W[est] H[ackhurst]. - Is glad that both Trevelyan and Bessie like the Notes [see 3/72] and think they will do for the Abinger Chronicle. R.B. is Reggie Bray. Wishes the Trevelyans had always edited the Chronicle; previously did not like the 'critical standard that controlled it' and found contributing 'uphill work'. Florence [Barger] is away with Evert; no doubt she will ring Bessie soon. Forster would like to come over too. Glad Trevelyan has seen Bertie [Russell]. The P.E.N. flyer on which the letter is written is 'an indication not an invitation'.
30 July 1944
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
June 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
Contains: poem, "The Pilot", by 'Aircraftman E. M. Skipper'; "The C Minor of that Life" by E. M. Forster; "The Fight for Woodhouse Hill", by Reginald A. Bray; poem, "Where I Wander", by Denton Welch; "When It Wilts" by S. S. [Sylvia Sprigge].