Empire Nursing Home, Vincent Square, London, S.W.1. - Is getting on very well now [after his operation] with little discomfort. Bessie reads Trollope to him most afternoons, and he usually has visitors each day: T[homas] S[turge] Moore is coming to tea today. Hopes Bessie will go to Paris next week, then on to Holland: no reason for her not to now Bob is 'so well' and go to the C.A.s [Clifford Allens] for the first couple of weeks after he leaves the nursing home. He works through chess games in the papers, and has just been looking at the tournament between Cambridge and Oxford, in which the marks were equal; Bronowski, whom he supposes is Julian's friend [Jacob] 'lost his game rather disastrously'. Terence Gray wants to do Bob's [translation of Euripides'] "Medea"in May, which he has agreed to but now regrets; Gray is trying to get [Maria] Germanova for Medea, but 'wants her to do it for nothing'; Bob has telegraphed to her saying she should 'on no account... accept the engagement. It is too monstrous'; Gray probably wants him to step in and pay Germanova himself, which he will not, as he will not be able to get to rehearsals and go through the part with her; Gray is also intending to put Medea in a mask, which is 'the height of folly' regarding Germanova. Unlikely Germanova would have been able to take the part with her husband [Aleksandr Kalitinsky] so ill. Wonders if [Hasan Shahid] Suhrawardy has gone to India yet and whether he has finished his book. Hopes Julian is getting on well with his work; frescos must be 'fun to try', though expects Julian is 'likely to make rather a mess at first'. [Étienne Adolphe?] Piot was 'technically quite competent' but artistically bad. Asks to be remembered to [George] Reavey, and to [Jean] Marchand if Julian sees him. Hopes Bessie will come to Paris next week, and see the Luce family. He and Bessie had hoped to see the Sykes family this month, but had to put it off; supposes [Hugh]'s exams are coming up anyway.
The Malt House, South Stoke, Reading. - They are glad to have Bob's 'new translations from unfamiliar fragments' [this year's "From the Shiffolds"] which 'sing the praise of simple contentment with the earth. In which one finds more & more satisfaction in these days'. Adds to Bob's list of 'the pleasures of life' in his broadcast ["Simple Pleasures" on BBC radio], 'the brightness of the grass where the sun has melted hoar frost'. Enjoyed that in the garden this morning before the fog came down; then went to 'clear out masses of old paper & pamphlets... to be sold as wastepaper. Joan [Allen] says Bob saw Eileen's letter in the "Times" about the Barratt Brown's gifts from Norway [Eileen Barratt Brown, "Gratitude to England". The Times (London, England), Tuesday, December 24, 1946, Issue 50642, p.5.]; they have just received another parcel and sent some books in return. Hopes they may meet in 1947; they and Joan have promised each other more often than they have done recently.
28, Rue de la Tourelle, Boulogne sur Seine. - Looking forward to seeing Trevelyan next week; Madame G[ermanova] has a longstanding commitment to go with her son to see a friend; will try her best to come back. Is busy working as his book is due in October. Will be very glad to see Clifford Allen and his wife again. May not be in Paris in September, as he feels he must go to Spain to see the events he reads of himself.
28, Rue de la Tourelle, Boulogne-sur-Seine. - Thanks Trevelyan for offering to help: Madame Germanova will thank him in person. She will have little time in England; asks if she can come to lunch on Sunday 22. Trevelyan can talk this over when he goes to se her play on the 20, or write to her at the Globe. They have seen Kindall several times. Has got a car on 'the instalment system'; this is the latest craze. Asks if Trevelyan could come over soon for a few days, and to be remembered to the Allens and Mrs Trevelyan. Is sorry he cannot come to England soon.
Horn Hill Court, Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks. - Thanks Trevelyan for "From the Shiffolds": has reread his 'beautiful poem' to [Goldsworthy] Lowes Dickinson. Is sure the 'wisdom' and 'light of the spirit' does not 'go out' at death, and this 'world of beautiful spirits' 'may be very near' the living, part of the 'mystery of life' which man may 'fathom one day. Nobody knew about 'ether waves a hundred years ago' though they were 'always there'. Or, as Trevelyan says, it might be that 'words & deeds' will not die, but continue to work in secret in 'the hearts of men unborn' (to quote his poem to Marjory Allen). However, she thinks she has felt goodness and evil 'emanating' from people, signifying 'some unmaterial power' in the world. Discusses memory and capturing of moments in poetry. Trevelyan's poetry always brings her 'tranquillity'. Adds a postscript to say she is enclosing a poem she wrote 'many years ago', which she fears is 'very imperfect'.
