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TRER/3/53 · Item · 10 May 1932
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer. - Enjoyed the opera [Trevelyan and Tovey's "Bride of Dionysus"] very much, and is glad his praise pleased Trevelyan. Confesses that he would have liked to see the Minotaur. Ackerley is leaving the B.B.C. and may be available as a literary editor if Trevelyan wants him: perhaps he could talk it over with [Clifford] Allen. Is sure Sassoon would not do for this. Is 'fatalistic' rather than excited about politics; reserves his concern for interference with the rights of individuals, such as the Montalk case. Is going to Romania and would like to see Trevelyan beforehand.

TRER/3/48 · Item · 28 July 1924
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - Thanks Trevelyan for the cards. Does not have a suitable short story: perhaps the [un-named] translator would like to translate Forster's novels into Spanish; or someone could translate them into Dutch. Recommends T. F. Powys, Osbert Sitwell, L. P. Hartley, Naomi Mitchinson and Somerset Maugham as short story writers. Invites Trevelyan to visist on Sunday or Monday to meet Ackerly [sic: J. R. Ackerley], who has recently returned from Chhatarpur. Will send C[lifford] Allen a message to make sure he does not come over and find him out.

TRER/23/47 · Item · 10 Jan 1936
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Has just received Elizabeth's letter. Has not seen Morgan [Forster]; asked Ackerley, who does, if he could, and to let him know when he could visit. Has not heard anything, so expects Ackerley felt 'any visitors save a very few would be exhausting'. Gives Ackerley's address at the BBC so she can write and ask him to ask Morgan what Miss [Margaret?] Dickinson should be told. Thanks her for giving him the 'latest news': he was 'out of date', not having seen Ackerley for three days.

TRER/46/320 · Item · [Aug 1924]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking. - Strange that Macaulay 'did not care for [Theocritus'] Idyll XIV, which seems 'as good in its way as the fifteenth' to Robert. Looks forward to going through Macaulay's notes on Theocritus when he is at Wallington. Is about to walk to Abinger to see Forster; Dickinson, who was with Robert and Forster at Chattarpur twelve years ago; also 'a young man who is now the Maharajah's secretary [J. R. Ackerley], home on holiday'. So they will have to 'send the Maharajah a round-robin'.

Julian is home, looking well and 'fortunately not noticeably taller than last holidays'. They started reading Hamlet together this morning. Sends love to his mother.

TRER/3/205 · Item · 8 Aug 1933
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, London, W.1. - Has received Forster's card about Elizabeth Trevelyan: her wish to read prose is difficult, as the September audition is dedicated to poetry, there have been no prose readings in the programme for a long time and no more are planned as far as he knows. Clinton-Baddeley abridged a few Dickens novels about a year ago, and Ronnie Watkins did the same for Austen, but the BBC is unsure 'how many people want to be tied to their loudspeakers to hear a long novel out in weekly instalments'. Will talk to Lionel [Fielden: Talks producer at the BBC] on his return from holiday.

TRER/3/181 · Item · 22 Aug 1936
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - Came back yesterday from Dover. Will keep Miss Heisel's address, but probably will not employ her: has 'a few lame dogs' of his own, 'nothing like your pack', and doesn't want to be 'complicated by compassion' in the matter of the shorthand secretary for [T.E.] Lawrence's letters. Is already sending typewriting to 'arthritic Mrs Jones'. Bessie should talk to his mother about Dover and is welcome to borrow the flat in September: he and Ackerley have taken it on till the end of that month. Thinks Bessie, with Miss Simkins with her, would find it possible.

TRER/3/160 · Item · 20 Feb 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - Will not be able to come to lunch due to work on the house; hopes she had a good weekend at Littlehampton. Has sent off the index [to his biography of Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson] and just has the revised proofs to correct. Mrs Hardy has suggested that he edit her husband's letters to Mrs [Florence] Henniker; would have liked the job but feels he has done 'enough memorialising for the present' and will only do it if the pay is good. Terence Millin is the surgeon who uses diathermy; if Bessie sees her friend she could ask about him. Ackerley heard about him from his GP, Wadd of Richmond; Forster is sceptical; thanks Bessie for sympathy and support. Hopes to go to some of the Busch concerts.

TRER/3/159 · Item · 23 Jan 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - Has consulted Mr Williams [about prostate trouble], but not had a surgical examination as he only conducts these in a nursing home. Liked Williams very much; is still unhappy about the idea of the operation; there is no chance of cancer; encloses correspondence for her to see. Would like to visit on Tuesday. Ackerley recommends 'one Mellin [?] who does dia-thermoid [?] treatment': thinks this was the treatment Goldie [Dickinson] was unable to have.

TRER/23/129 · Item · 14 July 1921
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Chhatarpur, Bundlekhand, C. I. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter of 6 February; is 'greatly flattered' by the memories [of Trevelyan's visit with Lowes Dickinson and E. M. Forster in 1913] which it brings back 'with their original charm and sweetness', though he wonders whether it would be possible to relive that time. Glad that Trevelyan has 'introduced into English Poetry those scenes wh[ich] are dearly cherished in every Hindu heart' [a reference to Trevelyan's verse drama about Krishna, "The Pearl Tree"?]; if he ever comes again to India the Maharaja will have the play translated into Hindi and acted for him. Read Dickinson's "Magic Flute" with 'unabated interest': thinks it very characteristic of Dickinson, and well depicting 'the modern idea of truth', while Dickinson's 'pacifist views have come in very appropriately in that Drama'. Trevelyan's letter hinted that Forster intended to return to India, and the Maharaja 'naturally thought' he would come to him: he counts 'you people to be of my dear Tutor Sir Theodore [Morison]'s circle'. However, he learns with 'great surprise' that Forster has accepted a position at Dewas; does 'not know how he got there!'. Sure that Trevelyan, if Forster had consulted him, would have advised him to come to Chhatarpur; the Maharaja wanted Forster to 'correct the mistake' and come to be his 'companion', but he has refused. The Maharaja is 'greatly in need of a loyal [emphasised] & sympathetic companion of literary tastes - & practical experience of the World' but does 'not know how to find one!'.

Asks where 'our friend' Bertrand Russell is: his Christmas card was returned. Asks if Trevelyan ever sees Theodore Morison, or his friend T[homas] W[alker] Arnold; asks what Arnold's address is nowadays. Mr Haq is still at Chhatarpur, but Mr Mina has 'reverted to his British India service' and is working in an U[ttar] P[radesh?] D district. Received Trevelyan's Christmas card with the 'nice & promising attempt of the young Painter [Julian]'; hopes he will be like his father.