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FRAZ/3/31 · Item · 22 Jan. 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Lund - Says that he has supervised the work only to make sure that no misunderstandings arise and that the style is good; says that she should speak to the publisher about listing Frazer's degrees on the title page, but notes that this is not usually done in Sweden.

FRAZ/15/39 · Item · 23 July 1837 [i.e. 1937]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Lunds Universitets, Rektor - Thinks the publishing of [Frazer's] notebooks would be most valuable, and makes two requests: a full index, and a list of authors quoted with brief information about their life, works, character and trustworthiness of their relations.

Add. MS c/56/62 · Item · 21 May 1911
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Berlin - Now has the third vol. of 'The Golden Bough'; sees Professor [Martin Persson] Nilsson has used his work in his 'Primitive Religion'; not sure if his wife will be well enough to travel in the autumn; accompanied by a cutting headed 'Kleines Feuilleton. Neue Mitglieder der Akademie der Wissenschaften' from 'Berliner Zeitung am Mittage', 10 May 1911.