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TRER/32/14 · Item · c 1925 - c 1927
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trevelyan's childhood poem, "Oh Hector, I do love thee...", is copied onto the flyleaf, with its date of composition; other verse (perhaps a translation) written around it and on facing endpaper. Draft of Trevelyan's play "Sulla". Translation of part of the "Epic of Gilgamesh" [more later in notebook]. Reviews of "Song of Love" by [W. H.] Davies, "Marigold" by [Walter J.] Turner, "The Land" by Vita Sackville-West, and "Wreath of Cloud", the third part of the translation of Murasaki's "Tale of Genji" by Arthur Waley. Fictional dialogue between Rhodopis and Aesop. Draft of Trevelyan's "Epistulam ad Morram". Another draft from "Sulla" [perhaps an early version as Sulla's name is spelled 'Sylla' and Lycoris is called 'Lycorida'?].

Notebook also used from other end in: list on flyleaf [perhaps of possible topics for creative work?] 'Inês de Castro [crossed through], Satyr & Sulla [marked with cross beside], Cressida, Bellerephon' etc. Dialogue between 'She' and 'He'. Draft of Trevelyan's "To Arthur Waley". Draft of "Thersites". Translation of Aeschylus's "Prometheus".