8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - Congratulates him on his exams, notes that given what he told him about the problem paper he expected a greater difference between Hardy and J. H. Jeans.
W[est] H[ackhurst]. - Thanks Bessie for her letter and enclosure. His mother 'seems none the worse for her inquisitiveness', and he has some 'nice warm socks and a sort of waistcoat with a shoulder cape - very cosy'. Is glad none of them are ill, but 'this cold is scaring'; very sorry about Sturge Moore'. Will send Bob three tickets as soon as he can find them; if he cannot, he fears he will have 'no audience'. Hopes they are in his flat. Must now go out to bring up the coal. Has to go and broadcast to India tomorrow about The Return of the Native. Is reading Jeans' Science and Music, which he expects she knows.
Included are letters from Stanley Baldwin (B/67), Lady Betty Balfour (B/70), Harley Granville Barker (B/69), Sir J. M. Barrie (B/68), Edmund Charles Blunden (B/71), Evelyn Boscawen, 8th Viscount Falmouth (B/71), Robert Strutt, 4th Baron Rayleigh (B/67), Max Planck (B/67, B/70), Sir J. H. Jeans (B/71), Sir W. H. Bragg, (B/73), Godfrey Benson, 1st Baron Charnwood (B/67), Prince Chula of Siam (B/72), W. Martin Conway, 1st Baron Conway of Allington (B/71, B/73), Sir G. H. Duckworth (B/68), Frederich Homes Dudden (B/66), Lilly Frazer (B/72), Violet Grimston, Countess of Verulam (B/73), Graeme Haldane (B/72), Roy Harrod (B/72), A. E. Housman (B/73) and A.O. Rankine (B/73).