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Add. MS c/93/98 · Item · 13 Mar 1892
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Explains that she had had no opportunity of seeing him when she was in Cambridge the previous week. Refers to 'that gathering of women' [at the funeral of Anne Clough], and remarks on the influence that they were exercising throughout the country and around the world. Remarks on the 'great work' that Sidgwick and she [Miss Clough] had wrought. Refers with affection and gratitude to the lessons she learnt at Cambridge.

Add. MS c/99/83 · Item · [16] May 1867
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

[Written in response to 101/174]:- States that he does not think Stuart so good a man as Hales, who is older and has had much more educational experience than the former. Declares that 'if they [Miss Clough and associates working to further female education] do not mind [Stuart's] age...his inexperience, and...want of any special qualification in the way of reading, - in every other respect the choice would be an admirable one.' Refers to his qualities; 'bright, eager, clever', etc.

Does not think he [Henry] shall be able to stand a speech-day and a dinner [at Rugby] on 20 June, 'much as [his] feelings are of course moved by the tercentenary', as he predicts his hay fever shall be bad. Announces his plan of spending a fortnight or so in London around that date, and plans to read at the British Museum in the day-time, and by night to 'prowl about the streets and observe human nature'. Remarks that none of Mrs Paul's novels are in the University Library. Asks her to tell Arthur that he will answer the letter he forwarded. Reports that there is a conspiracy [at Trinity College] now to call him 'A. Sidgwick', which, he remarks, 'is one of the inconveniences of having a brother better known in the world than oneself.'

Add. MS c/105/7 · Item · 23 Oct [1876]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Admits to being a very bad correspondent; asks whether Henry has written to Mary. Reports that he is very busy with lectures and with organising the women's lectures 'and seeing that everybody gets taught what they want to learn'; he is also writing an essay for Mind. She is working at mathematics again with Mr Ferrers, and enjoying it very much; she is to have one or two pupils from Newnham Hall for Algebra. Reports that Miss Clough and several students at Newnham and their servants have become ill, probably from eating some unwholesome fish, but the doctor says that they will recover. Ellen Crofts has come back to the college, and Charlotte's sister Edith is also there. Edward Benson is coming to Cambridge on the following Friday, as he has to preach the commemoration sermon on the Sunday. Discusses Dr Slade and his seances, and the suspicions surrounding him, and refers to Professor Lankaster's evidence, which 'remains very strong in support of the trickery thing.'

Note from Henry Sidgwick to his mother, saying that both he and Nora 'have both been a good deal fussed about different matters', but that everything is sorted out now. Could almost believe that he had lived years in his house, which is exactly the sort of home they wanted. It is unlike what he thought of whenever he thought of living domestically in Cambridge; that he had always imagined himself 'in a semi-detached villa on the road to the railway station, exactly like twelve other semi-detached villas', but that the great feature of his present home is 'its Individuality.' Undertakes to send his own letter the following day.

Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head
Add. MS c/104/55 · Item · 20 May 1904
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks Nora for her 'most kindly and valuable support of the petition made to the First Lord of the Treasury [her brother Arthur Balfour, the Prime Minister]' by certain friends of Hales' on his behalf some weeks previously. Remarks on what a consolation it must be to her to see how Henry Sidgwick's name and influence live on 'as his work is more and more fully realized'. Recalls how Professor Seeley once remarked to him of Henry what a king he was amongst his contemporaries in Cambridge. Declares what a different place Cambridge seems without Henry; meeting him was 'like breathing a purer and keener air'. Refers to his eagerness to show an interest in anything that merited interest, and his abiltity to clear up 'any perplexity of any worthy kind.' States that Professor Gardiner, Professor Seeley and Henry 'are the three men who stood out in mind and character above all others....'

Sends their love to Miss Clough, and states that they were sadly grieved to hear of her bereavement [the death of her mother]. Recalls that he owed his first introduction to Miss Clough's mother and aunt to Henry in 1867, when a committee was choosing two lecturers - one from Oxford and one from Cambridge - to undertake courses of English history and literature in the province, and he [Hales] was proposed by Henry 'as the Cambridge man'. Sends his and his wife's kindest regards to Nora.