Separate sheet with Roscoe's poem "The Giant Buddha (At the Chinese Exhibition)"
I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Has just heard of the death of Clifford Allen and is very sorry: it must have been a comfort both for the Allens and for Trevelyan that they were near in his last weeks. Only met him once, but remembers him as 'very endearing'; it is sad that 'so much keenness to live has been taken from him' and that Trevelyan has lost a younger friend who could have been 'with him for ever'. Asks if a friend of his, and Nicky [Mariano]'s could come and stay with a family in England to learn English and teach Italian language and literature. B.B. [Berenson] and Nicky come tomorrow; Mary seems 'more rested than usual'; Karin 'is entertaining but a bit mad'.
Glad Julian is having such a good time in Spain. Betty Chetwynd wrote recently saying that she was going to Paris on 1 Oct, so recommends that Julian write to her about bringing the parcel of drawings and canvasses. Betty Muntz's sister Hope is also going to Paris soon, so Julian could write to her; recommends he meet her, as they should get on. [Lascelles] Abercrombie is still 'rather well', as is [his daughter] Elizabeth. Donald [Tovey] is finishing scoring his cello concerto, and will leave on Tuesday. C.A. [Clifford Allen] is very well but [his wife] less so. Had a 'pleasant' week at Wallington and Hallington. Bessie is well, but 'a bit over-driven with all our guests and invalids'.
Thanks Julian for his letter; asks him to let them know next time whether [Maria] Germanova, [Aleksandr] K[alitinski] and Rex [their dog] are living in [Hasan] Suhrawardy's rooms or elsewhere, whether they are very uncomfortable, and whether they have heard when Suhrawardy is returning, as he was 'very vague' in his last letter, though he seemed to like Bob's "Epistle" to him. Terence [Gray] and [Frank] Birch seem to want to produce his translation of Euripides' "Medea" at the end of May; thinks this means Birch rather than Terence, and perhaps he will like his production more than he usually does Terence's. Does not know whom they have chosen to play Medea, and fears it will be 'no one adequate'; Germanova is 'out of the question... after the fiasco of Terence trying to get her for nothing last year'; in addition she would need weeks of study and coaching to do it in English, even if she could leave Kalitinski, which she clearly cannot; asks Julian to say how Kalitinski is now. Bessie is distributing the notices for [George] Reavey's book ["Faust’s Metamorphoses: Poems"]; Bob thinks it would be better if they had a sample of the poetry as well as the drawings. Sends his love to [Jean] Marchand, if Julian sees him again. Will not go to Paris at Easter, nor to Wallington for Kitty's wedding, but stay at the Shiffolds. C.A. [Clifford Allen] is 'fairly well', but has 'ups and downs'; Bob is going with the Allens to see René Clair's ["À nous la] Liberté" on Thursday, but otherwise he 'plug[s] away at [his translation of] Lucretius"; will soon have to get in touch with [Hugh] Sykes Davies again. Julian's Mount Athos picture 'looks very well on the floor still'; must put it up over the fireplace. Quotes a poem by Po Chu-I [Bai Juyi] about his study. Things are going more smoothly at Edinburgh now; thinks [his and Tovey's opera "The Bride of Dionysus"] will be better sung and produced than last time.
Contains "Steinitz Please, Not Stodge" by Geoffrey Eley; "Jane Austin" [sic], a poem by Carla Lanyon Lanyon; "The Foreigner in the English Landscape" by Elizabeth Trevelyan; a poem, "It Would be Joyous" by 'S.S' [Sylvia Sprigge]; "The Broad and Narrow Path", by Marjory Allen; a poem, "April", by G. M. Hudson.
Furzen Wood. - Originally enclosing 'a review that may interest' which he thinks, on stylistic grounds, is written by Roger [Fry]. Hopes Julian is enjoying the South of France. Bessie seems quite well, and to be enjoying herself in Holland; he himself is not totally well yet, which he has made an excuse for not going to see [Terence Gray's production of his translation of] "Antigone" at Cambridge, though he goes to London to see Donald [Tovey]'s concerts and some of the Russian operas, and is probably doing too much. Negotiations for performance of Tovey's opera ["The Bride of Dionysus", for which Bob wrote the libretto] again next February or March. Doubts if he will go abroad in July, but will probably go to the Lakes with the C.A.s [Clifford Allens] for a while, and must go to see Tovey at Hedenham to get him to 'correct his programme proofs at last'; Bessie could come later if Julian is coming over just then.
