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SMIJ/1/94 · Item · 10 Jan. 1946
Part of Papers of James Smith

Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath.—Is glad Smith is safely back in Cambridge. Hopes he will enjoy a long holiday and that the British Council will at last treat him generously. Asks to stay with him when he comes [to Cambridge] to take his MA degree. Father Mark hopes to see Smith during his stay with Father Bonnar. The Colosseum and Arena are defunct, but the «Dublin [Review] is still appearing. Dawson is to lecture on Religion and Culture'. Refers to Dawson’s Judgment of the Nations, the work of Maritain, and Gerald Vann’s St Thomas. Blackfriars still appears; he believes Leavis exchanges it for Scrutiny. Father Reeves has been succeeded [as superior of the Cambridge Dominicans] by Father Delany.

SMIJ/1/87 · Item · 30 Aug. 1940
Part of Papers of James Smith

Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath.—Is well, and the frequent air-raids have not damaged their property. Is sorry on his own account that Smith is leaving [for Venezuela], but thinks there will be good work for him to do there. Gives details of Benedictine congregations in South America and encloses a letter of introduction. Is glad he now has a breviary. Offers to call on his aunt. Encourages him to read Dawson. Refers to the significant effect of the Eucharistic Congress at Buenos Aires in 1935 on other South American republics.

SMIJ/1/85 · Item · 14 July 1940
Part of Papers of James Smith

Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath.—Acknowledges that his last letter may have been inopportune, but hopes that Smith will consider his requests when he is rested. Argues against his opposition to the war, referring to Dawson’s articles in the Dublin Review, and suggests that the ‘irascible’ side of Smith’s nature is obstructing his reason. Is disappointed that Smith feels unable to use Hamson’s letter, as he thinks that employment in the War Office would be little different from employment as a state teacher, though he acknowledges that, given Smith’s opinions, he might find the atmosphere there intolerable. Has not been able to sound D. Christopher [Butler] on Mirfield. Air-raids are frequent. Recommends a place to buy breviaries and commends him for saying part of the Office daily. ‘If you can spare my type-script of your paper to the boys here I’d be glad to have it back.’ Bernard [Orchard] found Smith’s As You Like It article difficult to follow but ‘pregnant’.

SMIJ/1/84 · Item · 5 July 1940
Part of Papers of James Smith

Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath.—Hopes he is doing well despite the air-raids, which they too have experienced. Is pleased that Christopher Dawson has become editor of the Dublin Review, and hopes that Smith will complete his article on Shakespeare in time for the October number, for the instruction of Doms Illtyd [Trethowan] and Bernard [Orchard]. The former is waiting for a letter from Smith on Aristotle. Is delighted that Bewley got a first and hopes he will find his vocation soon. Asks whether the ‘Mays’ [the Easter term examinations] were held; Downs has not been sending him the papers. Would like to discuss Nostromo with him. Is studying Eliot’s Elizabethan Essays and asks for a list of Smith’s articles on the subject. Is glad that his last letter was helpful.

SMIJ/1/80 · Item · 10 Apr. 1940
Part of Papers of James Smith

Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath.—Thanks him for his kind comments about his stay at Downside and hopes that his visit to the Davenports ended pleasantly. His oculist says there is nothing wrong with his eyes. Urges him to ‘go easy on’ the enclosed letter from Campbell [1/31] and emphasises the necessity for simplicity of style and explicitness in writing for the «Dublin Review». Recommends a chapter in Dawson’s Medieval Religion for Smith’s ‘Ixion’s wheel article’. Confirms that the angel in Holcombe church is modern. Thanks him for the two days he spent in Wells and Bath at Smith’s expense.

SMIJ/1/7 · Item · 16 Aug. 1940
Part of Papers of James Smith

[Excelsior Springs, Missouri?]—Is depressed by the moral tone of America and more than ever convinced of the necessity of political activity. Expresses his low opinion of Roosevelt and Willkie, and encloses a photograph and a cutting to illustrate his feelings. Leavis and Cuttle sent him letters of recommendation, but most of the vacancies had been filled by the time he applied. Has ‘half a promise’ of a job at Vassar next year. Louisiana University, one of the places he applied to, is said to have become ‘nothing but a foot ball factory’. Has resumed his plan to study for the priesthood and has been encouraged by some good elements in the American Church, such as the «Catholic Worker» group in New York. Is considering three alternatives: the Paulists, the Benedictines at St Anselm’s Priory in Washington DC, and the secular priesthood in Minnesota. Intends to prepare himself for a period in ten or fifteen years’ time when he expects that intelligent literary activity will have ceased to perform any function in America and the only useful function will be of a political nature. In an American college he would only ‘succumb’, but he might be of some use as a priest. Is grieved at Smith’s ‘emotional and spiritual crisis’ and is glad he is no longer seeking Father John [Reeves]’s advice. Asks him to tell the Franciscans of his plans. Expects his books to arrive next week. Advises him not to be upset by Christopher Dawson [see 1/85]. Will have the «Catholic Worker» sent to him.

SMIJ/1/6 · Item · [c. 8 July 1940]
Part of Papers of James Smith

Excelsior Springs, Missouri.—Is sorry that Smith’s ‘old distress’ has returned, and criticises Father Reeves’s response. Has felt lethargic since returning to America, but Mac [McLuhan] is ‘even worse off’ and Corinne [McLuhan] has suffered a nervous collapse after a series of parties. Deplores the current patriotic mood in America and the attitude of the Church, as exemplified by Jim Farley and Father Coughlin. Is anxious for the arrival of his books. Would appreciate some guidance from Leavis about his career. Sends greetings to the Singletons, Father Gilbey, and the Leavises. Has received «Scrutiny» and is reading «Gil Blas». Dennis [Enright] is ‘going to Evesham to pick plums with students from Birmingham’ and Remi Preston is thinking of moving to Leamington. Asks how Godfrey [Lienhardt] and ‘the young man who was psychoanalyzed’ fared in their exams; Birch Moody did well, but Illingworth is in a panicky state. Looks forward to the publication of Smith’s book on Shakespeare. Will return to England when he can. ‘Christopher Dawson’s last piece in Scrutiny was really quite true, & Leavis’s constant talk about standards & intelligent living seems more important to me the more hopeless it becomes.’