Hales, John Wesley (1836-1914), literary scholar
Add. MS c/95/33 · Item · 7 Sept. (c. 1874)
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Apologises for leaving his letter so long unanswered, and explains that during the previous year he has had more than his full share of 'trouble and annoyances'; his wife's illness, his moving house to Melbourne, 'fires on the farm, and very unpleasant relations with the governing body of the University who have tried to evade their contract with [him] in every possible particular'. Discusses life in Australia. Of Melbourne he says that 'it is not equal to London, Paris, or Rome or perhaps even to Sydney.' Refers to the Australian good nature, which he presumes stems from the general prosperity of the country. Claims that the libraries are 'not as good as they should be', but that he can get any books he wants put in. Complains of the 'unparalleled dispersion of people in the suburbs'; he has to live in town to be near his work and is in 'the unfashionable quarter, close to the university', while 'friends generally live in the country at any distance from 3 miles to 10, and are not often accessible by railway.' Refers to the university students, of whom there are about one hundred and eighty. Observes that some 'young ladies' pass the Matriculation examination, 'but they have not yet presented themselves at lectures', and are still excluded from degrees. Reports that he has started a Debating Society.

Discusses local politics. Describes the Australian constitution as 'a ludicrous parody of the English; [the] House of Lords being a council of men with a property qualification chosen by electors with a property qualification, and indissoluble for 10 years, but with no real power except of obstruction. Refers to a recent discussion on the reform of the constitution, involving the Conservatives, the Ultra-Radicals, and the Liberals, during which 'the Premier fell ill, a new Ministry has been formed; and the whole question is adjourned till next year.' Hopes that the Second House will be abolished altogether soon. Refers to the other two questions being discussed: Protection and Assisted Emigration. Of the former, believes that there is no chance of getting rid of it; and in relation to the latter, would be interested to hear what Sidgwick and Fawcett think of it. Asks Sidgwick if he believes that Macmillan's Magazine would insert an article on Australia as 'a [home] for persons of moderate fortunes.' Discusses the advantages for English families who would come to live in Australia. Declares that he shall have finished his book for [Rivington] in another two months 'if all goes well'.

Complains that he gets no Cambridge news in Australia. Reads papers such as the Times, the Spectator, the Pall Mall [Gazette], 'and occasional Guardians.' Expresses regret at the death of [Crotch]. Professes to be 'very glad to read such flourishing accounts of the Ladies Lectures at Girton Hall', and expresses the desire to organise something similar in Melbourne. Asks Sidgwick to remember him to Miss Clough, and to find out when Miss [Bulley]'s School History of England is likely to appear, as Miss Thompson's text book does not seem to supply the want adequately. Asks him to remember him also to Mrs Luard, Mrs Venn, Aldis Wright 'and other friends.' With carte de visite portrait of Pearson.

Pearson, Charles Henry (1830-1894), Australian politician
Add. MS c/100/30 · Item · 6 Jun [1869]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Informs her that he cannot come to her speeches, because of his hayfever. Announces that he would like to pay her a visit in July, if it is convenient. Explains that he has been very busy of late, and claims that his 'Destiny for the next few years' is being settled, and when it is, he shall write to her. Reports, with regret, that he hears poor accounts of William. Reports that George Ramsay is in Cambridge, and that he says he is going to call on Minnie. Suggests some reading material for her : Foul Play by Charles Reade, 'a sensation novel by a man of genius who has thrown himself a way; a 'book of travel' entitled Last Winter in the United States by [F. B.] Zincke; and 'entertaining Blank Verse (a rarity)' entitled Lady Grace by Miss Smedley. Refers also to her 'brother's attempt to instruct the gentlemen of the press in simple arithmetic (a complete failure)': his letter in the last Spectator, signed 'A Wrangler'. Advises her to read 'an accompanying book' [not included] dealing with infantile education, which Miss Clough gave him to show her. Sends his love to Edward.

Add. MS c/105/3 · Item · [Dec 1875?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks his mother for her note, and asks her to write to Nora, whom he is sure she will come to love. States that she is very quiet and undemonstrative, 'but so sweet and simple and calm and helpful'. Adds that they will announce their marriage before long, but that Miss Clough is very anxious that they should keep it secret for a week or so.