Furzen Wood, Abinger Common, near Dorking. - Has been sent some money for Julian's furniture, which he has paid into the account at Drummond's. Elizabeth has had to put off her visit to the Netherlands because of her 'nose-bleeding', which is 'not serious but a nuisance'; expects she will be able to go in a week or two. Is 'fairly right again' now himself, though gets tired if he does too much. They went to London on Wednesday for Donald [Tovey]'s first concert with Adila [Fachiri], who played a Bach sonata with Donald's new Dolmetsch harpsichord - though this could not be heard at all, 'as Adila would not play softly, though she said she did', and the Wigmore Hall 'swallowed up the poor harpsichord's jangling in its unacoustic maw'. The rest of the concert went well. Sorry to hear that Shahid [Suhrawardy] is ill and hopes it is not serious; supposes this may prevent him going to India. Hopes [Aleksandr] Kalitinski is better. Is going to see his [translation of Sophocles'] "Antigone" 'performed, or misperformed, by Terence [Gray]' at Cambridge; has kept away from rehearsals so is 'not responsible'. Has begun work again on an epistle to [Arthur] Waley and 'plugging away at [translating] Lucretius'. Must write to [Hugh?] Sykes soon to see when he can come to talk about it. He and Bessie are 'both quite cheerful, in spite of noses and operations'; the Allens [Clifford and Joan] also seem all right, though they have to take [their daughter] Polly up to London every other day for eye exercises. Hopes Julian's 'frescoe [sic] project will flourish'; warns him not to fall off the scaffold 'like Barna [da Siena] at San Geminiano [San Gimignano]'. Asks to be remembered to [George] Reavey, and hopes he has recovered.
c/o B[ernard] Berenson, Poggio allo Spino, Consuma (Prov di. Firenze). - Glad Julian is having such a good time; expects he will be at or near Aulla by now. Unsure whether he himself will be able to get to Aulla; expects he will stay here until the end of the month then go home; hopes Aubrey and Lina [Waterfield] will not be annoyed with him. Might be able to come for a few days early in September, but fears Julian would have left by then. B.B. [Berenson] likely to go to Paris then so Julian would probably miss him, or the house would be full since Mary is coming from England with some guests. Nicky [Mariano] and the Anreps [Alda and Egbert] are here at the moment, and [Alberto] Moravia is staying in the village nearby. Julian could maybe arrange to do this, but will probably want to go on to Ravenna.
Spent some time in Paris with the Allens [Clifford and Joan], and saw [Hasan] Suhrawardy and [Maria] Germanova; then went with the Allens to Bolzano for almost a week. Clifford Allen seems much better in health; they will return home soon via Heidelburg. Bessie writes that the 'last difficulties to the building contract have been removed'; she has probably signed it by now. Roland [Vaughan Williams] will not allow the house to be 'plastered smooth', so the 'old part shall remove rough-cast, and the new part be brick': he is sorry, but Julian may prefer it. Is reading a lot, but has done little work, except on translating the "Medea" for Germanova, who 'seems to want very much to do it in America next year'. Received Julian's letter at Bolzano about 'adventures in the Pyrennees [sic] and in wolf-caverns'; glad Julian is seeing [Frederick] Porter, will pay for any lessons when he returns so he should keep an account. Sends love to Lina and Aubrey; will write soon to let them know whether he can visit.
Thanks for Bessie's letter and 'all the enclosures'; will keep some and burn others. Has heard nothing about Joan [Allen], who hoped to visit before she returned to France on 11 Jan, but the telephones here and at Hurtwood House have been out of order; perhaps she may still ring up. Hopes the Brunswick Gardens [nursing] Home will be comfortable, the staff nice, and the room quite. Thanks Bessie for sending back Desmond [MacCarthy's] review and the other letters; Desmond should not have reviewed Bob's Leopardi pamphlet since it was privately printed and not for sale; asks Bessie not to show the book to friends for a few days. All quite well here; Mr Symonds has 'put [them] right for light and heat for the present' and will write soon to Bessie. Will visit when she is settled in the new home. Mr McEvoy seems better after his Christmas holiday. So glad Bessie is recovering, and does not feel the cold too much. Puts Joan's address into a postscript, but does not think Bessie would find her there.
