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TRER/3/46 · Item · 28 May 1923
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Harnham, Monument Green, Weybridge. - Asks if Trevelyan is coming on June 15th [to the annual Apostles' dinner] as he wants him to reply to the toast to Exclusiveness which is to be proposed by Lytton [Strachey]: Lytton feels that he can only speak with 'ease and abandon' if he knows that Trevelyan will be following him. Other speakers will discuss the other 'minor virtues': Secrecy, Fertility, Incompetence, and Hilarity. Is going to the Isle of Wight on Thursday.

TRER/15/238 · Item · 24 Feb 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Furzen Wood, addressed to Julian at 7 Villa Brune, Paris XIVᵉ, France. - Found [James] Joyce's "Exiles" at the Shiffolds and has sent it to [Umberto] Morra, so whatever Julian sends he need not include that. Had a good evening with the Bottomleys [Gordon and Emily] on Sunday. The work at the Shiffolds seems to be 'getting on well now'. The fifty pounds has been paid into Julian's account. He and Bessie both enjoyed their week in Paris very much.