Add. MS c/105/26 · Item · 9 Jan 1871
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Typewritten. Thanks Clough for her new year's wishes. Since returning to Cambridge he has been making arrangements for the 'Lectures for Ladies'. Has discovered that it is much more easy to offend women than men. Encloses a programme [not included] which should demonstrate how they are extending their operations. They are now trying to arrange for the accommodation of girls 'who are gradually dropping in or proposing to drop in from other places.'

Refers to her tour, and reports that in September he came to England instead of going back from Switzerland to Germany. In relation to the Franco-Prussian war, his sympathies are thoroughly French, but he cannot join in the attacks on the Germans. Feels profoundly disappointed in Germany, which he had regarded as a nation advanced in morality; it is the liberals with whom he is most indignant, as the German Tories 'know no better'. The German liberals 'swallowed their constitutional principles in 1866...but they have now eaten their international principles too'. Hopes to see her in London, and expresses regret about 'Miss Clough's school'. Asks to be remembered to her, and to Mr and Mrs Smith [her parents?].

MS note by Nora Sidgwick: 'This letter did not reach us till the biography was printed off'.

Add. MS c/100/245 · Item · [30 Oct 1873]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks him for his 'services with the Millionaire [regarding subscriptions for building a hall of residence for female students at Cambridge]' Reports that they are trying two or three of them. Refers to 'a little circular' to be printed, in which Miss Clough's 'naïve, earnest, slightly incoherent appeals' are strangely mixed with the 'colourless, ponderous, semi-official prolixity' with which Sidgwick 'inevitably treat[s] such matters'. Announces that he intends to 'make an attempt on H.H [possibly William Henry Hoar Hudson?]' as soon as the proofs arrive. Refers to 'another who bears these initials' [Henry Hayman, at Rugby] on whom a Governing Body sat the previous day. Does not know the outcome however.

In relation to spirit-rapping, declares that he has the same attitude towards it as he has towards religion, i.e., that 'there is something in it', but does not know what. States that John King is an old friend of his, but that 'as he always came into the dark and talked at random', their friendship refrigerated.' States that he shall be glad to accompany Myers 'on any favourable opportunity.' States that in relation to 'A[rthur?] there is nothing to tell' and that the 'thing has been deferred for 3 weeks.' Predicts that there will be 'a Homeric conflict...' Claims that he is very affected by what Myers tells him about his cousin [Annie Marshall?] and her letter.

Add. MS c/100/236 · Item · 16 Jun [1872]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that Myers' letter gave him 'a mixture of pleasure and pain'; is 'hopeful of being something positive in the Universe', but this is 'something very unsmooth and unrotund, adapted for very peculiar functions'. Complains that he feels more and more unlike his own ideal, and perhaps 'acquiesce[s] more and more in [his] own limitations'; still, his 'aspirations are the best thing' in him, and has so far 'unmixed joy in Myers's 'sympathy'.

In relation to his 'Domestic troubles' [note by Myers explains that this is a reference to his scheme for female education; 'his harem at Cambridge'], confesses that they gave him 'more amusement than anything else'. States that he regards the 'female-educational movement as being in the phase of tentatives and experiments', and thinks that they may do it 'as much good by failing in an intelligent and cheerful manner as by succeeding'. Did not intend to blame Miss C[lough]. but rather his 'own want of tact'; though the 'storm is now blown over' Miss Clough has 'real reason to complain of [him] as unsympathetic'. She saw that he was 'partly amused by it' which he thinks 'hurt her': '[t]he Scheme is her life at present, and it is so little a piece of [his].' Refers also to Miss Venn, who has been 'simply delightful' in relation to 'the Suspicion affecting [his] character'.

Announces that he goes to the seaside - probably Broadstairs - after the Cambridge Examination, for about a fortnight, after which he shall return to Cambridge. States that he shall see Myers on 12 July if possible. Inquires about 'the [S]ecretary for C.A.E.', and declares that his cousin would be delighted to go. Also asks Myers to tell his mother that he [Sidgwick] made a speech advocating her views in relation to arithmetic on their Syndicate, and that it was agreed 'to divide the paper into two parts: one of which is to be pass and the other honours'.

