63 cuttings announcing or reviewing 'Totemica', including two copies of Bernard Malinowski's review in the March 19, 1938 issue of 'Nature', and two of A. L. Morton's review in the April 1938 issue of 'Criterion'; there is also a review by E. N. Fallaize in the 'Manchester Guardian' and by Frederick J. Gould in 'The Literary Guide' of November, 1937. Two additional cuttings relate to 'Greece and Rome'.
Vinchelez, Chase Court Gardens, Enfield, Middlesex. Dated August 28th 1911 - Forwards abstracts of three papers to be discussed at the discussion of totemism at the Portsmouth meeting of Section H of the British Association, as per Dr [W. H. R.?] Rivers's instructions: 'An Interpretation of Totemism' by A. A. Goldenweizer, 'On the Relations between Totemic Clans and Secret Societies' by Hutton Webster, 'Totemism as a Cultural Entity' by F. Graebner.
Bound album of 72 cuttings and offprints, primarily reviews of 'The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion' and 'Aftermath'.
Reviews of 'The Fear of the Dead' include a presentation offprint of a review in 'Revue de Synthèse' signed by André Varagnac (possibly originally with his letter to Sir James and Lady Frazer dated 18 Sept. 1935, housed as FRAZ 33/433); other reviewers include Ruth Benedict ('New York Herald Tribune'), Warren Dawson ('Folklore'), E. Dhorme ('Revue de l'Histoire des Religions') and Paul Valéry ('Revue de France'). Reviews of 'Aftermath' include those by E. N. Fallaize ('Manchester Guardian'), R. R. Marett ('The Observer'), E. E. Kellett ('News Chronicle'), Sir Alexander G. Cardew ('Literary Guide'), E. H. Blakeney ('Record'), A. L. Morton ('Criterion'), and H. J. Rose ('Man'). There are also several miscellaneous cuttings, including the announcement of William Wyse's estate bequests, with a description of the bequest in support of social anthropology; and Frazer's poem 'Trumpet Call of Peace' printed in the 'Times' 17 Oct. 1935, and a manuscript translation of the poem into French in an unidentified hand.
Chale, Sidcup, Kent - Thanks him for his letter and replies to the enquiries made about fertility ceremonies; is glad to hear he has finished the Ovid commentaries; has written to [E. N.] Fallaize and believes he will arrange for publication; corrects the title Frazer uses for Juxon Barton, he is an Assistant Secretary to the Government in the Secretariat at Nairobi; hopes his trip abroad allows him to weather the English winter.
'Vinchelez', Chase Court Gardens, Windmill Hill, Enfield, Middlesex - Thanks him for his letter thanking him for making an occasion a success, a reunion at Cambridge; is glad Lady Frazer was recognised: 'What struck me so very much at the time, however, was how much our science owes to Lady Frazer'.
"Vinchelez", Chase Court Gardens, Windmill Hill, Enfield, Middlesex - Encloses a letter from the Council of the Royal Anthropological Institute with their congratulations [Letter FRAZ/4/2/49 in the collection]; is disappointed to hear he cannot come to the annual meeting; mentions Elliot Smith's letter to the 'Times' about the necessity of a Central Bureau for anthropology while ignoring the work the Anthropological Institute has done, and asks if he could write a letter to the 'Times' in defence of the Institute.
Royal Anthropological Institute - Congratulates Frazer.
Vinchelez, Chase Court Gardens, Enfield, Middlesex - Forwards printed abstracts of three papers to be discussed at the discussion of totemism at the Portsmouth meeting of Section H of the British Association, as per Dr [W. H. R.?] Rivers's instructions: 'An Interpretation of Totemism' by A. A. Goldenweizer, 'On the Relations between Totemic Clans and Secret Societies' by Hutton Webster, 'Totemism as a Cultural Entity' by F. Graebner.
"Treberfedd", Bodorgan, Anglesey - Thanks him for his nice letter following the death of her brother Baldwin Spencer and in response to her query regarding journals and notices referring to him; will write to E. N. Fallaize.
Accompanied by the envelope.
50 cuttings, most of them relating to 'The Native Races of Africa and Madagascar', from publication announcements to reviews, including a review by E. N. Fallaize in the 'Manchester Guardian'. There are also cuttings about Frazer unrelated to the book.
12 Kempley Rd, Hampstead, N.W.3. - Thanks him for the Frazer Lectures volume.
7 reviews (and 10 duplicates), including reviews by E. N. Fallaize in the 'Manchester Guardian', Charles M. Beadnell in 'The Literary Guide', and Ernest Beaglehole in the 'Journal of the Polynesian Society'.