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FRAZ/29/86 · Item · 30 Dec. 1930
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

7 rue Crussol XIe - Thanks him for his letter on the activity of their 'comité champenois' and their researches, which are experimental confirmation of some parts of 'The Golden Bough', and serve as the spreading of scientific methods, the aim of his late uncle's efforts [Marcel Sembat?]; regrets not attending Madame de Pange's reception; will write de Pange about the 'comité normand' and will try to interest [Maurice?] Allinne and Jouen in it; Nicolas Bourgeois was pleased to meet them and get their support for his attempt to transform his Franco-flemmish Society into a local Folklore Committee.

Accompanied by the envelope.

FRAZ/4/5 · Item · 9 Jun 1922
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

L'Europe Nouvelle, 92 Rue de Miromesnil, Paris - Thanks him for his letter, admires him, apologises for the long delay in keeping his promise to Lady Frazer, is sending a review of 'Adonis' to 'Monde Nouveau', and fears it will not appear until the next month; is pleased to hear that Trinity is providing room for his library; his 'uncle' Marcel Sembat and aunt are going to Chamonix, but he will tell them the news of the Frazers' plans for the autumn.

FRAZ/33/197 · Item · 17 June [1924?]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris - In reply to her query about needing a new contract, he says that a new contract may need to be agreed upon with Geuthner, as the Annals du Musée Guimet are under the direction of [Joseph] Hackin; his role as treasurer of funds is ending as well and he will give her the remaining 2500 francs immediately; believes it would be desirable if 'Atys et Osiris' were published in the Annals as he could look at the translations before printing; for the rest of the work, he thinks Hackin would be disposed to continue printing it in the Annals; the death of their common friends the Sembats [Marcel Sembat and Georgette Agutte] does not change his feelings towards them; arranges to meet.