MONT II/A/1/185
7 Mar. 1918
Part of Papers of Edwin Montagu, Part II
24 Queen Anne’s Gate, S.W.—Has received letters from him dated between 29 December and 24 January, but one has obviously been lost. Refers to his shooting expeditions and his purchases, and wonders whether he will stop at Basra. After finishing at the Charing Cross Hospital she spent three days at Alderley, where Bluey is convalescing. Last night various friends came to dinner, including Cripps, who was divine, and Sidney Herbert, who is her ‘latest passion’. Eric, with whom she lunched today, says that he and Hankey think that Montagu should go to Mesopotamia; he thinks the Government ‘pretty firm again’. There is no news of progress at Breccles, but the purchase has been completed.