Add. MS c/100/218 · Item · 10 Oct. 1871
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Asks for information concerning Myers' coming to Cambridge, 'The Prospects of Poetry' and 'The Probabilities of Medicine etc etc'. Declares that they have much to discuss, Sidgwick having failed to write due to the unrealised expectation of seeing Myers at Rugby. Reports that he has to teach history that term, 'no successor having turned up to Pearson: and Cambridge breeding no historian'; they are 'thinking of taking some healthy young resident and locking him up with a Hume'; it is 'rather a disgrace to us that we all take so small an interest in the human race'.

Asks if he has seen Noel 'in the Dark Blue [a literary journal]'. Suggests that he may have been ashamed to send it to Myers, as 'some of the polemic is almost personal'. Declares that it is very well written, 'except the polemical part', and states that he writes better prose than verse. Reports that Noel nearly quarrelled with him 'for reluctantly avowing that [he] did not consider him an equal of Swinburne.' States that Noel 'thinks that the Verbal School (S[winburne?] Rossetti, etc - non sine te) have been found out'. Refers to the Edinburgh of July, and the Contemporary [Review] of October as having evidence to support this theory. States that Noel also thinks that 'Buchanan and R.N are going to be chaired instead by a mutable but at length appreciative public.' Refers to 'a certain Mutual Admiration league' between Noel and Symonds. Believes that Symonds's poetry could be successful, 'if he could only impassion himself about a good subject.'

Asks Myers to send his last epic. Tells him to read Noel's article. Sends his regards to Myers' mother. Announces that his second correspondence circular is soon to appear. Reports that Miss Clough is in Cambridge, that the house is 'getting on', and that there will be five [women] there that term.

Add. MS c/100/207 · Item · May or June 1871
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

States that he shall be delighted to write Myers' autobiography, but adds that he must see a good deal of him to do it well. Hopes that he is coming to visit soon. Remarks that Venn seemed to expect him 'in an official capacity' in the neighbourhood. Refers to Myers' letter, which he deems to be 'very interesting', and claims to be 'impressed by the tranquil objectivity of [his] descriptions.' [Part of the letter torn out at this point.] Declares that he feels terribly ignorant of the whole subject, and claims that he does not believe in deliberate choice in love. States that when he was 'young and erotion (cf. Clough)' he used to repeat to himself 'the end of Iphigenia's prayer (Goethe, favourite play of [his] for wholesome warning'. Quotes some lines.

Refers to Myers' work and inquires whether it leads to a permanency. Asks him to tell his [Myers'] mother that Sidgwick is '[temporarily] supplied with a President of [his] "Hall" ', Miss Clough having promised to start them; she is to come only for one or two terms, so Sidgwick is still looking for her successor, 'though more tranquilly'. Reports that he is now examining houses. Complains that '[t]his whole matter' takes up so much of his time, but believes that it is worthwhile. States that he is 'forced more and more into involuntary antagonism with Miss Davies', and reports that she wrote to him recently 'and mentioned affably that [he] was the serpent that was eating out her vitals.' Reports that he saw [ ] [deleted] 'the other day' in Cambridge, and now regrets 'that she could not come.' Declares that she is 'so very [ ] [ ]' [deleted], and understands why, under some circumstances she might strike some people as 'unconciliatory.' Sends greetings to Myers' mother, to whom he is very grateful for 'her exertions' on his [and others'] behalf. Refers to J.A. S[ymonds'] poem.

Add. MS c/101/187 · Item · 14 Jul 1870
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Encloses 'the only letter which is come' that morning [not included], and describes the printed circulars which arrived: a notice of a half-yearly general meeting of the Pro[ ]s of the Scottish Australian Investment Company, and a notice of Henry having been made a member of the London Library. Also encloses a letter from Miss Clough [not included].

Claims that they 'scarcely feel afraid now of the war which appeared to some imminent' the previous day, and states that '[a]s Prince Leopold's Papa won't let him accept the Spanish Throne surely France can find no other pretext for such wanton bloodshed.' Refers to the weather in Rugby.

Reports that she has as yet had no letter from William, and states that she doesn't think that Arthur is strong, and that Dr [George?] Burrows advises against his playing certain games, such a croquet. Remarks that he must be careful if he goes to Switzerland. Reports that Mrs Trevelyan is unable to come to Rugby due to the heat, and 'is obliged to go to the sea with Lady Trevelyan.' Adds that Mr Trevelyan is to arrive in Rugby the following Friday. States that in a fortnight's time they will 'be free'.

