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Add. MS b/71/36 · Item · 1 Aug 1905
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Expresses her happiness at having received a letter from Nora, and also at the news that the book is in progress. Tells Nora to do what she and Arthur please about Henry Sidgwick's letters to her [Cannan], and expresses regret that she destroyed the early ones, which were 'so full of playful, delicate humour....' Announces that the previous day was her eighty-sixth birthday, and refers to the various presents and good wishes she received. Reports that her nephew Edwin Cannan is with her and 'is a great comfort' to her in many ways. States that she is in good health still, but that 'strength is failing fast, as it is entitled to be.' Reports that they have had a glorious summer [in Westmoreland] and that the country 'has kept its verdure and coolness.' Declares that it was a pleasure to see Thomas and Miss Sharpley 'and to pick up the dropped stitches.'

Cannan, Mary Louisa (1819-1911) schoolteacher