Hotel de Londres, Paris. - Has been in Paris with the Allens for three days, and is going on with them to Bolzano; will be at the Berenson house around 15 July for about a fortnight; may then go to see [Umberto] Morra at Cortona, or to Aulla [to see the Waterfields]. Saw [Jean] Marchand yesterday, who was glad to have seen Julian, and that he is coming to Marchand's academy in the winter; liked some of Marchand's latest work. If Julian returns to Cambridge he could still spend some time with Marchand this winter; would of course be very pleased if he chose to return, but he must use his own judgement. Has seen a lot of [Hasan] Suhrawardy and [Maria] Germanova, who were sorry to have missed Julian; Suhrawardy may be away on Julian's return, but Germanova should be in Paris. Allen is 'fairly well, but easily tired'. Saw Terence Gray briefly in the street, who looked well, and was 'very friendly and cheerful, and almost without his stammer'. Suhrawardy sends love; the Allens are upstairs packing and resting.
Very glad to hear that all is well; hopes Mrs Fenwick Jones is better and able to come to Bessie. All 'pretty well' here, except Mr MacEvoy, who is 'at any rate cheerful'. Is going this afternoon 'with Valery to the Leith Hill Place party'. Has heard that Joan [Allen] is back home; she will come on Tuesday for tea. Will come to London by car to see Bessie and then pick up Catherine [Abercrombie]; thinks he should get to the nursing home before lunch.
May try to come to Cambridge before the end of the month. Bessie went abroad on Thursday. C.A. [Clifford Allen] is much better, it will be some time until he and Joan can travel abroad. Joan has chicken-pox and is in quarantine. Does not know about the Waterfields: they have had a lot of paying guests at Aulla, until one, 'a young man from Oxford, suddenly lost his memory and more or less went mad, and is being looked after at Poggio [Gherardo] with nurses'. Expects the Waterfields will go to Aulla soon if the young man can be sent home, but then [their children] Johnny and Kinta will probably come out to visit. Had thought of arranging for the Allens to stay when Clifford is strong enough, but it is unclear when that would be. The Waterfields want him to visit, but he cannot go abroad until the building plans for the Shiffolds are settled, probably by August; may then go to Aulla for a while and on to the Berensons at Vallombrosa. Thinks Julian should write to Lina and ask if he could stay as a paying guest, though he should remember there is not as much space at Aulla as at Poggio, and if the Allens could go they should have preference. Currently here alone, but will go to London on Monday for [Wagner's] "Rheingold with the "Walkyrie [sic]" on Thursday. Desmond [MacCarthy] printed his epistle to him in the May "Life & Letters", but forgot to use the corrected proof, so there are '5 monstrous misprints'. Hopes Julian is finding some time to do some reading. Unsure whether he will be able to come to Cambridge next week. Asks when Julian's exams are, and how he likes Granville Barker's "Shakespeare"
Hey Farm, Winsham, nr Chard, Somerset. - Thanks Bob very much for his Christmas greetings and poems; the poems addressed to [Goldsworthy] Lowes Dickinson and to Joan [Allen] are 'very comforting in their wisdom and philosophy'; thinks he is right that lost friends remain, not in 'any psychic sense' but 'share experiences are among the most real & lasting" of memories, and that this 'makes us believe there is something in man that is eternal'. People who 'see the wrong & do battle, like Joan, & see the good vividly & immediately are noble pioneers - & make the world sing for us'. Sends good wishes for 1949.
Lemon Corner, Abinger Common. - Has received Bob's 'most welcome Christmas card' [this year's "From the Shiffolds"], and already read most of the poems in 'this dim December light'. Remembers the 'fine' poem to Lowes Dickinson, which Bob read to her one afternoon at the Shiffolds; "To know and not to feel" has 'haunted' her ever since Bob read it to her here. The lines to Marjory Allen and some of the translations, however, are new to her; hopes he will visit and read them to her.
25 Gillespie Road, Colinton, Edinburgh. - Much appreciates Trevelyan's 'Christmas greetings' [this year's poetry booklet "From the Shiffolds". In his "To Marjory Allen" he expresses what many think at present; is sure that as he says the 'remedy sorely needed is the union of intellect with charity'; so few people attain the 'perfect balance' of reason and love. Is also familiar with the experience, as in "To Know and Not to Feel", of an 'inner deadness' when one is 'fatigued or not in tune' with the occasion; has felt it at a concert; luckily these are 'only lapses'. Has recently learnt from Schauffler's biography of Beethoven ["The man who freed music"] that sketches of a tenth symphony were found among the composer's papers after his death; it was intended to be a 'piece of programme music where Bacchus was to appear in person'. Wonders if Trevelyan and Sir Donald [Tovey] knew this [given their opera, "The Bride of Dionysus"]. Was 'positivity excited' to read that Bettina Brentano wrote to Goethe that Beethoven had told her that 'music... is the wine which inspires to new acts of creation: and I am Dionysus..'; Schauffler thinks that this is 'Bettina's own thunder' rather than Beethoven's, but she notes the closeness of the metaphor to Trevelyan's words in the last act of the "Bride".