Believes that Arthur will leave England about 2 August, and announces that she is to go with Mrs [Anne?] and Miss [Isabella?] Thompson about 10 August, as Mr [Reginald?] Thompson 'must attend some Law Court in August'. Asks Henry to tell her as soon as he knows where he is going. Adds that she sent his two Dividends in a registered letter to Berlin.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/99/175 · Item · 28 Mar [1874]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that he has decided 'with much regret' that he cannot leave Cambridge during the coming vacation, as he is too busy. Had intended to come down to her, but explains that about two weeks previously he had a bad attack of indigestion while he was trying to finish some work. Though he was recovering after taking a holiday, he wanted to see a doctor before resolving to work through the vacation and, on going to London 'on the business of Miss Clough's new house [for female students in Cambridge], consulted Gladstone's doctor, Andrew Clark, about his health. The latter diagnosed 'a tendency to rheumatic gout', put him on a strict diet, but let him go back to Cambridge to work.

Hopes to have 'a really good holiday' in the Long Vacation. Asks for news of Arthur; declares that he ought to be coming to England about that time. Refers to events at Rugby, and the attacks in the newspapers thereon. Claims that it was 'a clever trick of Hayman's lawyers to put the matter into Malins' court: no other judge would have allowed so much [ ] talk about the merits of a case which he knew he was not going to try on it's [sic] merits.' Hopes that she has been feeling well and it getting through her [ ] of removal'. Asks her to let him know of 'any Rugby or domestic news', and if she hears anything about Temple. Declares that he is sorry for him

Add. MS c/101/174 · Item · 14 May 1867
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Asks Henry, on behalf of Miss Clough, for his opinion of 'a Mr. James Stuart as to his qualifications for a Lecturer on Historical, literary and scientific subjects', adding that he was mentioned to Miss Clough by Mrs George Butler. Reports on the weather, and to Henry's hay-fever. Says that Arthur is well, and that he enjoyed his Yorkshire visits, where he saw Uncle Robert and Uncle Christopher; he was in Bolton on a lovely day, and was 'charmed with it', and went to Leeds also. Arthur saw Wordsworth Donisthorpe at his father's house, and 'thought him pleasant and clever.'

Thanks Henry for his letter, and refers to his reflections on bachelor life therein. Claims that she would like to have one of Mrs Paul's books some day. Announces that is has just been settled 'at a Master's meeting that a Tercentenary meeting and dinner of Old Rugbeians is to be held at the Town Hall on the 20th June, and that the Speech day is to coincide with it....' Asks Henry if he will come. Reports that Mrs Jex Blake has a seventh daughter [Bertha], and that Mrs [ ] has a daughter also.

Add. MS c/101/173 · Item · 17 Dec 1866
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

States that she will be delighted to see him on 29 December. Hopes that Minnie will come as early as possible in January, if not before. Announces that Arthur goes to London on the following Wednesday, and then to Clifton and to Cheltenham on his way home. Claims that it is six weeks since she has had a card from William. States that her letter [172/1] will tell him all about Miss Clough, and undertakes to write to him at once if she hears from her again that week about Manchester. Does not think that Edward will change his mind [about coming to Rugby]. Regrets that Henry has had 'disappointment in College matters....' Reports that she said good bye that day to Mr [Edward Ashley?] Scott, who is to be married.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/101/172/2 · Item · 5 Nov 1866
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that Mrs A.H. Clough called on her that afternoon, and mentioned a proposed scheme for the furtherance of female education, which her sister-in-law, Miss Clough, is very anxious to carry out. She suggested that several schools in a large town could unite and be lectured to by a 'well-educated man from one of the Universities' on a given subject. She asked Mary Sidgwick to mention this scheme to William, having been told by Arthur that there was no such man available at Rugby. Announces that Miss Clough is to go down to Liverpool soon to make enquiries about the schools there.

Reports that Mrs Clough is staying at the Schoolhouse in Rugby, and that she enquired about William, and was anxious to know how Miss Brooks was received at Stone Gappe. Mary Sidgwick passed on news of her, which she had learnt from William Lace. Is glad to hear that William is 'better in spirits', and that his work is not too much for him. Reports that Mrs Acland informed her that Lady Brodie was sending her eldest daughter to the Miss Louis' school near London, to which Miss Cannan sent her 'little charge' Mary [ ]. Adds that one of the Moult[ ]'s 'musical cousins - a Miss Salt' has been giving lessons there....' Reports that Ernest Crofts has been staying at Rugby for a few days, and remarks that he seems really in earnest about his occupation. Reports that Arthur is very well, and that Mrs Symonds has been at Rugby for a few days. [Incomplete].

