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'Miscellaneous math mss'
DAVT/E/125-126 · Item · 1912-c 1921
Part of Papers of Harold Davenport

Contents of a folder so inscribed.

E.125: Ms. notes on various topics made from Hardy-Littlewood. Ms. notes on work by Hecke, including 'Über analytische funktionen und Verteilung von Zahlen mod eins' (published 1921). Ms. notes on Lerche's formula.
E.126: 'Landau. Bedeutung der Pfeifferschen Methode für die analytische Zahlentheorie'. Ms. notes on paper published by E. Landau in 1912. 3pp. ms. notes, headed 'B.M. Wilson'. 7pp. ms. notes and calculations.

DAVT/D/184-185 · Item · 1968
Part of Papers of Harold Davenport

(Bibliog. 174). This paper was published in a memorial volume to Landau; the work had actually been done in 1935.
D.184: Ms. notes and calculations, including 2 paginated sequences, 5pp. and 4pp. 6pp. notes by Landau.
D.185: 5pp. ms. draft; corrected proofs. Also included is a letter from Marianne Landau on the death of her husband.

Add. MS b/194 · Item · 1928-1929
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of five notebooks kept by E. H. Linfoot containing notes made at Göttingen 1928-1929, under Bartel van der Waerden, Emil Artin, Harald Bohr, and Edmund Landau, catalogued as Add.Ms.b.191-195. The other papers in this collection are described in the record for the first item in the collection, Add.Ms.b.179.

Linfoot, Edward Hubert (1905-1982) astronomer
Add. MS b/195 · Item · 1928-1929
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of five notebooks kept by E. H. Linfoot containing notes made at Göttingen 1928-1929, under Bartel van der Waerden, Emil Artin, Harald Bohr, and Edmund Landau, catalogued as Add.Ms.b.191-195. The other papers in this collection are described in the record for the first item in the collection, Add.Ms.b.179.

Linfoot, Edward Hubert (1905-1982) astronomer