Wishes she could reciprocate with poetry of her own, but she has only written one in her life and will 'spare' him; has not had any of her 'attempts at music' printed, so encloses some lines from a friend who died last year [no longer present].
Wallington. - All is well here; the house is kept 'quite warm nowadays' and they 'shut the windows more'. Is breakfasting in his room, but getting up soon after that; has been for some short walks though not yet as far as the garden; is leading a 'lazy life, lying on the sofa a great deal', but has also done some Homer translation. The house is quiet as there are no children here yet; the Weavers are coming in a few days, as are Kitty and her family. The only other guests have been 'Dr Boon and his nice wife and children' who have now left. Charles and Molly 'seem quite harmonious, and in good health except for Molly's laryngitis'. The Geoffrey Youngs have been away, but are now returned and are coming to tea tomorrow; he has been 'very unwell lately'. Bob is staying in the 'tapestry room', which is comfortable though there are 'no clothes pegs, and of course no water'; however, the house seems 'tidier and cleaner than it has been for a long time'. His eczema seems better. Hope Bessie has had a pleasant visit from van Stuwe and feels well and happy. Catherine [Abercrombie] is well, and getting on with Charles and Molly. Very kind of Tet Htoot to send the letter by Bob's grandfather [Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan: see 17/171]; will keep it to show Joan [Allen], and write to thank Tet Htoot. Asks to be remembered to Miss Goddard and the rest of the household.
I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Knows Julian's birthday was three days ago, but this will 'serve to revive the pleasant feeling of being 18'; not until after the age of thirty that 'birthdays become unpleasant, and one is sad to be a year older. Going to [Umberto] Morra's house at Cortona for a few days tomorrow, then will join C[lifford] A[llen] and Joan at Naples, and go on to Ravello with them. The people here -[Bernard] Berenson, Nicky [Mariano] and her sister [Alda von Anrep] who know Germany very well, all say that if Julian goes to Hamburg he will like it, and that all building there has to be approved by the municipal architects so it is all ' if not very good, at least never bad'; they also say 'Munich is not what it was before the war for music and the theatre', with Vienna, Dresden and Berlin being much better, though he does not think this makes much difference and Julian will probably go to Vienna for part of the time.
Saw Chartres Cathedral with Desmond and Michael MacCarthy on his way through France, and thought it 'easily the finest' he had ever seen. Is rather sleepy as there 'has been a Rothschild to lunch, and we all ate a lot. He was much like other people, and quite nice'. Expects Elizabeth will be visiting Julian soon. Hopes Julian does not 'find the Logie book too dull'; quotes Milton's "Comus" on 'divine philosophy'; Julian will anyway 'know the worst', and it gets much more interesting once through the 'elementary part', but he can always study English Literature [at Cambridge] if he thinks 'Moral Science would become distasteful'; however, he should give it a 'good try', and the psychology part ought to be interesting. Hopes he has good luck in the King's [College] exam: Nicky sends best wishes, and Berenson would too if he were not 'sleeping off his lunch'.
George Allen & Unwin Ltd, Ruskin House, Publishers & Exporters, 40 Museum Street, London W. C. - Trevelyan's two manuscripts have been looked through: the firm does not think there is a 'strong case' for publishing his book of essays, but would be willing to publish his translations from Greek verse if they are printed by Mr Tanner in the same way as the 'Latin volume' ["Translations from Latin Poetry"]. It is a much bigger collection than the Latin one, and the reader finds it 'unequal': it would be 'rather an expensive job' if all the submitted material is included, and the reader suggests omitting the Homer if cuts are desired. Asks if Trevelyan will collect the manuscripts or wishes them to be sent by registered post. Adds in a postscript that he gathers from Lady Allen that Trevelyan thinks Bertrand Russell's "History of Western Philosophy" is not available in this country; this is not true, as Allen & Unwin have sold around seventy thousand copies and have 'plenty in stock'.
