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TRER/23/85 · Item · 18 Mar 1910
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Bankes' Arms Hotel, Studland, Wareham. - Has taken rooms for a week at Agglestone House, Studland [Dorset], which is 'rather a beastly sort of "lodging-house"' but it is very hard to get accommodation in this area. Since the station, at Swanage, is around four miles away and transport has to be sent specially it would be 'more convenient and cheaper' if as many people as possible could arrive together. [C.P] Sanger and [Ralph?] Hawtrey come on Thursday; has not yet had any answer from Bertie [Russell] or Crompton [Llewelyn Davies]; [Saxon] Sydney-Turner cannot come. Asks Trevelyan which train he will arrive by, and how much luggage he will bring; would be possible to leave luggage at the station to be collected and walk to Studland.

TRER/17/6 · Item · 19 Apr [1919?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

British Museum, W.C. - Lucky that he did not come [to visit Bob, see 17/4], as he developed flu; is alright now, and asks if the weekend of 17 May would work instead. Hopes the Shoves came; has not seen them; sure Francis [Birrell?] arrived. Has been 'deluged' with proofs for "Jap[anese] Poetry", "The Story of Ts'ui Ying-ying ", and "More Translations from Chinese", though the last is not due to be published until September so he need not rush. Asks if Bob would be kind enough to look it over after Miss [Beryl] de Zoete, who is 'fairly good at spotting howlers'. The sum he mentioned as a possible fee from the Art Theatre '[for Bob translating Aeschylus' "Prometheus", see 17/2?] was too large; believes it would be about twenty-five pounds, but this is unofficial. Enjoyed James [Strachey]'s piece about Claudel's "L'Otage" in the "Athenaeum", as well as Lytton [Strachey]'s essay on Lady Hester Stanhope [in the issues of 4 and 11 April]; it 'ought to be rather an entertaining periodical under its new management'.

Received a cheque for a hundred and forty five pounds from Constable; this seemed very little, but it turned out to be for his cousin Adolf Waley for "The Re-making of China". He himself had sold about 1300 copies [of "A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems"] by 31 December. Asks Bob whether he agreed terms with Constable for his [translation of Sophocles'] "Ajax"; heard that he could not do so with Unwin. Yoshio Markino visited him yesterday and 'got very excited trying to write down his favourite Chinese poems'; however, he could not remember the characters and 'sat holding his head in his hands & groaning'; he learned them in Japan as a child, nearly fifty years ago. Heard from [Goldsworthy Lowes] Dickinson 'discovering a "Chinese passage" in Shakespeare'; has 'not quite succeeded in deciphering his letter'. Dickinson also told him that Thomas Hardy prefers Cranmer-Byng to him which is 'hardly surprising'; he was 'astonished' to hear Hardy liked his own versions at all. Ezra Pound is going to settle at Toulouse, where he will 'wake up the sleepy Meridionals'. Wonders if [John] Rodker's [Ovid] Press has begun to print yet; feels he should order some books from it, but knows he would 'hate them so when they came'. Has got a gramophone and 'catalogues of all the exotic music of the Globe' but does not know how to choose. Has lots of 'India, Chinese, Lithuanian, Russian, Arabian, Serbian, Hungarian and Spanish records [to choose from?]'; has only got Mozart and rag-time at present.

TRER/15/297 · Item · [1919]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Originally enclosing a copy of the petition for [Thomas] Sturge Moore. They have got [Gilbert] Murray to sign, and he thinks also [H.A.L.?] Fisher; they are trying to get [Arthur?] Balfour. Bob would like to get [Robert] Bridges, [Edmund] Gosse and [Thomas] Hardy; this copy would do for Gosse too if there is a chance of him signing. Thinks [Laurence] Binyon or [Henry] Newbolt is approaching Bridges. Thinks Eddie said [Siegfried] Sassoon knew Hardy well; has another copy of the petition if he thinks it is worthwhile asking Sassoon to try. They now have letters from [John] Masefield, [George Bernard] Shaw, Lascelles [Abercrombie], [John] Drinkwater and Gordon [Bottomley], and [William Butler] Yeats is sure to send one too. Sorry that he could not come to Eddie's prize-giving; it seems 'a very good choice'. Has told the Shoves to send Eddie Fredegond's latest poems. Sees that a number of Civil List Pensions have just been announce, and fears this may make it more difficult to get one for Sturge Moore.

TRER/46/156 · Item · 'Sunday' [27 Mar 1910?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Agglestone House, Studland, Wareham, Dorset.- Is here for a few days with [Bertrand] Russell, [Charles] Sanger, [Ralph] Hawtrey 'and another [Gerald Shove: see 23/85]'; will return home on Wednesday or Thursday. Bessie was very well when he left, and writes that 'she and baby [Julian]' remain so. She has much enjoyed the Röntgens' visit to the Shiffolds; Robert spent the day with them in London on Wednesday.

This is 'quite a nice place, with an interesting coast'; has never been to Dorset, so is '"enlarging my geognosis", as Bertie says'. Hopes his father is well and that his parents are having good weather 'at last'.

TRER/22/12 · Item · 17 Dec 1945
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Lilac Cottage, Grantchester Rd, Cambridge. - Thanks Trevelyan for sending his poems, which she is much enjoying: good to have 'real poetry', and to feel 'one will go on finding true pleasure as time passes'. Sure Gerald [her husband] will also love them. He has just recovered from a 'bad attack of Bronchitis' and has been left 'very tired'. Is 'so glad' Trevelyan likes Mr Wood's [?] poems: the one which she seems to like best at the moment is dedicated to her, but there are many she likes very much. Asks him to give their joint regards to Mrs Trevelyan; will 'always remember' her kindness.

TRER/24/105 · Item · Aug-Sept 1943
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Contains: poem, "The Flycatcher", by Sylvia Lynd; "Sicily" by S. S. [Sylvia Sprigge]; "Intellectual Conversation" by Arthur Waley, which mentions Maynard [Keynes], Francis [Birrell], Hugh Dalton, Roger Fry, Gerald [Shove] and Sebastian [Sprott]; sketch in memory of Edmund [not Edward, as on cover] Gosse by Max Beerbohm; poem, "Lying Among the Yellow Flowers", by Kenneth Hopkins; poem, "Complaint", by Diana Lodge.