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Archival description
O./11a.4/8/11 · Item · May 1914
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Ticks, some crossed through, and other annotations in pencil and red crayon. Many items are marked 'B'; a note states that these were bequeathed to Trinity by Rev. G. A. Browne, Vice-Master, in 1843. Signature of Anatole von Hügel [Curator of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology] acknowledging receipt of items on 27 May 1914 at the bottom of the sixth sheet. The last sheet is a note by C. B. Hurry, Sub-Librarian, listing items which were found some years after 1914 'tucked away in dark corners' and 'sent (as part of the loan of 1914)' to the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology on 5 May 1924.

O./11a.4/8/5 · Item · [early 1920s]
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Headed 'Trinity College Library. List of Inscriptions and other stones from the well (inside main entrance) to be sent to the Fitzwilliam Museum (Council Minute Oct. 1922). With numbers from the Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. Note at bottom: 'I have copied the numbers from Mr D. S. Robertson's labels. C. B. Hurry'. Two copies, one with note in pencil at top, 'Copy sent to J. B. 14 Feb. 1924), and renumbering in pencil.