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/101/172/1 · Item · 17 Dec 1866
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that she wrote to Mrs [Blanche?] Clough, and that the latter sent it on to her sister-in-law [Anne Jemima Clough]. Mrs Clough tells her that 'through Mr. and Mrs. G. Butler she [her sister-in-law] has succeeded in inducing a Mr. undertake to lecture once a week [on Italian history] to [these] schools in Liverpool', and that Mr Hales' services will not therefore be needed. Asks Henry to inform Hales of this development, and also to let him know that a similar scheme may be established in Manchester, where his services may be required. Describes the end of term at Rugby. Reports that Mr [Henry?] Brandreth dined with them the previous day, and that he regretted not having seen very much of Henry. States that they are all well. Does not know when William is coming, and hopes that Henry will be able to come by the time Arthur returns from his visits to London, Clifton and Cheltenham.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/105/17 · Item · 29 Mar 1876
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Nora will write to her about the wedding arrangements. The relatives on his side coming to the ceremony are 'A.S.' [Arthur Sidgwick],' C.S.S.' [Charlotte Sidgwick], 'E.W.B.' [Edward Benson], 'M.B.' [Minnie Benson], 'E[dward] Sidgwick, Lucy Sidgwick, W. Crofts, 'Mr W. C.', 'and perhaps Ellen with Miss Clough (Uncle John and Etty declining)', and that all the others he invited have declined. Besides these guests there are four or five friends of his, including Miss Clough, who are definitely coming, and one or two more who are probably coming. There will be about four times as many guests on Nora's side. Sends his love to Mary.

Add. MS c/99/159 · Item · [1872?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Announces that he has to be in Cambridge from Monday to Wednesday in the week after Easter, for an examination. Asks her if she will come and stay at Miss Clough's from Saturday in Easter week until the following Wednesday. Explains that Mrs Clough will be there, and he would like them to meet. Asks her to invite Arthur to come also 'if he has nothing else to do. Declares that he shall be 'travelling about till that Saturday.'

Add. MS c/99/155 · Item · [5 Aug 1871]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Remarks that he has not heard from her in a long time, and reports that lately he has been lying on his sofa 'from inflammation of the ancle [sic].' States that it is better now. Reports that he found 'a tolerable suitable house' for his young ladies [a hostel for female students]. States that he then went to stay with the [Thomas Fowell?] Buxtons on the borders of Epping Forest, and then to London, where he found 'portentous heat and equally portentous hayfever.' Claims to hate London in heat. Reports that he was introduced to Miss Octavia Hill, whom he has long wanted to meet, ever since he read an article of hers in Macmillan's on her work among the poor in the East of London. Calls her 'a very interesting woman', and vows that if he ever takes 'a vow of asceticism' and gives away all his goods 'to feed the poor', he will give them to her, 'as the person who is likely to make them do - the least harm'. He then went to see Mrs Clough, and made his final arrangements with Miss Clough for their proceedings the following term. Spent 'the suspensive day between the rejection of the Army Bill by the Lords and Gladstone's "coup d'état" [the Royal Warrant on Purchase] ' with Trevelyan. The latter 'had had notice given him privately of what the Ministry was going to do and was in proportionately good spirits.' Reports that he saw his friend Patterson, 'who was also cheerful as a translation of a Hungarian story by him is to appear in the Cornhill.' Since London he has been in Cambridge, 'trying to get a little reading done', but complains that he cannot shake off his laziness. Informs her that [his cousin] Annie 'is passed in P.E' [political economy]. Asks for her news, and whether she will be staying by herself at Rugby during any part of the vacation, as he may come down there.

