Lund - The Swedish translation of 'The Golden Bough' is going well, asks if they may add information on Swedish customs that are pertinent, and if so, if they can be put in the main body of text or in the footnotes.
Lund - Thanks him for his nice letter and hopes the Swedish translation will be satisfactory; is pleased his 'Greek Religion' has been favourably reviewed, and sends some reviews and abstracts of German periodicals under separate cover.
Lund - Gives his permission to Frazer to use Frazer's preface from his 'History of Greek Religion' in the collection of essays ['Garnered Sheaves'].
Lund - Says that he has supervised the work only to make sure that no misunderstandings arise and that the style is good; says that she should speak to the publisher about listing Frazer's degrees on the title page, but notes that this is not usually done in Sweden.
Lunds Universitets, Rektor - Thinks the publishing of [Frazer's] notebooks would be most valuable, and makes two requests: a full index, and a list of authors quoted with brief information about their life, works, character and trustworthiness of their relations.
Berlin - Now has the third vol. of 'The Golden Bough'; sees Professor [Martin Persson] Nilsson has used his work in his 'Primitive Religion'; not sure if his wife will be well enough to travel in the autumn; accompanied by a cutting headed 'Kleines Feuilleton. Neue Mitglieder der Akademie der Wissenschaften' from 'Berliner Zeitung am Mittage', 10 May 1911.