Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee. Dated Nov. 7 1918 - Tells him not to come; thinks Frazer & Green should be sold, but that it wouldn't sell well at the moment; hopes [Moncrieff?] will not cause any further problems.
Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee - Thanks her for her letters describing their time in Zurich, is impressed how well James handles his troubles; hopes to negotiate a good size dividend from Frazer & Green; is convener of a General Committee for the [University College, Dundee] Jubilee and is very busy.
Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee. Dated November 7, 1918 - Tells him not to come; thinks Frazer & Green should be sold, but that it wouldn't sell well at the moment; hopes [Moncrieff?] will not cause any further problems.
Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee - Thanks him for offering to send the book written in Frazer's honour; has been reading Hartland's Ritual and Belief that he thinks Frazer would agree with; will retire, doesn't see much fruit from his 54 1/2 years of teaching; received a letter from Capstick who has been unwell; family members are well; comments on the varying qualities of portraits of Frazer; Ninian [Frazer] wants to sell Frazer & Green but no one wants to pay a good price.
Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee - Frazer's letter to 'The Times' [about the Kiev Beilis trial] reminds him of an 1878 concert in which they stood to respect the Russian national anthem amid a storm of hisses; says Sam [Frazer?] must be made bankrupt in order to avoid repetition of 'the old story'; is settling Frazer & Green affairs, and gives details on the percentages, dividends, and numbers of shares held.
Frazer & Green Ltd., Manufacturing Chemists, Aerated Water Manufacturers, 127 Buchan Street, Glasgow, C.1. - Asks if he would sell any shares to the company so that a Manager of the Belmont Place branch may buy them.
Accompanied by the envelope, redirected from Trinity College to The Midland Grand Hotel, St Pancras N.W.1.