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'Theory of numbers'
DAVT/D/37 · Item · 1946–47
Part of Papers of Harold Davenport

'Theory of Numbers', 1946-47.

Davenport was approached, initially by E.A. Milne, to write a book on this subject as one of a series of mathematical works for the interested layman. The book was published in 1952 as 'The higher arithmetic'.

4 letters from E. A. Milne, 1946, outlining the proposed series, the level of mathematics to be aimed for and the publishers' terms.

Letter from Hutchinson & Co., publishers, 1947, enquiring re Davenport's progress, with his reply apologising for the delay, due to pressure of work.

'The Natural Numbers'.

5pp. typescript draft, probably of introduction to the book.

6pp. untitled typescript draft, paginated 15-20.

DAVT/A/30-31 · Item · 1927, 1971
Part of Papers of Harold Davenport

Two examination scripts written by Davenport for the Honours School of Mathematics, Part III, May 1927, set, marked and preserved by L.J. Mordell, who sent them to Mrs. Davenport in 1971.

Covering note (A.30), gives names of other examiners, Bailey, Milne and Chapman, which papers they set and Davenport's marks for each.

Milne, E. A.
DAVT/G/206 · Item · 1926–45
Part of Papers of Harold Davenport

Milne was Davenport's tutor in applied mathematics at Manchester, 1924-27. Letters of 1926-27 are re Davenport's Scholarship at Trinity (Milne's own college, to which he was devoted), with advice on directions of study. Letter of 1945 is on current leaders in mathematics.