The "Half Moon", Little St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge. - When he gets back the negatives [presumably of his portrait photographs of Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson, one of which was used in E.M. Forster's biography of Dickinson (1934)] from Munich, he will send them to Elizabeth to do with as she likes. Wishes he were in Felday [the old name for Holmbury St. Mary]: has 'glamorous memories' of a visit almost forty years ago, and returned last summer to find it not changed as unpleasantly as he had feared. An annotation by 'E.T.' [Elizabeth Trevelyan] asks for the card to be returned some time, and advises preparation for a visit from Porter; another annotation [unsigned but perhaps by Forster] records that Porter is meant to be 'wonderful at organising rather risqué round games'.
The "Half Moon", Little St. Mary's Lane, Cambridge. - Enclosing negatives [presumably of his portrait photographs of Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson, one of which was used in E.M. Forster's biography of Dickinson (1934)]. Recommends Raines of South Ealing, Kodak of Kingsway, and Turners of Trinity Street Cambridge as firms she could use to have them enlarged; all know him. Would be happy to help if she is unsatisfied with the results. Reminds her that his permission is needed for publication, and asks her to return the negatives as soon as possible.
The photographs show Dickinson, wearing a Chinese cap, in what look to be his rooms at King's College, Cambridge. In 2/168-172 he is sitting in front of a bookcase; in 2/173, which is slightly larger, he is writing at a desk.