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Add. MS b/37/164 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 13th September 1923 - Never received his letter with a proof of the preface to the third volume; is glad to hear that Norman is safe [in Japan?]; is happy to hear of the Canonry of Rochester, a proper position for a researcher, would be happy to serve as a reference but reminds him his name might not be an advantage in some quarters, does not know Lord Cave's theological or ecclesiastical opinions and position.

Add. MS c/56/34 · Item · 20 Dec. 1909
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

80 Chesterton Road - Gives the correct spelling of a [Kikuyu] word, and encloses a letter from T. W. W. Crawford; Norman has been offered an exhibition at Pembroke. The letter from Crawford to Roscoe is written from 229 Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto, Canada and dated Dec. 7th 09; he promises to study the ceremony of the Kikuyu New birth, and is hoping to work amongst the Embu tribe and study their customs, and thinks every missionary should do the same as they have opportunities others do not possess, is sorry to hear that Roscoe has had to retire from the mission.

FRAZ/3/80 · Item · 11 Sept. 1931
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Ovington Rectory, Thetford - Dr Haddon and Ernest [Haddon?] have been to see him about some writing of Ernest's on East Africa; has been unwell, is having problems with his eyes, is sorry to hear about Frazer's trouble with his own; Norman [Roscoe] returned last week, is settling his children at school and will soon go back to Japan.

Add. MS b/37/84 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Middle Temple, E.C. Dated 15th October 1914 - Thanks him for his photograph; is glad to hear that Norman is in the China Diplomatic Service; is glad his lectures were successful; the sum required for 'The Northern Bantu' is almost all raised; is nearly finished correcting Addison, has finished the proofs of the Index of the G.B.; the war looks rather dark just now but they must hope for the best.