from there on horseback with his dragoman Weal, to Tsipiana (now Nestani), to Mantinea, Tripolitza, Arachova, and Sparta, where he makes notes from the museum at Sparta and meets [Robert Weir] Schultz and [Sidney Howard] Barnsley. From Sparta he travels through the Langada gorge to Lada, where he meets Aksel Andersson and Henrik Schück, who are interested in folklore; to Mt. Ithome and Mt. Eva, and to Phigalia, where he describes the cave of the Black or Phigalian Demeter; to the temple [of Apollo] in Bassae; to Megalopolis, where he meets archaeologists [William] Loring, [William John] Woodhouse, and [R. A. H.] Bickford-Smith; to Andritsaena and Krestana and to Olympia, where he makes extensive notes. The volume contains two pen-and-ink sketch maps of Sparta, one of Thebes, and pencil sketches of temples, gates, and objects.

The second volume consists of 35 pp., reconstructing his diary of May 10-16, after he lost his notebook at Chaeronea on the 17th. It describes a tour from Olympia to St. Luke's monastery, to Dhivri, the monastery of Hagia Lavra at Anastásova, to Megaspeleon, to Aegion, to Delphi, where he makes extensive notes, to Arachova, and St. Luke's monastery.

The third volume consists of 31 pp. of his tour from May 17-24, in which he travels from St. Luke's to Chaeronea, to Livadia, Thespiae, Plataea, Thebes, Eleutherae and Eleusis to Athens. Once at Athens, he makes notes of an excursion to Oropus and Mt Helicon with [Arthur George] Bather, and a trip to the monastery of Mendeli on Mt Pentelicus, and walking back to Athens, arriving before Bather, who took the train.

Add. MS b/36/148-149 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Rowmore House, Garelochhead. Dated 15th Oct. [1889] - Writes family news, of the illnesses of their parents [Katherine and Daniel], is glad to hear he was in London with Mr [John Henry?] Middleton, and asks for a photo of him, is glad to hear his book goes well, thinks Macmillan and Black are both good choices for a publisher; refers to [J. G. Frazer's question about the harvest maiden] sent [John] Macfarlan and encloses his reply [transcribed], and says they should ask Archie [Leitch?] and Mary as well; Ninian has a cold; shares news of the movements of friends Mrs Ireland, Annie, Miss Brown and the Dr; Mr Marrick of Cummock was at tea, just back from the Holy Land.

The card from John Macfarlan is from Faslane, Gareloch, Dumbartonshire. Dated Monday [14th Oct./89] - discusses the tradition of the harvest maiden, quoting Archie Leitch, on the Maiden, Dunbartonshire farms about sixty years ago.

FRAZ/18/126 · Item · 11 May 1932
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

27 Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W.7. - Thanks her for the copy of the address to the Glasgow Corporation; shares information learned earlier that day that in Dec. 1873 he and James both sat for the Trinity scholarship; he did not go to King's due to an incident during the Christmas holidays, after which he started work at Macmillan's; at the High Table at Trinity Henry Jackson told him to remember Frazer, who was later second in the first class of the Tripos to his old friend A. H. Cooke; a letter from J. H. Middleton commended 'The Golden Bough', resulting at last in 'the personal association which has ever since been to me a matter of so much pride and pleasure'; delighted to hear his eyesight has improved; happy to hear of the facilities offered by the British Museum; glad he is writing about 'The Fear of the Dead', which George had often discussed with him; is still confined to bed for what seemed a trivial accident.

Add. MS c/60/104-104a · Item · 12 June 1896
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

The Orchard, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge - Encloses a copy of Miss [Eliza, known as Lisa] Stillman's letter to himself. Her letter is from 2 The Residences, S. Kensington Museum, dated 12 June - Conveys the news that Dr Middleton died on the 10th and gives information on funeral arrangements.