Add. MS c/99/154 · Item · [early Jun 1871]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks her for having remembered his birthday. Feels that though he has 'remained immature for too long' for various reasons, he has now grown up, and hopes that the following ten years will be different from the previous ones. Owns to be interested in what she says of Mrs Grenfell. States that he is not looking for a manager of his establishment [a house for female students] as Miss Clough has kindly consented to open their house for them. The latter cannot stay more for more than part of the year, and he may write to Mrs Grenfell about it. Suggests that his mother write to the latter to inform her that Miss Clough is coming for the present, but that they shall very likely want someone again soon. Adds that the right sort of person 'would be some one who was in a way devoted to female education, and had had experience in furthering it...' Asks her to tell Mary that she 'demoralizes' him. Reports that he is very busy with examinations, writing, and looking for a house. Relates that his friends tell him that he shall 'gain much of the experience of a Married Man before [he has] done.' Hopes to go to Rugby about the middle of July.

Add. MS c/101/152 · Item · 25 Jun 1861
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Explains that she has been 'a little out of sorts' since they arrived in Ambleside. Describes the position of Miss Clough's house, and the surrounding countryside. Reports that it is very wet that day, but that the previous day they were on the Lake for two hours. Thinks that Arthur looks 'comfortable well', and that William is better than she expected. Reports that Mr Wheatly Balme 'and his Bride' came to visit the previous day. Explains that the latter's brother is Vicar of Mirfield.

States that Arthur expected his friend Myers from P[ ] that morning, but that he had not appeared. Reports that they have newspapers and many books to keep them occupied. Describes a very hot day that she spent with Minnie and Bessie [Cooper?]. Refers to a conversation she had with Henry on D[ ]ham Down. Claims to have thought about his future life, and refers to the plan he mentioned at Brighton. Thinks of staying at Rugby for the present, where she 'could live comfortable whilst alone...' and states that his plans ought to take a more definite shape before she makes a move. Refers to a fire in London. Reports that Katie Lace is with her [in Ambleside], and sends her love to Henry.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/101/138 · Item · 14 Oct 1874
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that Minnie kept her well-informed about Henry when at Lincoln, and that his own letter told her more. Refers to his activities with regard to his lectures and book. Asks him to go to Rugby around Christmas, 'when A[rthur] S[idgwick] wishes to assemble [them] for his house warming.' Adds that Minnie and Edward cannot go because their boys will just have arrived home from school. Expresses a strong wish that he should come to Oxford. Adds that Mr Green has been asking her when Henry is coming. Reports that William and Isabel are recovering from colds. Asks if he had told her that Captain and Mrs Go[ ] lived at Cambridge, and asks him to send her the address of Mrs Go[ ]'s sister Be[ ]. Informs him that his godson Willy [Longsden] 'has been doing better lately + is promoted to a "Top hat" ' at Merchant Taylors' school.

Reports that the Committee of the Association for the Education of Women at Manchester have asked Miss Cannan to be Secretary 'for that [work] where she lives - [ ] Prestwick.' Suggests that Miss Clough might like to be informed of this. Claims that she is 'still in rather a mess with carpenter + masons + painters to follow.' Adds that she has two comfortable beds to offer to friends, and tells him to bear it in mind if he wishes to go to Oxford. States that William and Isabel would be pleased to see him [and Nora] and that Mr Green and his wife always have a welcome for him. Reports tha the Symondses have come home from Switzerland. Reports that Edward Sidgwick wrote to her to tell her another daughter of his was born some weeks previously. States that he was much interested in what Henry had to say about spriritualism, and that their friends the Cooksons told them that Henry was at the Lakes and talking on the subject.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/100/106 · Item · May 1872
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

In relation to Miss Brooke, declares that without being pretty, she is not ugly, and that her face 'shows feeling and intelligence when one looks close.' States however, that 'one has to penetrate a slight veil of dullness to see these qualities', and that 'there is not a particle of girlish attractiveness about her...' Asks Myers what he thinks of the proposal to tell Miss Clough that he [Myers] is a correspondent, and to arrange to go in some evening. In relation to the 'dear damsel', states that his experience of the correspondents [in the scheme for women's education] would not incline him to give a tragic interpretation to her silence. Refers to his own correspondents, who are all 'irregular and arbitrary in their ways, except one young strenuous well-trained governess in London, and the admirable and delightful Annie Thomas'. Announces that he is off to Rugby the following day, 'where the impending crisis [re headmaster Henry Hayman] still hovers. Invites Myers to breakfast on Sunday or Monday, 'and see one or two undergraduates.'