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SMIJ/1/14 · Item · 14 Feb. 1941
Part of Papers of James Smith

[St Paul Seminary, St Paul, Minnesota.]—Has learnt that Smith was given a civic reception on his arrival in Venezuela. Birch [Moody] has been transferred to Africa, Wilfrid and Dennis have become firefighters, and Illingworth is training as a mental nurse for soldiers. Remi Preston reviewed 'The Pool of Vishnu' [by L. H. Myers] unfavourably in the 'Dublin Review'. Wilfrid is happy about his marriage and is thinking of buying a pony and trap to transport fertiliser to his farm near the Malvern Hills. Harding is to publish an answer to Bewley’s note on Coleridge. Three of Queenie’s relatives have died [in an air-raid]. Daniel Rowe is a physical training teacher in the army. Dennis is ‘cultivating (perhaps even romantically) the acquaintance of a young Irish painter named Maureen’. Wilfrid’s new protegé is a sculptor named Walter Ritchie, a former student of Eric Gill who is going to prison shortly for conscientious objection. Leavis and Eliot have been reconciled after the former’s defence of 'East Coker' in the 'Times Literary Supplement'. The foundations of his spirituality have been shaken rather than built up at the seminary, but he cannot conceive any alternative except the horror of being ‘turned out’ in America again. Is eager to hear of any possibility of ‘anything in the East’. Is having the 'Catholic Worker' sent to Smith, though his interest in it has declined. Finds it difficult to speak to the other seminarians, except Henri Dulac, who is exceptionally intelligent. Is encouraged by recalling how he survived a previous emotional crisis at Cambridge and by the positive change in Illingworth’s fortunes.

SMIJ/1/6 · Item · [c. 8 July 1940]
Part of Papers of James Smith

Excelsior Springs, Missouri.—Is sorry that Smith’s ‘old distress’ has returned, and criticises Father Reeves’s response. Has felt lethargic since returning to America, but Mac [McLuhan] is ‘even worse off’ and Corinne [McLuhan] has suffered a nervous collapse after a series of parties. Deplores the current patriotic mood in America and the attitude of the Church, as exemplified by Jim Farley and Father Coughlin. Is anxious for the arrival of his books. Would appreciate some guidance from Leavis about his career. Sends greetings to the Singletons, Father Gilbey, and the Leavises. Has received «Scrutiny» and is reading «Gil Blas». Dennis [Enright] is ‘going to Evesham to pick plums with students from Birmingham’ and Remi Preston is thinking of moving to Leamington. Asks how Godfrey [Lienhardt] and ‘the young man who was psychoanalyzed’ fared in their exams; Birch Moody did well, but Illingworth is in a panicky state. Looks forward to the publication of Smith’s book on Shakespeare. Will return to England when he can. ‘Christopher Dawson’s last piece in Scrutiny was really quite true, & Leavis’s constant talk about standards & intelligent living seems more important to me the more hopeless it becomes.’