Got Bessie's postcard and letters this morning, and is glad she had an easy journey [to Wallington]. Returned this morning from Hurtwood House; Joan [Allen] is going to Belfast on Saturday for a 'week's speech-making'; she sends love, and hopes to drive over to see the Trevelyans later this month. Agrees that it was a 'touching letter from Hambourger [?]'; does not think it would do harm to tell him 'the main facts about Kitty', as he would not talk to anyone else about it, but Bessie will know best. Glad Kitty will have returned to Wallington by now. Everything seems all right here; seems that Margaret is not going to school this week. Encloses an 'interesting article' by Desmond [MacCarthy] on Bertie [Russell], and a letter from Van Stuwe.
West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - 'Awful business' about the Allens [Clifford and Margery?]. Encloses a cheque for £100, but doesn't want them to know. Saw him from a bus in Dorking; he looked very ill. Hopes they have managed to sell their house. '[Go]od news about the blue particles in the sky'. Hugh Meredith visited on Monday but was not fit enough to see Trevelyan. Evert [Barger] has also been to visit, after a school Mediterranean tour
Has not yet heard from Bessie, but supposes they got seats on one of the trains. Is going to tea at Leith Hill Place [with Ralph and Iris Wedgwood?] then to lunch and to stay the night at Hurtwood House [with Joan Allen?]. Will listen to [Mozart's "Marriage of] Figaro" tonight on the [BBC] third program'. The [A.W?] Lawrences and 'Mrs Anderson (or Edwards)?' came to tea yesterday, which was 'very pleasant'; they look alder, but he enjoyed seeing them. Is well, but cannot work so will read Ben Jonson's "Alchemist'. Feels 'rather lonely' without Bessie. May go to the Deuchars and bathe on Monday if it is still fine. Ted Lloyd has gone to a conference in Switzerland. May visit Olive [Heseltine?] one day. Asks Bessie to let him know when she is coming back, and whether he should send her the "New Statesman" and 'those white trousers which Kitty said she would mend'.
I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Has left Aulla [Aubrey and Lina Waterfield's home] and come here for a few weeks; will return around 12 Feb. Originally enclosing a few stamps; will look out for new issues in Florence. The Allens have been for tea; they leave for England today; [Clifford] is 'much better for his tour abroad'. Encloses 'a stupid bad p[ost] c[ard]. photo of the castle at Aulla', as he 'could not get a good one'. Hears from Elizabeth that Julian's scenery [for a school play] was 'quite a success'.
Apologises for first writing "Tanganyika" instead of Julian's name on the envelope, perhaps thinking for a moment that he had 'gone out to Africa like Michael MacCarthy', instead of only being in the 'Sanganyika' [Sanatorium]. Hopes Julian will not have to stay much longer, but at least he has 'distinguished visitors - the mot distinguished English poet, and the most distinguished Anglo-Irish bard'. There must be 'a lot of poetry in the Ray [a school magazine?] if Bekassy's is there, and a lot of Brook[e?]'s. Glad Julian's story is going in; supposes he has not had time to do a wood-cut his time. The workmen have brought the poles for the telephone, but he fears it will not be installed in time for them to ring Julian in the Sanatorium. The snow is all gone, so the [Clifford] Allens will be able to use their car again; they may take him and Elizabeth to London next Thursday.
I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Hopes Bessie has received his postcard. Has now recovered from the 'rather tiring journey'. Julian has gone to town to find out about sleeper trains. Umberto Morra has gone home; it was good to see him, even for such a short time. [Leo] Stein came to the library yesterday; Bob 'cannot help liking him, though he bores [him] a great deal'. Julian is going to Siena next week. B.B. [Bernard Berenson] has talked a great deal to him and 'seems to like him'. George and Janet are coming to Lina [Waterfield]'s from Rome tomorrow; he and Julian will go to lunch at Poggio [Gherardo] to see them. They had tea at Poggio yesterday; Lina seems well and does not look much older. Last night they all listened to a 'very good German record of the [Bach's] Matthew Passion' and much enjoyed it. Little damage to I Tatti, and 'all the books and most of the pictures are back; some of the pictures have 'suffered a certain amount'. Poggio is much the same, but 'all the old furniture and pictures seem to be gone'. Hopes everyone is well at the Shiffolds and that Bessie's cold has gone. Has just written to Desmond [MacCarthy]. Bessie should get Joan [Allen] to come and see her soon. Will remember to get her some scent, and will ask Nicky [Mariano] about this.
Julian has come back from Florence, and has a sleeping car ticket for Bob for the train which leaves on 20 April and reaches London next day. This is a week earlier than expected; hopes it will not disrupt Bessie's plans. Julian is dining tonight with his friend Michael Noble, who lives near Settignano.